Kris Horn Santhoshi Smitha Thota Uday Chandra Karrotthi
A Scenario
Introduction to HACS What is HACS? –Acronym for Home Appliance Control System –Integrates wireless devices and home appliances Purpose of HACS –Enables users to remotely control home appliances using their wireless devices SAVES TIME & RESOURCES!!!
Overview of HACS HACS Cell Phone PDA Oven TV Alarm
Overview of HACS (contd.) It is a system controlled by remote devices like: –Cell phones –PDAs –Palm tops –Laptops etc. In turn it controls, monitors and co-ordinates home appliances like: –Air conditioner –Alarm –Oven –TV etc.
Why HACS will work 1.Two places at once 2.Saves time 3.Save money (Long run) 4.Self Maintenance 5.Laziness
Assumptions User can operate computer, WAP enabled mobile phone, or a PDA. Servers are always on. Communication Link. Appliance are assumed to be on and in working condition.
Appliances Offered
Appliance Features Oven Control Temperature Control Duration Set Mode
Appliance Features (contd.) Air Conditioner Set Temperature Set Time Fan On/Off
Appliance Features (contd). Fire Alarm
Use Cases Actor:
Use Cases (contd.)
Class Diagram
Interaction Diagrams Model the dynamic aspects of a system. Show the interaction of any kind of instance in any view of a system’s Architecture (classes, interfaces, components, and nodes). Model the system as a whole. Are attached to use cases to model a scenario Sequence diagram Emphasizes time ordering of messages. Depicts the lifeline of objects. Collaboration diagram Emphasizes structural organization. Potentially easier to model complex interactions
Sequence Diagrams 1. Setting parameters of an appliance
2. Get Status Sequence Diagrams (contd.)
3. Configure an Appliance Sequence Diagrams (contd.)
4. Alarm Alert Sequence Diagrams (contd.)
Collaboration Diagram 1. Set parameter
2. Get Status Collaboration Diagram (contd.)
3. Configure an Appliance Collaboration Diagram (contd.)
4. Alarm Alert Collaboration Diagram (contd.)
Statechart Diagram Shows a state machine, consisting of states, transitions, events, and activities. Represents the dynamic view of a system. Models the behavior of an interface, class or collaboration. Emphasize the event-ordered behavior. Useful for reactive systems.
1. Whole System Statechart Diagram (contd.)
2. Hacs Controller Statechart Diagram (contd.)
3. Microwave Oven Statechart Diagram (contd.)
4. Air Conditioner Statechart Diagram (contd.)
5. Fire Alarm Statechart Diagram (contd.)
Activity Diagram
Object Diagram
Component Diagram
Deployment Diagram
Future Work Finalize Diagrams Begin Coding Construct the HACS GUI