1 Introduction of Taiwan Cultural & Creative Industries Development Plan 2005/11/14
2 1 BACKGROUND A.The Cultural & Creative Industries Development Plan has been passed by Executive Yuan at 31 st May of 2002 as one of the most important plans among the “Challenge 2008:Key Plans for National Development” B.The Cultural & Creative Industries Development Plan is executed by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Government Information Office, Council for Culture Affairs, Ministry of Education, Ministry of the Interior, National Council on Physical Fitness and Sport. C. The Cultural & Creative Industries Promotion Office is acting a role of window for connecting Government department and their plans.
3 Definition Those activities which have their origin in creativity or cultural accumulation, and which have their potential for wealth and job creation through the generation and exploitation of intellectual property, and promoting the living environment. Categories Visual Arts, Music & Performing Arts, Cultural Facilities for Exhibition & Performance, Crafts, Film, Television & Radio, Publishing, Architecture, Advertising, Design, Designer Fashion, Creative Life, Digital Entertainment 2 DEFINITION & CATEGORIES
SCALES Industry CategoriesCompany / StudioRevenue (Thousand) Production Value (Thousand) Employment Visual Art 3,063 (-5.90%) 5,073,675 (-7.75%) 3,653,046 (-7.75%) - Music & Performing Arts 872 (18.16%) 5,608,674 (40.61%) 3,869,985 (40.61%) - Cultural Facility for exhibiting and Performing 240 (17.07%) 2,069,086 (173.40%) 1,427,669 (173.40%) - Crafts 10,676 (0.58%) 66,780,112 (5.11%) 38,064,664 (5.10%) - Film 659 (-5.32%) 13,122,719 (5.76%) 6,561,360 (5.76%) 5,867 (21.85%) Television & Radio 1,762 (-1.51%) 97,044,745 (0.39%) 48,522,373 (0.39%) 31,834 (4.35%) Publishing 3,328 (4.33%) 72,709,036 (8.82%) 43,625,421 (8.82%) 39,005 (-2.51%) Advertising 11,175 (5.55%) 140,404,031 (14.47%) 42,121,209 (14.47%) 42,162 (4.90%) Design 1,925 (5.42%) 48,236,087 (32.84%) 34,247,622 (32.84%) 14,530 (7.58%) Designers Fashion ---- Architecture 8,294 (9.88%) 73,720,545 (12.34%) 56,027,614 (12.34%) 15,391 (37.6%) Creative Live ---- Digital Entertainment 7,948 (4.91%) 19,975,013 (6.25%) 13,782,759 (6.25%) ( 待補 ) Totel 49,942 (3.99%) 544,743,724 (10.48%) 291,903,722 (10.78%) ( 待補 ) Unit: NT. dollars
5 Increase Cultural & Creative Industry production by 50% Increase employment opportunities in the Cultural & Creative Industry by 50% Increase Cultural & Creative Industry consumption from 13.5% to 15% of total household expenditures Double the award received in international contests Increase 5 times of Cultural & Creative Industry International branding. 4 GOALS
6 3 Develop the Art Industries 4 Develop the Key Media Industries 5 Develop Design Industries 2 Establish the CCI Resource Center 1 Reinforce the CCI Network 1.1 Reinforce the CCI Coordination Network 1.2 Establish the CCI Internet Coordination Network 1.3 Develop Event Industries 1.4 Reiforce IPR Protection 2.1 Setup Training Resource Center 2.2 Establish the Taiwan Design Center 2.3 Establish the CCI Park 2.4 Establish the National Multimedia Business Development Center 3.1 Talented Person Exchange and Training 3.2 Creative Art Industries 3.3 Digital Art Creation 3.4 Traditional Crafts Technology 5.1 Activation Design Promotion 5.2 Develop Design Resource 5.3 Research of Design Issues 4.1 Promoting Film Industries 4.2 Promotion TV Industries 4.3 Develop Pop Music Industries 4.4 Develop Publishing Industries 5.5 Taiwan Design Movement Furniture Design Creative Live Design Textile & Fashion Design Commercial Design Architecture Design Design Exhibition Design Education International Exchange 5.4 Develop Design Industries 4.5 Develop Digital Leisure Entertainment 5 SRATEGIES & MEASURES
7 6 Achievement 1. Establish a Cultural & Creative Industries Promotional Organization 2. Establish Cultural & Creative Industries Coordinate Counsel System 3. Strengthen the Financial System 4. Enhance Promotion of Cultural & Creative Industries 5. Establish an Educational Resources Alliance 6. Setup Cultural & Creative Industries Law & Regulation 7. Establish a Taiwan Design Center 8. Establish Creative Cultural Parks 9. Plan and Promote Movie Industry Project 10. Taiwan Design Exhibition
8 A.Setup Cultural & Creative Industries Service Platform. B.Support Executive Yuan Cultural & Creative Industries Instructs Committee Members Meeting & Operation. C.Coordinate with Ministry of Economy Affairs Cultural & Creative Industries Committee Members Meeting & Operation. D.Setup Cultural & Creativity Industries Official Website. E.Coordinate plus Develop Cultural & Creative Industries Strategies. F.Cultural & Creative Industries Related Data Collection & Management. G.Coordinate on Personal Training, International Exchange, Technical Counseling. H.Assist Coordination of Cultural & Creative Industries Promotion. 7 MISSION of CCIPO
9 8 Contact Details Cultural & Creativity Industries Promotion Office Website: Telephone: Fax: Address: 3F, No41, Sinyi Road Sec. 3, Taipei 106, TAIWAN