Marbury V. Madison The Principle of Judicial Review
The Case The Supreme Court heard a case dealing with a lame duck president’s judicial appointments. On his way out, President Adams appointed all of his guys to judicial posts. The new Secretary of State, James Madison, refused to give them their commissions (contracts) William Marbury asked the SCOTUS to review Madison’s actions under the Judiciary Act of The Supreme Court ruled that the Judiciary Act was in violation of the constitution, particularly Article III. This case established the Court’s role in interpreting the constitutionality of the laws that congress makes.
Judicial Review Judicial review is the act of the Supreme Court of the United States to analyze laws and say if they are constitutional or not. If a law violates the constitution it is unconstitutional.
Marbury V. Madison (1803) Marbury V. Madison was the first court case where the Supreme Court declared a law unconstitutional. The court set a precedent for all other cases. Can you think of some popular Supreme Court cases where the court has struck down laws?