Introduction to the SQF 2000 Code
SQF Introduction The SQF Institute (SQFI) is a division of the Food Marketing Institute (FMI), an association that conducts programs in public affairs, food safety, research, education and industry relations on behalf of its 1,500 member companies. The SQF Institute was established by FMI in 2004 to administer the SQF Program and is located in Arlington, Virginia. SQFI provides one of the most globally recognized food safety and quality certification programs. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code The SQF 2000 Code is divided into three certification levels. Suppliers receive an SQF certificate for the level of certification achieved. 1: Food Safety Fundamentals 2: Certified HACCP Food Safety Plans 3: Comprehensive Quality Management Systems Development 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code The SQF 2000 Code has 13 Sections: Section 1 Scope Section 2 References Section 3 Definitions Section 4 SQF 2000 System Requirements Section 5 Food Safety Fundamentals – Building and Equipment Design and Construction Section 6 Food Safety Fundamentals – Prerequisite Programmes 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code - Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements: 4.3 Specification and Product Development 4.3.1 Product Development and Realization 4.3.2 Raw materials 4.3.3 Packaging 4.3.4 Contract Service Providers 4.3.5 Contract Manufacturers 4.3.6 Finished product 4.4 Attaining Food Safety 4.4.1 Food Legislation (Regulation) 4.4.2 Food Safety Fundamentals 4.4.3 Food Safety Plan 4.4.4 Food Quality Plan 4.4.5 Incoming Goods and Services 4.4.6 Corrective and Preventative Action 4.4.7 Non-conforming Product or Equipment 4.4.8 Product Rework 4.4.9 Product Release 4.4.10 Stock Rotation 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code - Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements 4.1 Commitment Senior Management should provide evidence of commitment to implement, maintain and improve an effective Food Safety Quality Management System. 4.1.1 Management Policy Senior Management must prepare and implement a Policy Statement that includes: Commitment to supply safe, quality products How the organization complies with its customer and regulatory requirements and continually improves the food safety quality management system Commitment to establish and review food safety and quality objectives The Policy Statement must be: Signed by the most senior responsible person Available in all languages necessary in order for it to be understood by all employees and staff Displayed so that it is available to all personnel and effectively communicated 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code - Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements 4.1.4 Management Review Senior Management is responsible for reviewing the entire Food Safety Quality Management System at a minimum annually and maintaining records of the review. Senior Management Review/ Annual Food Safety Quality Management System Review - Senior Management must review the Food Safety Quality Management System at least annually. The review procedure should be documented and reviews include: The policies included in the Policy Statement Internal and external audit results Corrective Actions and the results of their investigations and actions taken Customer complaints and the results of their investigations and Review of Changes to Food Safety & Quality Plans - Food Safety Fundamentals, Food Safety Plans and Food Quality Plans must be reviewed when any changes have an impact on product safety and quality. Validation of Changes to Plans - The SQF Practitioner should validate changes to Food Safety Fundamentals , Food Safety Plans and Food Quality Plans that have an impact on product safety and quality. Records of All Reviews - Records of all reviews, reasons for amending documents, validations and changes to the Food Safety Quality Management System need to be maintained. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code - Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements 4.1.5 Complaint Management There should be a documented procedure for handling customer complaints which includes details of who is responsible for investigating the cause and resolution of customer complaints. Methods of Responsibility Documented – There should be a documented procedure for handling and investigating complaints which includes the responsibilities for investigation and resolution of complaints from customers and authorities. Analysis of Complaints - Complaints should analyzed by personnel with relevant knowledge. Corrective Actions from Complaints - Corrective Action should implemented commensurate with the seriousness of the incident. Records of Complaints - Customer complaint records with details of investigations should be maintained. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code - Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements 4.4.7 Non-Conforming Product or Equipment Methods and Responsibilities for Nonconforming Product - Documented procedures should describe how non-conforming product or equipment is controlled. Non-conforming product or equipment should be identified and quarantined to prevent it’s inadvertent use. All relevant staff should understand quarantine and release procedures Records of Non-conforming Product – Records of non-conforming product and its alternate use or disposal should be maintained. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Code - Section 4: SQF 2000 System Requirements 4.7 Site Security 4.7.1 Food Defense - The Supplier must document and implement a plan to prevent sabotage or terrorist incidents at the facility. Method and Responsibilities for Product Defense – A documented procedure including responsibilities and criteria for preventing food adulteration caused by a deliberate act of sabotage or terrorist like incident should be in place. A food defense protocol should be prepared and include: The Senior Manager responsible for Food Defense Controls that are in place to ensure that only authorized personal have access to sensitive areas through designated access points Controls that are in place to ensure that to protect sensitive processing points from intentional adulteration Controls that are in place to ensure that there is secure storage of raw materials, packaging, equipment and hazardous chemicals Controls that are in place to ensure that to ensure that finished product is secure during storage and transportation Controls that are in place to record and control access to the premise by employees, contractors, and visitors 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - 5.2 Food Handling Areas 5.2.5 Lighting and Light Fittings Sufficient Lighting - There should be sufficient lighting in food processing and handling areas. Lighting Intensity - Lighting in processing areas and at inspection stations should be of sufficient intensity so that the staff to carry out their tasks. Light Fittings - Light fittings should be shatterproof, have a shatterproof covering and/or recessed into or fitted flush with the ceiling. 5.2.6 Inspection Area Inspection Area Designated – When required inspection areas should be provided for the inspection of product. Facilities - Inspection area facilities should be sufficiently adequate to allow examination of the product. There should be access to hand washing facilities. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - 5.2 Food Handling Areas Cleaning of Processing Equipment, Utensils and Protective Clothing - Processing equipment, utensils and protective clothing should be effectively cleaned. Utensils and Protective Clothing - Appropriate areas should be designated and controlled for cleaning product containers, knives, cutting boards and other utensils and protective clothing. Adequate storage should be provided for clean utensils and clothing. 5.2.11 Hand Washing Facilities Location of Hand Washing Facilities - All personnel access points should have hand wash facilities. Hand wash basins should also be provided as required in food handling and processing areas. Hand Wash Stations - Hand wash basins shall be constructed of stainless steel or similar impervious non-corrodible material and have potable water supplied at an appropriate temperature through hands free taps, liquid soap dispensers, hands free paper towel dispensers, a paper towel disposal facility and hand sanitizers. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - 5.2 Food Handling Areas For exposed, processed or high risk foods: Additional Hand Washing Stations - Additional hand wash basins should be provided as required. Signage – Advisory hand wash signs should be placed in prominent position at hand wash stations. 5.2.12 Protective Clothing Racks Temporary Storage of Protective Clothing - Racks should be provided for protective clothing when staff leaves the food handling and processing areas. Location of Protective Clothing Racks - Protective clothing racks should be provided near to personnel access points. 5.2.13 Vehicles Vehicles Designed so as Not to Present a Hazard - Vehicles used in food handling and storage areas should not represent a food safety risk. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - 5.4 Storage Facilities 5.4.2 Storage of Dry Ingredient and Other Shelf Stable Packaged Goods Dry Goods & Ingredient Storage - Rooms used for the storage of product ingredients and other dry goods should protect materials from contamination and deterioration and be located away from wet areas. Light Fittings - Light fittings should meet the requirements of section 5.4.3 Storage of Packaging Storage Rooms - Food packaging storage areas should protect packaging from contamination and deterioration and be located away from wet areas. Storage areas should be pest proofed and prevent packaging becoming a harborage for pests. Light Fittings - Light fittings should meet the requirements of section Storage Racks – Storage racks should be impervious and enable floors and the storage room to be cleaned. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - 5.8.1 Access to First Aid First Aid Facilities are Available - First aid facilities should be provided to treat minor injuries. Arrangements should be provided for circumstances in which a person may require more specialized care. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - Section 6.0 Food Safety Fundamentals Clothing Worn by Staff Handling Product – Protective clothing worn by staff in food handling area should be stored, laundered and worn so as not to pose a food safety hazard. Protective clothing worn by staff in high risk food areas or operations in which clothing can be soiled should not wear the clothing off the premises. Condition – Protective clothing should be maintained in good condition and be clean at the start of each shift. Excessively soiled uniforms should be changed as required so not as to pose a risk to product. Using Gloves and Aprons - Disposable gloves and aprons should be single use, kept in good condition and changed every time personnel enter into the food handling or processing areas. Non-disposable aprons and gloves should be cleaned as required and when not in use stored appropriately. 20/10/09
SQF 2000 Requirements - Section 6 Food Safety Fundamentals 6.3 Training of Personnel. 6.3.1 Training Requirements Appropriate Training for SQF 2000 - Training should be provided for personnel carrying out the tasks critical to the food safety quality management system and tasks related to food safety and quality. 6.3.2 Training Program Elements of the Employee Training Program – A Training Program should be documented and implemented for all employees. Documents should include the necessary competencies for specific duties and training methods. Staff training should include: Good Manufacturing Practice Pre-requisite Programs Food regulatory requirements Instructions defined in the Food Safety Plan Instructions critical to maintaining food safety Tasks critical to meeting customer requirements Tasks critical to the effective implementation and maintenance of the food safety quality management system 20/10/09
So were you paying attention? Review So were you paying attention? Which of these is not a section in the SQF 2000 Code?: Click on the most appropriate answer. SQF 2000 System Requirements Food Safety Fundamentals - Building and Equipment Design and Construction Food Safety Fundamentals - Prerequisite Programmes HACCP Application 20/10/09
Which of the following should a Policy Manual include?: Review Which of the following should a Policy Manual include?: Click on the most appropriate answer. A summary of the food safety and quality policies and food safety Management system procedures A policy statement and organization chart The scope and products covered by the certification All of the above 20/10/09
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Correct Click here to continue The SQF 2000 Code has 13 Sections: Section 1 Scope Section 2 References Section 3 Definitions Section 4 SQF 2000 System Requirements Section 5 Food Safety Fundamentals - Building and Equipment Design and Construction Section 6 Food Safety Fundamentals - Prerequisite Programmes Section 7 Requirements for foods in hermetically sealed containers Section 8 Implementing an SQF 2000 system Section 9 Principles and Application of HACCP Section 10 Certifying SQF systems Section 11 The SQFI Audit and Certification Management System and Supplier Database Section 12 SQF 2000 Trademark – Rules for use Section 13 Requirements for a multi-site organization HACCP application is defined in Section 4.4.3 Food Safety Plan Click here to continue
Correct Click here to continue Policy Manual - A Policy Manual containing an outline the methods used to meet the requirements of this Standard must be made available to relevant personnel and include: A summary of the food safety and quality policies and food safety management system procedures A Policy Statement and Organization Chart The scope and products covered by the Certification Click here to continue