How To Give Credit to Others When Researching Citing Your Work
If it’s brand new information to you, you must cite it in your paper.
Or it is “plagiarism”…that is, “stealing someone else’s ideas” and pretending that they are your own?!
Did you pick Reliable Resources? Did the websites have academic integrity? Correct, unbiased, credible info Do check author’s background Find who really is “behind that website” – Ex: Understanding Sylvia Plath’s suicide Problem with Wikipedia – many unreliable authors
Works Cited Details Citation Guidelines - MLA style . t. Citation Guidelines - MLA style * New! Because a variety of formats are now being used by students, MLA requires including the medium of the source (Ex: Print, Web, DVD, Television) Put at the end of the citation
BOOKS or Print Book with Single Author Lopez, Steve. The Soloist. New York: Penguin Publishing Co, 2008. Print. Book with Two Authors Roberts, Kenneth, and Philip Schakleton. The History of the Kayak. Toronto: Macmillan Press, 2005. Print. Book with More Than Two Authors Bailey, John, et al. Modern Pop Culture. Lexington: Heath, 2004. Print.
Encyclopedias Fogel, Daniel. “Jack London”. World Book Encyclopedia. 2008 ed. Print.
The Internet * Other Changes: MLA no longer requires the web address of an online source. Why? Web pages change often and the same article is sometimes found in other places. However, your teacher may want you to include the URL, depending on the assignment. EX: Jones, Joel. “Wearing Out the Internet.” Internet Concerns. 23 Aug. 2008. Web. 13 Nov. 2009.
Looking More Closely Jones, Joel. “Wearing Out the Internet.” Internet Concerns. 23 Aug. 2008. Web. 13 Nov. 2009. Author. “Title of Webpage”. Name of Home Page. When the page was written. WEB. When YOU found it.
Find the 2 Mistakes! Hathaway, Cassie. “How To Dress Creatively for a Dance. ” Teen Support Guide. Web. 9 Oct. 2010. “How to Enjoy Homecoming Cheaply.” Teen Support Guide. ( n.d.) Web. 06 Oct. 10.
Find the 6 Mistakes! Charlotte Wallace. How to Paint Miniatures”. Edmonds Arts Home Page. Sept. 2009. ____ 15 Oct. 2010
The Good News Online HELP: Citation Machine “Son of Citation” * Noodle Bib Easy Bib *
Finding the ISBN International Standard Book Number On back of book – or inside Verso page, at bottom