AircraftAvionicsInteriorEngineEcologySupportProductionOperationDevelopment Company
Sukhoi company is: Russia’s largest aviation holding Leading construction bureaus and plants Russia’s largest aviation exporter Third place in fighter export worldwide Over employees Company’s perspective projects: Su-35 generation “4++” fighter PAK-FA fifth generation multirole fighter Sukhoi Superjet 100 regional jet Sukhoi Company
Customer support VIP version development Sales & marketing Design & production Certification Sales & marketing 100% Partnership Structure
AvionicsInteriorEngineEcologySupportProductionOperationDevelopment Company Aircraft
External dimensions Length29,94 m Height10,28 m Wing span27,8 m Wing area83,8 m 2 Internal dimensions Total cabin length20,42 m Maximum cabin width3,24 m Maximum cabin height2,11 m Cargo compartment volume21,76 m 3 Dimensions
CharacteristicSSJ100BSSJ100LR Passengers Single 32’’ pitch 98 Crew2 pilots + 2 attendants Maximum taxi weight kg lb kg lb. Maximum takeoff weight kg lb kg lb. Maximum landing weight kg lb. Fuel tanks capacity l 4175 gal. Range lb., 100 NM diversion + 30 min. hold + 5% fuel 3048 km 1645 NM 4578 km 2470 NM Cruise speed0,78 M Maximum flight level400 Time to climb to flight level minutes14 minutes Runway length MTOW, ISA, SL 1731 m 5679 ft m 6732 ft. Characteristics
Hydraulic system Landing gear Wheels, brakes Powerplant Electric systems APU Control system, air conditioning Fuel system Avionics Best-in-Class Suppliers
LOPA 33”/30”
85 PAX in economy 30” pitch 8 PAX in business 38” pitch 3 galleys 3 lavatories 3 flight attendants 1 wardrobe Two-Class Configuration
LOPA 98 32”
98 PAX in full economy 32” pitch 2 galleys 2 lavatories 2 flight attendants 1 wardrobe Basic Configuration
InteriorEngineEcologySupportProductionOperationDevelopment CompanyAircraft Avionics
ACARS in base configuration Electronic flight bags (optional) Side stick controls A380 IMA technology Fly-by-Wire State-of-the-Art Avionics
EngineEcologySupportProductionOperationDevelopment CompanyAircraftAvionics Interior
High and wide cabin – More space, higher comfort – Wide aisle Bigger baggage bins – Easier boarding operations LED lighting – Lower maintenance – More reliable than traditional light bulbs – Dimming and mood lighting possibilities New Standard in Comfort
SSJ100B737A318E190CRJ900 Baggage bin volume comparison, m³ 3,0 m (117.9”) 0” 25” 508 mm (20.0”) 462 mm (18.2”) 1,50 m (59.1”)2,12 m (83.5”) 0,139 m³ (215.4 in³) 0,207 m³ (320.8 in³) 3,24 m (127.4”) Cross section square With baggage bins5,834 m 2 Without baggage bins5,183 m 2 Seat volume With baggage bins0,948 m 3 Without baggage bins0,843 m 3 Baggage bin section length 2 meters for the whole cabin length Cabin Cross Section
EcologySupportProductionOperationDevelopment CompanyAircraftAvionicsInterior Engine
PowerJet provides full range of services Engineering, production, marketing & sales, customer support Fan Low pressure compressor Low pressure turbine Assembly Ground testing Core engine Accessory drive Control system System integration Flight testing SaM146 Propulsion System
CharacteristicSaM146 Thrust class (ARP)17500 lb. Takeoff thrust 7740 kgf lb. Maximum climb thrust kgf 8245 lb. Cruise thrust 1700 kgf lb. Cruise SFC0,629 lb./h/lb. Bypass ratio4,43 Fan diameter 1224 mm 48,2 in Length 3590 mm 141,3 in Width 1950 mm 76,8 in Height 1670 mm 65,7 in Dry weight 1708 kg 3765 lb. Engine Characteristics
Construction of airframe, engine and landing gear placement provide engine inlet protection from particles. Engine Protection
SupportProductionOperationDevelopment CompanyAircraftAvionicsInteriorEngine Ecology
Reduced carbon tax Reduced fees and maximum availability at noise sensitive airports Healthier environment EmissionСАЕР6 margin NO-20% CO-34% UHC-77% Smoke-43% Emissions SSJ100LRSSJ100BCompetitors Noise level margin EPNdB, ICAO chapter 4 SaM146 engine complies with modern regulations: ICAO chapter 4 noise level ICAO CAEP6 CO 2 emission Greener for Environment
EASA February 2012 IAC January 2011 Certificates
ProductionOperationDevelopment CompanyAircraftAvionicsInteriorEngineEcology Support
Customer support center The unique point of contact for all customer requests from engineering to spares-related queries Training centers Located in Moscow and Venice and certified as Flight Training Organization and Maintenance Training Organization Warehouse management Lufthansa Technik Logistik warehouse in Frankfurt and Moscow warehouse serving customers from all around the world MRO worldwide network Recognized partners, continuous development Support
Modular structure Fixed rates per flight hour Competitive prices Individual approach Exchange pool access, guaranteed availability Engineering services Ground support equipment, tooling support On-site lease stock Main components (landing gear, APU) LRU off-wing maintenance Super CareBasic Care SuperCare Plan Flight-by-the-Hour Solution Support Plan
MaintenanceInterval A-Check750 FH / 100 days C-Check7500 FH / 6000 FC / 24 months SI-Check35000 FH / FC / 12 years Landing gear20000 FC / 10 years APUOn condition / FC EnginesOn condition / FC Other componentsOn condition Maintenance Intervals
OperationDevelopment CompanyAircraftAvionicsInteriorEngineEcologySupport Production
Production plan Ramp Production
180+ total Aeroflot Yakutia Moskovia VEB-Leasing – UTair Lao Central Airlines Kartika Airlines Sky Aviation Gazpromavia Pearl Aircraft Corporation Willis Lease Interjet Blue Panorama Transaero Firm Orders
Development CompanyAircraftAvionicsInteriorEngineEcologySupportProduction Operation
Operation Aircraft in operation:over 25 Total flights:over Total flight hours:over Maximum daily utilization: over 16 hours
CompanyAircraftAvionicsInteriorEngineEcologySupportProductionOperation Development
2014Type certificate data sheet update 2014Winglet introduction 2014High density version 2014Sukhoi Business Jet IAC certification 2015Sukhoi Business Jet EASA certification Program Development
Sukhoi Business Jet – Interior Overview
Sukhoi Business Jet – Hall
Sukhoi Business Jet – Bar
Sukhoi Business Jet – Bedroom
Sukhoi Business Jet – Bathroom
Sukhoi Civil Aircraft Moscow, Polikarpov st. 23B Phone :+7 (495) , Fax: +7 (495) Web:
SCAC and Customer cooperation in Indonesia 1.Request for product presentation by Customer 2.Product presentation by SCAC 3.Request for commercial proposal by Customer 4.NDA signature together 5.Commercial proposal submission and discussion by SCAC 6.HoA submission by SCAC 7.Discussion and HoA signature by SCAC (Deposit payment equal to ________ USD for firm order, _______ for option)by Customer 8.Submission of the Contract’s project to the Customer by SCAC 9.Discussion and Contract’s signature together