IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America LEMDist: e-learning and e-science workspace Jesús Cruz Guzmán, Luciano Díaz González, Larisa Enriquez, José Luis Garza Rivera, Moises Hernández Duarte, Carlos Pineda Muñoz, Miguel Álvarez Pasaye, Miriam Rivas, Ángel López Gómez, Ernestina Chávez Rodríquez, Mario García Burgos, José Luis Arjona Román, Jaime Flores Minuti, Eduardo Murrieta, Jorge Buen Día Gómez. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Catania Italy, December EELA Conference
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Project Aims are: –Build Technological support for: Different pedagogical approach in natural science teaching and The e-Science developers and users in their research. –Get web access to the equipment and another web service. LEMDist Aims
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Architecture Resources Layer Grid Layer Distributed instrumentation Simulation and modelation capabilities Interactive visualization Distributed data analysis with access to data base systems Experiment repository system Service Layer Access Layer
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Application Characteristics
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Grid Nodes UI SE & LFC CE + WN Job submission Browsing Information system File Copy RB Information Storage 1 2
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Data processing and presentation Filter Señal Filtrada Señal sin Filtrar ADCDACProcessing Señal analógica sin filtrar Señal muestreada digitalizada Señal filtrada digitalmente Señal analógica filtrada
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Permanent Magnetic Pendulum
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Implementation Multidisciplinary Experimental Laboratory (LEM) –Chemical enginery, –Food enginery, and –Industrial chemistry.
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America 12 – Channel Scanning Thermocouple Thermometer Food Engineering
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Operator intervention, – Control panel Tunnel temperature, Total time for sample and frequency sampling. –Sample collocation Remote access to a blast freezing tunnel –Temperature acquisition interface for different locations on the sample
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America JDL and sh File for Freezing Blast Tunnel [ Executable=""; StdOutput="BlastJob.out"; StdError="BlastJob.err"; InputSandbox={"./"}; OutputSandbox={"BlastJob.out", "BlastJob.err","datos.dat"} ] #!/bin/bash touch datos.dat /usr/local/src/getBlast.out
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Universal Lab Interface Basic Chemistry
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Acid Base quantification Calibration with pH4 and pH10
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Endothermic reaction
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Work Spaces physical social disciplinary institutional
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America e-learning system TUTOR Speciality area PROGRAM Work space administration Users Interaction Tematic area Administrating. Services: Notes. Problems Proposed. Problems Solved Activities. Bibliography and repositories Community definition, registration and administration Scheduled service Users Thematic access Scheduled access USERS Participation Comunity Users
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America JDL and sh File for ULI [ Executable=""; StdOutput="ULIJobM8.out"; StdError="ULIJobM8.err"; InputSandbox={"./","./ graficaULIDin1.gpl","./graficaULIDi n2.gpl"}; OutputSandbox={"ULIJobM8.out"," ULIJobM8.err","datos.dat","imagenD",""} ] #!/bin/bash touch datos.dat /usr/local/src/getULI.out gnuplot./graficaULIDin1.gpl gnuplot./graficaULIDin2.gpl
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Freezing times prediction in food engineering –Unsteady heat conduction –Transition phase –Parameter dependence on temperature –Geometry
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America HEAT TRANSFER PROBLEM
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America JDL and sh File for Food Engineering [ Type="Job"; JobType="Normal"; Executable=""; Arguments="congela4.out"; StdError="stderr.log"; StdOutput="congela4.txt"; InputSandbox={"","congela4.o ut","GraficaCongela.gpl"}; OutputSandbox={"stderr.log","congela4.t xt",""}; ] * #!/bin/sh # Changing execution permissions chmod u+x congela4.out # Executing Freezing Model./congela4.out # Generate Freezing Graph based on Freezing Modeling Program. # Using gnuplot gnuplot./GraficaCongela.gpl i i i x ---- x X n n- 1 n+ 1 tt tt i, n t, x = (0,0) N N-1
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Image processing techniques in frozen food evaluation. Food engineering processes involve: Measurement or estimation of the surface area and Volume of food materials.
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Implemented infrastructure: Service NameConfiguration Service n01.lemdist.unam.mxUI n02.lemdist.unam.mxCE+WNUniversal Lab Interace n03.lemdist.unam.mxCE+WN Universal Lab Interface lemdistn08.cuautitlan2.unam.m x UI Lemdistn10.cuautitlan1.unam. mx CE+WNBlast Freezing Tunnel
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Conclusions LEMDist is a dynamic project devoted to: –Build a work space for e-learning and e-science. –The architecture is designed for a heterogeneous scientific field where the instrument incorporation plays the principal roll. Remote access to instruments –Connected with standard serial and USB interface. Sustainability for grid instrumentation had tested for e- learning scenery and for e-science in food engineering technology The Grid couples a wide variety of geographically distributed resources such as PCs, workstations and clusters, storage systems, data sources, databases and special purpose scientific instruments and presents them as an unified integrated resource. I.Foster
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Conclusions Instrument implementation process: –Sensors Configuration and data acquisition process, –Instruments Configuration, data acquisition and monitoring process maybe with real time requirements –Control process equipment It is necessary the real time monitoring and interaction.
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America Requirements: –Quality of service QoS –High speed networks service Next steps –Implementation of more services for the instruments yet working on the grid environment, –Implementation of more instruments and –Incorporation of user communities. You can reach it with bdii and ce: – – Conclusions
Catania, Italy, 3th EELA Meeting, IST E-infrastructure shared between Europe and Latin America ?