City of Westlake P ublic I nvolvement & P ublic E ducation Program
Westlake Watershed Group Citizen’s advisory committee for Phase II regulations Formed in Summer ‘04 11 initial members Group meets quarterly on Friday mornings before work
Founding of W.W.G. Solicited for members in Mayor’s Newsletter, city website, City Council Meetings and direct mailings to properties abutting creeks throughout city. Meetings overseen by Director of Engineering and Storm Water Discharge Coordinator. Members were all Westlake residents, business owners or city employees. Originally seen as a “sounding board” for Phase II policies.
W.W.G. Members 32 people in WWG Constant growth Who we are… Residents City employees Engineers Biologists / Scientists Business owners & employees Educators City Council members
Why use citizen based group? Local control = local interests Great sounding board for project ideas Broadens lists of contacts New ideas / resources Local history, experience Expertise in multiple fields Macroinvertabrate biology, organic lawn care, pond maintenance, organic gardening, chemistry, education, engineering, construction, …
GO GREEN Westlake In 2007 the WWG blanketed our PIPE efforts under our “Go Green” program. Program designed to recognize efforts of citizens & businesses using Eco-friendly practices. Yard signs & stickers displayed in front yards, at schools & on doors of vehicles and businesses to generate interest in program. Going Green for use of Rain Barrels, Rain Gardens, organic fertilizer use, water quality BMPs, etc.
Effectiveness of GOing GREEN Low cost to city – production of signs High recognition of logo Provides information for contact – website address Generates a lot of “neighborhood marketing” Neighbors talking to neighbors about Going Green
Educational Media City website links to videos, pamphlets, outside resources upcoming events, workshops
Educational Media Mayor’s Newsletter Quarterly mailing to all residences & businesses Effective, highly read publication Provides notification of upcoming events, messages & opportunities to join WWG
Educational Media Community Television Channel Broadcasts of self-produced videos Crocker Rd. Water Quality Basin Rain Barrel Workshop
Educational Media / Public Involvement School Programs Name the Stream & Coloring Contests Kids essay contest to name a stream thru city park Coloring contest showing importance of pollution prevention Winning entries made into banners and displayed in park Retention Basin Design Program High School Environmental Science Class designing a retrofit of existing basin to a water quality basin School Rain Garden and Rain Barrels New high school and middle school incorporating water quality BMPs in their design – to be used / maintained by environmental clubs in each building
Educational Media Posters Broad-based messages to change resident behavior. Fertilizer use -2011, Car Washing Self-produced or modified from other organizations. Distributed to public buildings, schools, churches or businesses where target market was.
Educational Media / Public Involvement Rain Garden Workshop Spring 2008 Rain garden created at Recreation Center (high visibility) Signs explaining benefits / uses of rain garden & available resources / contacts for building your own Available fliers, books on building gardens Rain Barrel Workshop Spring 2011 Rain Barrel installation / benefits explained at workshop Workshop videotaped and put online for reference Rain Barrels & diverters used were available for discounted purchase by attendees
P.I.P.E. Program How & why? Marketing research done in 2008 on effectiveness of public media outlets for Westlake Feedback from WWG members Feedback from citizens & businesses Phone calls for city services Attendance & comments at workshops Highly cost-effective & easy for residents to use
Where we’re GOing GREEN The future of the Westlake PIPE program Continue with regular meetings of W.W.G. Always look to add new members & new ideas. Continue with annual workshops – Rain & Garden Show Produce related annual educational messages to be tied in with appropriate community involvement activities Stay flexible and look to change in most effective way to get out the message or involve another community group.
Why We’re Proud of our PIPE Local control & involvement Low cost to the city – annual budget of $ Effective messages and workshops.