Research Call Information Seminars Research and Codex Division University Limerick, Thursday 11 th April DAFM Offices, Backweston, Monday 15 th April
Presentation Background & Context Strategic Planning Call 2013 topics evaluation process awards
Priority Setting-National Research Prioritisation Exercise (NRPE) Need to focus funding on research that will stimulate economy in short term Year long study overseen by independent Steering Group Outcome – 14 priorities; 5 very relevant to agri-food: –Sustainable Food Production & Processing –Food for Health –Manufacturing Competitiveness –Processing Technologies and Novel Material Also recognises need for underpinning platform technologies Action Plans being worked through PAG
The Research Continuum Enterprise Ireland R&D Programmes Companies DAFM’s FIRM, RSF & CoFoRD Research Institutions BasicPre-Applied /AppliedCommercial Industry / Academia schemes EU FP7
Objectives of DAFM’s Research Programmes
COFORD Council Forest Research Working Group (CCFRWG) Formed mid 2012 – to develop a Strategic Research Agenda for Forestry 10 Meetings to date & Stakeholder Consultation completed Broad Thematic Areas under consideration– include Land availability & Forest Expansion Forest Sustainability & Productivity Recovery & Value added Forestry & the Environment Forest Protection Ecosystem services Prioritisation of Research Ideas nearing completion SRA for forestry – Anticipated publication mid 2013 Used as basis for 2013 Call topics Development of a SRA for Forestry
Processing Consumers Primary Production Food Research Ireland Stimulating Sustainable Agricultural Production through Research & Innovation Sensory Science Food Supply Chain Safety & Integrity Marine Origin Foods Crop Production Fresh Cut Produce & Cereal Based Foods Aquaculture & Catching Fisheries Animal Production Dairy Meat Prepared Consumer Foods Supply Chain Sustainability Primary Output by €1.5bn Value-add by €3bn Exports to €12bn Forestry Wood Product s Capacity Building Consumer Understanding
Call 2013 FIRM RSF CoFoRD Research Plus
Call 2013 topics
Call 2013 funding mechanisms
Call 2013 funding mechanisms (contd)
Research plus Objectives: To add value, through further research, to the outputs of recently completed or nearly completed projects; To encourage researchers to apply their research findings for commercial gain. To provide additional funding to get the research to a point where applicants are in a position to apply to Enterprise Ireland for future funding; Eligibility: PI’s who have completed a FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD project in the last 24 months or in the coming 12 months Objectives: To add value, through further research, to the outputs of recently completed or nearly completed projects; To encourage researchers to apply their research findings for commercial gain. To provide additional funding to get the research to a point where applicants are in a position to apply to Enterprise Ireland for future funding; Eligibility: PI’s who have completed a FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD project in the last 24 months or in the coming 12 months
Food Research Ireland Stimulating Sustainable Agricultural Production through Research & Innovation CoFoRD Programme Calls for Research Proposals Expert Evaluation Panel DAFM Competitive Research Funding Committee DAFM Awards Results IndustryFarmers Evidence to underpin Policy End Users DAFM procedures managed by Research Division Stakeholder Consultation On-going Monitoring Shortlist Proposals Proposals above 60%
Evaluation Process Three stage evaluation process: 1.DAFM assessment focusing on eligibility & completeness 2.External expert evaluation panel Internationally recognised academics, industry and public sector representatives. All proposals ranked based on final score (subject to threshold for SEF criteria for FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD proposals) 3.Projects achieving an overall score of at least 60% DAFM Competitive Research Committee: Recommend funding
Evaluation Criteria - Projects
Evaluation Criteria – Sensory Science (Stage 1)
Evaluation Criteria – Research plus
Application Process Guidelines and application forms can be downloaded from: uscoford/ Completed applications will only be accepted electronically in PDF format to: by 1pm Tuesday 7 th May for the Main Call and by 1pm 30 th April for Network for Sensory Food Science (EOI)
Costing of Proposals Eligible costs are set out in the Guidelines documents Staff costs: –contributions to the salaries of staff contracted to work on the project at the relevant minimum point of the ‘New Entrant’ scale (IUA/equivalent scale) –€6,000 (max) toward post grad fees for up to 4 years and will fund stipends at flat rate of €16,000 pa Equipment: –Major items not eligible for funding. All equipment must be depreciated (refer to guidelines)
Costing of Proposals (ctd.) Consumables: –must be directly related to the project and clearly identifiable Overheads –Up to 30% of directs costs for scientific-type research & up to 25% of directs costs for desk studies –Calculation excludes equipment, sub-contracting and other agreed costs Other Agreed Costs –External assistance – specific guidelines –Other – description and justification Examples of Ineligible Costs set out in FIRM/RSF/CoFoRD guidelines
Award Process
Thank you Phone: 01 –