Hybrid Cooling for Data Centers The Ice Bear® Randy Zwetzig Vice President of Market Development
Ice Energy was Created to Solve The Peak Electrical Demand Problem Peak Demand: Drives higher cost of energy Uses the most polluting energy Creates need to build new peak power plants (growth of peak at 3-5 times base) Primary cause of rolling blackouts & equipment failure Data/IT centers are large users of energy Typical Summer Day Utility Load Profile Other Commercial, Residential, and Industrial Commercial Lighting Commercial A/C Residential A/C A/C is the Root Cause ~40% of demand during peak Source: California Energy Commission 6 a.m. 12 noon 6 p.m. In the state of California there are approximately 10M air conditioners on light commercial and residential buildings (20% light commercial, 80% residential) Each year approximately 500,000 new units of this same type are sold About 50,000 air conditioning units can be found in Anaheim, with about 4800 new units of this type sold every year The impact of air conditioners on the state of CA and Anaheim Power consumption Emissions Peak demand = higher greenhouse gas/climate impact, grid problems, drives construction of new power plants (peakers) Requires utilities to first look at reducing demand rather than build new power plants AB2021 put in place, requiring peak demand to be reduced by 1% per year Last Fall, new category created by the CPUC and funding put in place, Permanent Load Shifting (PLS) to encourage shifting of load (particularly air conditioning) from peak to off peak Firms demand for wind energy 50 MWs creates 50,000 gigawatt hours of peak Reduces CO2 by 40%, NOx by 55% * Estimates for light commercial and residential cooling in California from ARI & CEC data
The Hotter it is, the Bigger the Problem A/C Efficiency Drops as Temperature Increases Source: Pacific Gas and Electric Company Time Dependent Valuation (TDV) – Economics Methodology
The Ice Energy Hybrid Cooling™ Solution Transforming air conditioning to be: less costly more efficient more reliable green By using less expensive, less polluting, nighttime power to create & store cooling for use the next day
Ice Energy Industry Highlights ASHRAE/ARI: Innovative Green Product, AHR Expo 2009 ASHRAE/ARI: Innovative Energy Management Product of the Year, AHR Expo 2004 GreenBuild Product of the Year World’s Best Technology Award LEED/Green Building accredited Reduction in GHG emissions verified by industry leading 3rd parties Founded in 2003 to bring transformation product to market Solves the root cause of peak demand: Air Conditioning Utility tested Anaheim, Southern California Edison, Los Angeles, Burbank, Pasadena, Glendale, Riverside, Sacramento, Palm Springs area, San Diego Gas & Electric, Nevada Power Approved by California Energy Commission for building standards Large programs with PG&E, SCE
Typical Data or Communications Center Application Combines data center air conditioning with patented Ice Bear® energy storage technology, using each when most efficient Off-peak hours: Conventional equipment provides cooling On-peak hours: Ice Bear® unit provides cooling using only 300 watts Return Air Data Aire compressor locked-out for 6 hours during on-peak 300 watts pumps refrigerant to RTU evaporator coil Ice Bear uses Data Aire’s Auxiliary Water Evaporator Coil
Repeatable Results: 15+ Year Product Life
The Ice Bear Hybrid Air Conditioner Size: Length: 100” Width: 61” Height: 49” Weight (approx.): 1500 lbs. transport weight (dry) 5500 lbs. operating weight (filled) 155 lbs. per square foot Ice Storage section Access door for compressor and water pump Compressor & condensing unit CoolData Controller™ Refrigerant pump