Branding It’s not just for Four-Legged animals Todd E. Siebels Marketing/PR Chairman Carolinas District of Kiwanis
Marketing and Branding CAN work for Kiwanis! Marketing serves to build recognition and awareness. While, branding serves to differentiate a product, program or an organization through creating a unique service proposition. What makes Kiwanis recognizable/memorable? What makes Kiwanis unique? Why do we exist? Why should someone join Kiwanis?
Kiwanis Defining Statement “A global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.”
Do something different Chinese Proverb Behold the turtle. He makes progress only when he sticks his neck out... Keep doing what you are doing – keep getting what you are getting. Be willing to try something different.
Using Media to Spread the Word Newspapers Community Bulletins Magazines Radio Television Internet
Developing a new branding campaign Tool Kits for Clubs: Marketing and Public Relations Handbook Promotional Materials, Print Ads and Billboards Public Service Announcements for Radio and TV
Implementing a strategy… Identify a chairman and a supporting team Develop a marketing and branding strategy supported through a Public Relations campaign Get started!
FREE Advertising Methods Newspaper / press release –Submit articles with a photo to newspaper every opportunity –Letter to the Editor –Do not get discouraged. –They never print what they don’t receive - keep sending!
Public service announcements Download PSAs and give to your local media They will play it – if you give it to them. Radio / PSA
TV Local talk shows be a guest on your community talk show. Tell them about the benefits Kiwanis brings to the community. News - members appear on TV to give information on upcoming Kiwanis events.
…Connect with the audience’s emotions …Convey visual images through words and photos …Celebrate success and show results A good story will…
Deadlines, lead times and beats, oh my! Understanding the Media
Message Preparation Describe / Differentiate Concisely “Every year, Kiwanis clubs donate over $100 million and sponsor over 150,000 service projects that include…”
News was news News was mostly local-regional The established media determined what was important/relevant Individuals relied on a few media outlets to stay informed Twenty Years Ago The Media Environment
News is “ Info-tainment ” News goes global instantly The Internet grants individuals access to a sea of information and opinions Word-of-mouth has gained credibility over wide stream media Today The Media Environment
Resources available to help you spread the word: You Are Not Alone PR and Marketing Handbook One Can Make a Difference Toolkit Kiwanis International staff
Get a GEEK Produce website Division photo gallery updates to membership and past visitors of upcoming speakers and events Monthly newsletter online summary of what happened at the meeting for those not able to attend.
Other Ideas - Spread the word Be a speaker at organizations to inform them of Kiwanis and it’s mission –American Legion –Senior Groups –Church Groups –Parent Teacher Associations –Book Clubs
Other Ideas Billboards Clubs in your division pay for local billboards. Leads generated are given to the clubs that participated financially. Cost $45 per sign displayed for 1 month. Outdoor sign companies are happy to display on unsold spaces. Generic or customize / design your own.
Other Ideas - Recruit New Members Send letters to local businesses explaining why they need to be represented in a local Kiwanis club Visit local business owners with the same message Add visitors to the mailing list. Post website on all materials.
Other Ideas - Participate in charity events –Relay for life –March of Dimes –Children’s Miracle Network –Special Olympics –Always have members wear something to identify themselves as Kiwanians
Other Ideas - Give Certificates of Appreciation –Print “Thank You” certificate –Include a Kiwanis sticker –Buy frames from Dollar Store –Present to businesses for appreciation
Other Ideas - New Citizen Packet Club brochure w/contact information to give to new residents. When have events, post flyers in businesses and schools. Include information about how to become a member. “Come join in the fun!” “You are invited!” Example: Hand out cards while ringing bell for Salvation Army.
Other Ideas - Speaker Gifts for $2.50 Get nice hardback books from the Dollar Tree. Put a Kiwanis sticker in back of book with club name and logo presented in honor of Guest Speakers Name Donate book in their name to a school library.
Other Ideas You are Invited! Only pay shipping
Resources Download this presentation, links, PSAs, website templates and sample forms at:
Live out of your imagination, not your history. - Stephen Covey Good Luck!
Life’s Little Instructions… When meeting someone you don’t know well, extend your hand and give them your name. Never assume they remember you even if you’ve met them before.
Life’s Little Instructions… Have a firm handshake
Life’s Little Instructions… Look people in the eye.
Life’s Little Instructions… Buy whatever kids are selling on card tables in their front yards.
Life’s Little Instructions… Stand at attention and put your hand over your heart when singing the national anthem.
Life’s Little Instructions… Be punctual and insist on it in others.
Life’s Little Instructions… Be kinder than necessary.
Life’s Little Instructions… Never cut what can be untied.
Life’s Little Instructions… Wave at children on school buses.
Life’s Little Instructions… Be as friendly to the janitor as you are to the chairman of the board.
Life’s Little Instructions… Buy ladders, extension cords, and garden hoses longer than you think you’ll need.
Life’s Little Instructions… Show extra respect for people whose jobs put dirt under their fingernails.
Life’s Little Instructions… When there is a hill to climb, don’t think that waiting will make it smaller.
Life’s Little Instructions… Answer the easy questions first.
Life’s Little Instructions… Buy raffle tickets, candy bars and baked goods from student who are raising money for school projects.
Life’s Little Instructions… When there is a piano to be moved, don’t reach for the stool.
Life’s Little Instructions… Never ignore evil.
Life’s Little Instructions… Encourage anyone who is trying to improve mentally, physically, or spiritually.
Life’s Little Instructions… Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
Life’s Little Instructions… When you see visitors taking pictures of each other, offer to take a picture of their group together.
Thank you! Todd E. Siebels (252)