Foreign Policy Linnea Bassin ED 639 Dr. Helms
Unit Foreign Policy and National Defense Senior Government Chapter 17 Section 1
Objectives Define foreign policy and understand the difference between isolationism and internationalism. Explain the functions, components, and organizations of the Department of State. Summarize the Functions components, and organization of the Department of Defense and the military departments.
Materials Computer with Internet Access and connected to a television. Pretest Textbook Notebook paper
Web Site #1 Future Diplomats This site is a good reference for the students. It is a site created by the State department for Students.
Website #2 U.S. State Department The students are going to use this website as a supplement to their textbook. This will be part of their last assignment.
Website #3 Defense Department This site will be used as part of the last activity to supplement their textbooks.
Website # 4 US Foreign Policy This website is maintained by the State department and lists many documents about past policy by the U.S.
Website #5 Magruder’s Website This site is a supplemental site to our textbook. There is an activity for chapter 17 that gives them more information on Isolationism and Internationalism.
Activities Pre-test Notes on Presentation Web Activity see Magruder’s website Discussion on Isolationism and Internationalism. Duties of State and Defense Departments.
Activity #1: Pretest Students will take a pretest to determine their prior knowledge on the State and Defense department. To view the pretest click the icon below.
Activity #2: Notes Students will take a few notes on the reading. The text is pages This will be used to emphasize vocabulary and new conceptions for the students.
Activity #3: Magruder’s Website Students will go to website and read material on isolationism and Internationalism. Students will take notes to help them in the discussion.
Activity #4: Discussion Students will discuss Isolationism and Internationalism. They will look at the various positions that the U.S. has taken in the past. Students will also discuss what stand should the U.S. currently take.
Activity #5: Duties of Departments Students will go to the State Department and Defense Department Websites. They will use the websites to supplement their book. Students will write 1-2 pages describe what these departments do and where, if any do their duties overlap.
Isolationism to Internationalism Domestic Affairs- All issues not related to Foreign Affairs. Foreign Affairs- the nation’s relationship with other nations. Isolationism- a purposeful refusal to become generally involved in the affairs of the rest of the world. WWII ended US Isolationism. All Foreign Affairs affect the U.S.
Foreign Policy Defined Foreign Policy- Stands and actions that a nation takes in its relationships with other countries. Some aspects remain unchanged. (ie: freedom of the seas) Some aspects change. (relationship with Soviet Union)
State Department Collin Powell current Secretary of State Many Bureau’s to handle regions or specific duties. Foreign Service- diplomats Ambassador- official representative of the United States to foreign nations, appointed by Presidents.
State Dept (cont.) Special Diplomats- UN or NATO. Passports given by State Department Diplomatic Immunity- diplomats can not be arrested, sued or taxed. They can be sent back to their country if they violate laws.
The Defense Department Unify armed forces Civilian controlled Secretary of Defense is Donald Rumsfeld. Pentagon main location Joint Chiefs of Staff includes head of each branch.
Military Departments Army, Navy and Air Force Headed by Civilian Army- Ground Forces, responsible for land action Navy- Sea Warfare and defense Air Force- Air warfare and defense Marines are part of Navy Department but with their own commander answer directly to Sec of Navy.