Communication: Are You Letting People In or Shutting Them Out?
Just Because You Build It Doesn’t Mean They’ll Come
The problem with most of our approaches is that we believe that more of what we are currently doing will magically get persons excited and connected. It Won’t.
Get Do See
Prevalent View Communicate/ Broadcast Energize Engage/ Connect
21 st Century: Engagement Age Communicate Energize Engage/Connect
Consider These Statistics Which makes you most comfortable purchasing a product? 8% Website 15% Advertisement 22% Newspaper 76% A friend recommended it Best source for advice on a new product? 21% Television 26% Newspaper/magazine 35% Info services (Consumer Reports) 67% Another consumer who owns the product I trust this type of advertising 45% Radio 45% Television 50% Magazine 90% Recommendations from consumers
Age of Engagement Success Stories Tea Party Barack Obama The greatest communicator—Jesus— engaged/organized, energized his group, then went about broadcasting
Some Myths of Communication The More Choices, the Better Advertising Creates Interest People Care About What You Say
Strategies to Change It Up! Know Your Audience Remove Barriers to Entry Reduce the Noise Tell One Story at a Time Untangle the Web
Next Steps You can’t get what you want until you let go of what you do have.
Then the master told his servant, Go out to the roads and country lanes and compel them to come in, so that my house will be full. Luke 14:23