U NIT 1 Section 2.3 Carbon Compounds
A. C ARBON C OMPOUNDS 1. Organic compounds-any substance structurally containing Carbon a) Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen are usually bonded to Carbon
B. L ARGE C ARBON M OLECULES 1. Monomer: single molecular unit 2. Polymer: 3. Macromolecule:
C. M OLECULES OF L IFE 1. 4 organic compound classifications: a) Carbohydrates (_______) b) Proteins (_________) c) Lipids (_______) d) Nucleic Acids (_______)
D. C ARBOHYDRATES 1. Carbohydrates (Carbs.): made of ___________ 2. Name of Carb will end in “ose” 3. 3 types a) Monosaccharides b) Disaccharides c) Polysaccharides
D. C ARBOHYDRATES 4. Monosaccharide: a) Monomer of carbs b) Simple Sugar c) Example: _________ ___________ is used for energy to do cell activities
D. C ARBOHYDRATES 5. Disaccharides: a. Two Monosaccharides b. Double sugar c. Example: Sucrose=
E. C ARBOHYDRATES 6. Polysaccharide: a) Three or more monosaccharides b) Example: _______(stored sugar)
c. Glycogen – animal starch Stored in liver and muscles to provide power and regulate blood sugar levels. d. Plant starch Stores energy for future use. Example: potatoes & carrots
e. Cellulose Makes up cell walls: plants Strength, rigidity, flexibility: plants f. Chitin – exoskeletons of insects
7. F OODS THAT HAVE LOTS OF CARBOHYDRATES FALL INTO 2 CATEGORIES a. Simple carbs Sugars Highly processed grains – white bread, white rice, & pasta b. Complex carbs Whole grain foods, fruits and vegetables
E. P ROTEINSP ROTEINS 1. Used to carry out cell activities like: Muscle contraction Biological reactions Enzymes Antibodies Transportation Structure and Support
E. P ROTEINS 2. Amino Acids: the building blocks of proteins a) R-Group- 20 different b) Changing the R-Group will change the shape of protein, changing the protein’s _________
E. P ROTEINS 3. Peptide Bond: bond formed between _______________ 4. Polypeptide: _______ Amino Acids bonded together
F. L IPIDS 1. Lipids (fats): large, nonpolar organic molecules that do not dissolve in water 2. Store energy efficiently 3. Fatty Acids: building blocks of lipids
G. L IPIDS b) Triglycerides: Provides more energy than carbs & proteins c) Phospholipids: Forms cell membrane
G. L IPIDS d) Waxes: Structural lipids, waterproof, used for protection e) Steroids: Makes up hormones & cholesterol
H. N UCLEIC A CIDS 1. Nucleic Acids: contain genetic (hereditary) information Composed of ________ (monomers) DNA (polymer): RNA (polymer):