The ARTEMIS tools for estimating the transport pollutant emissions Artemis project - EC DG Tren COST346 - Heavy duty vehicles emissions M. André, INRETS, France, M. Keller, INFRAS, Switzerland A. Sjödin, IVL, Sweden, M. Gadrat, CETE, France, I. McCrae, TRL, UK
1 Summary The ARTEMIS research project The ARTEMIS tools (road transports) –Field of application –Modelling principles and concepts –Operational aspects Implementation
2 The ARTEMIS research project Objective –Harmonized tools for estimating the pollutant emissions from the transports –Macroscopic (National) and Local approaches 42 partners, 15 countries, 5 years, 8.8 M€ COST346 action emissions / consumption from lorries Link with national research projects –F, A, UK, S, CH, etc.
3 Main results Real-world emission test procedures –Driving cycles, test method, uncertainty, recommendation Measurements and modelling of emissions –130 cars tested, database incl. 3,000 light vehicles –120 engine maps (lorries, busses) + transient tests –115 Two-wheelers tested –Cold-start, A/C, evaporative emissions –Focus on recent vehicles (Euro2 to 4) –Non-regulated pollutants and particulates Traffic characteristics (fleet, usage, driving conditions, etc.) Validation through measurements inside 3 tunnels Non-road transport (railways, air, maritime)
4 The Artemis tools Applications –Classical emission inventory (national, regional) –From Street level to Aggregated / Hourly - Yearly –Scenario calculation - alternative measures –Input for air quality models - local and temporal impacts Structure and content –Most pollutants - regulated - non regulated –Hot, cold start, evaporative emissions –Light and Heavy duty vehicles, motorcycles / non-road –By detailed category, technology, fuel, –Engine size, HDV weight and configuration, –Up to the EURO4 regulation and then, reduction rates
5 Heavy duty vehicles - emission model Transient Correction Fuel Quality Engine load, FC, emissions Normalized Emission Maps Driving resistances & transmission losses Gear shift model Power Engine speed Engine maps from 102 engines EURO 0 to EURO 3 Transient tests from 27 engines
6 Passenger cars - emission model Artemis database 2800 cars, 27,000 tests EURO 0 to EURO driving cycles Artemis database 2800 cars, 27,000 tests EURO 0 to EURO driving cycles Building-up of test patterns and reference emissions Speed curves Traffic situation TSi Test Cycles Axis i Axis k Axis j Correspondence Analysis Emission for a large range of traffic situations through representative speed curves Speed Acceleration time % Distributions
7 Modelling principles Heavy duty vehicles (and railway Diesel engines) –Engine maps, simulation of the vehicle operation –load and gradient simulation,Transient and fuel corrections Passenger cars –Interpolation amongst 15 reference conditions –Cold start, air conditioning, fuel evaporation 2-Wheelers and Light duty vehicles –Emission versus speed curves –Load (LDV), cold start / evaporative emission (2W) Maritime: emissions versus speed Airplanes: emissions by mode (taking-off, cruise, landing)
8 A local approach - by Traffic situations Strategic network (motorway, major road) Urb.Motorway, primary distributor Inner and local traffic Access Traffic (veh /h) Speed Free-flow Heavy Congestion Near saturation District level Representative speed curve times Emission Emission model (per category of vehicle) Urban Rural + Speed limit, gradient, sinuosity Road configurationxTraffic condition
9 Various approaches Average speed Detailed traffic situations –Better taking into account of the traffic dynamic Composite situations –aggregation of Traffic Sit. –Better approach of the congestion, etc.
10 Operational aspects Fleet model in 3 scenarios Fleet composition –Vehicle number per detailed categories Traffic activity –Vehicle x Km, per segment in urban, rural, motorway –Distribution per Traffic situations –Ambient conditions, starts, trips, parking characteristics and temporal variations Emissions concepts introduction –Years and shares Fleet model in 3 scenarios Fleet composition –Vehicle number per detailed categories Traffic activity –Vehicle x Km, per segment in urban, rural, motorway –Distribution per Traffic situations –Ambient conditions, starts, trips, parking characteristics and temporal variations Emissions concepts introduction –Years and shares Emission data set Hot, Cold start, Evaporative, regulated / non-regulated emissions data / functions Fuel quality New concepts reduction rates Emission data set Hot, Cold start, Evaporative, regulated / non-regulated emissions data / functions Fuel quality New concepts reduction rates Traffic Data Set Traffic scenarios Application cases Traffic Data Set Traffic scenarios Application cases Emission computation Total and per categories, etc. Hot, cold, evaporative emissions Emission computation Total and per categories, etc. Hot, cold, evaporative emissions Emission factors processor Aggregated and per vehicle category Emission factors processor Aggregated and per vehicle category
11 Application to Sweden 2005 and 2006 emission reporting Constitution of the traffic data Declination of mileage in: –33 road types –85 traffic situations 94% in Free-flow 3% in heavy traffic 2% 2% in saturated traffic, 1% in stop&go Good agreement with previous assessments Further applications: –Stockholm Urban Toll –Planning tools for road investments analysis –SIMAIR (air quality assessment)
12 Application to Sweden Further applications –Planning tools for road investments analysis –SIMAIR (Swedish model for assessing the air quality near the roads)
13 A local approach in Lille A link by link simulation Implementation of the traffic situation approach Validation, sensitivity Comparison with previous approaches Objectives: –development of the French tools for the infrastructure impact studies –Simulation of the air quality and exposure (for health impact studies)
14 Conclusions ARTEMIS - New European tools for pollutant emission calculation A significant research effort and a large number of new measurements –Most vehicle categories, regulated and non-regulated pollutant –Harmonized approaches at different scales A plate-form for assessing various projects and contexts Application to Sweden and other case studies Further developments: a European working group incl. the involved countries (D, A, CH, NL, S, F)