By Hayley Caronia
Photochemical smog is usually found above a city, where there is a city. Smog is a thick brownish haze formed when rain, or water vapor mixes with the emissions from the city. This can cause health issues for people with asthma or other repertory problems.
the three fossil fuels are natural gas, oil and coal
Pollution is mostly caused by mot vehicles such as cars, trains, airplanes etc. All of this pollution is caused by people and our stupid actions.
The three R’s are Reduce, Recycle and Reuse. These are solutions of how we can break down solid wastes so we don’t pollute and throw our garbage everywhere.
Three ways to clean up an oil spill are… The boom>>to control and tame the oil in one spot. The skimmer>> to help separate the oil from the water and pump the oil so we can still use it Fertilizers>> to clean the shore, and to make microorganisms grow and eat the some of the oil
1>> we can walk to closer places we need to go. 2>>don’t pour any chemicals down your drains, they can pollute our water! 3>> use more natural items around your house.
1>> paint fumes 2>> animal wastes 3>> hairspray 4>> nail polish 5>> air conditioning 6>> cigarette smoke 7>> bad food/moldy
Sewage is everything that makes its way down your sinks, showers, and toilets.
Groundwater is water that is stored in layers of soil and rock beneath earths surface.
A drought is a long period of time when water is scarce and it hasn’t rained.
Sediments are small particles of sand and rock
Water pollution can effect other places far from its source by traveling through people, and animals.
Ozone is a form of 0 3. It forms a protective layer in the Stratosphere. This layer protects us from UV rays. The greenhouse gasses hold in heat. The greenhouse gasses can also cause global warming. Ozone is toxic to breathe in the Troposphere also. This can be very dangerous.
The contamination of earth’s water, land and air because of daily human activities
Strip- mining is the process of obtaining coal. This is not good because it buries top-soil underground.
A temperature inversion is when a warm layer of air pushes down and traps the cold layer of air beneath it with the pollutants and holds it close to earth’s surface witch causes health problems.
Rain the becomes more acidic because of pollutants and emissions
A system using a device to remove pollutants from emissions using a stream of water droplets
Radioactive wastes are wastes that are formed from a nuclear power plant
Wastes that can be very harmful to humans and animals if they are not disposed correctly.
Catalytic converters are devices that reduce emissions of carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons, and nitrogenoxides.
Empty packages Paper plastic Food scraps
The burning of solid wastes. This can give off gases.
Elderly people, babies and people with repertory problems should watch out for warnings like that and stay inside.
A sanitary landfill is a process of discarding solid wastes. A sanitary landfill is a dump, but much better for the environment. They are filled and covered from topsoil and they are planted on the top.
The biggest oil spill was the Exxon Val Des In Alaska.
Hazardous wastes are produced in a Nuclear Powerplant.
Global warming is the increase in temperature from pollution. This is not healthy because at some point its going to get so hot, earth will become uninhabitable.
Troposphere Stratosphere Mesosphere thermosphere Ionosphere Exosphere
Fronts are boundaries where air masses meet but do not mix