zipForm® User Group Wednesday 1/23/ a.m a.m. Fatima Sogueco Senior Software Products Coordinator
135,835 total active zipForm® accounts in 2012 December 2012 – 8,744 upgraded to zipForm® Professional (online version) December 2012 – 149 upgraded to zipForm® Standard (offline version)
Additional C.A.R. Benefits 34,495 Total number of users in 2012 259,139 Total number of transactions in 2012 607, 237 Total number of s sent for digital signatures 10,427 Total number of users in 2012 51,824 Total number of transactions in 2012
In 2012, the C.A.R. zipForm® department offered 250 online-webinar training reaching over 25,000 members. In addition, visited 80 local AORs touching over 5,500 members. Attend a free webinar training! Visit to register
Sign-up for Additional Training! Free zipForm® visit to Local AOR zipForm® for DRE Credit Training 2 CE for zipForm® 6 Basics 2 CE for zipLogix Digital Ink® and zipVault® Webinar/online training On-demand videos
Additional zipForm® Tools Forms Advisor® - online forms advice Forms Tutor® - online form completion instructions C.A.R. Forms Help Line - assists with the basic usage and/or clause definitions of the forms ePUBS® for zipForm® 6 – digital Combined Hazards book
New Member Benefit Libraries Inside zipForm® 6 I.C.A.R. Sample Letter Library 24 letter templates with instructions Allows REALTORS® to assist themselves or clients without drafting legal language on their own Pre-printed language satisfies statutory requirements when applicable II. DRE Forms Contains most commonly used licensing, mortgage lending and trust fund forms from California Department of Real Estate Conveniently grouped into categories, all in one place
zipFormMLS-Connect® which allows you to pull in MLS listing data into the forms, became a member benefit January 1 st. 11 MLS have signed the data access agreement Giving access to 95,800 members at 57 local associations Welcome to our latest MLS: CRMLS (which is currently in process), Fresno, Imperial County, Ridgecrest Area, South Tahoe, and The MLS/CLAW (also in process)
12 FREE Hours Online CE Courses! C.A.R.’s newest member benefit Delivered online – available 24/7 Choose from over 20 courses Learn from most tablet devices Accredited by the DRE
New Navigation Page After clicking “Continue to zipLogix Digital Ink®” users will experience an step-by-step flow that guides you through the sending process.
Easily recognizable icons to quickly identify actions and speed up preparation
Floating tool palettes make it easy either to get to critical tools or simply move them out of the way
Display or Hide Party List
Now available inside zipForm® Mobile Web Edition
Select “Sign with zipLogix Digital Ink®” to begin signing process
Select C.A.R. Forms to send for e-sign Select zipVault® documents to e-sign
Form fields are pre-tagged! No more drag and dropping of signature tags on C.A.R. forms
Use “Add Party “ button to include additional signers. Highlight “CC” checkboxes to send all parties the signed copies of the forms
Tag for Signature
Signing using zipLogix Digital Ink®
1. Click “START” button 2. Assign a Pin Code and click “On to View/Sign”
Select “Click Here to Sign” to populate digital signatures on the form Click “Confirm Signature” to complete signature process 1 22
TouchSign™ is a FREE upgrade service to REALTOR® members that belong to one of these AORs: Beverly Hills/Greater Los Angeles Chico Citrus Valley Downey Victor Valley
Meet Online, Close the Deal Share your screen with clients online and review zipForm® Transactions Meet faster, attendees utilizing saved contacts in your zipForm® address book Video conferencing brings face to face client meetings online Conference calling and text chat keeps participants engaged
Broker Version User Authentication
Tracking and Processing zipForm® 6 Abusers Value to C.A.R. membership REALTOR® members only Software License Agreement
New zipForm® Version Coming in 2013 New Version of zipForm® - releasing in 2013 Eliminating the requirement to install Java Easier navigation More features and functions Compatible with multiple Internet browsers Both versions will be available for 2013 Members can switch back and forth Look for more information coming soon!
THANK YOU! From C.A.R.’s zipForm® Team