Understand the role of multiple devices across the different stages of travel
The Five Stages of Travel DreamingResearchingBookingExperiencingSharing Were the basis for the research to understand multiple device usage
The research was conducted by IPSOS, amongst year old mobile-enabled travelers These were leisure travelers, male/female, Sec A, B1, with access to internet on their mobile/tablet devices A total of 1519 users were sampled with 45-minute face-to-face interviews Users should have traveled by air in the last 12 months and should have researched/booked a trip element online A minimum of 80% users had smartphones while 25% and 35% had taken international and business trips respectively TG & Methodology
The mobile enabledtraveler Up Next A multi-screen world
Source: Google Internal Data, JFM 2012 – JFM 2013 A third of travel queries come from mobile & tablet 32% 397%231% Queries that come from Mobile & Tablet YoY query growth on smartphonesYoY query growth on tablets
Online travel is now a multi-screen phenomenon 2 76%60% Average number of devices used by people across the five stages of travel Use both computer & mobile across the five stages Switch devices when they move from research to booking 9/10: 2 devices 3/10: 3 devices Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Mobile influences a user’s decision making journey 6 in 10 Smartphone travel users said, “The information that they find while researching on their mobile phone influences their booking” Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
The mobile enabledtraveler Up Next A multi-screen world
Dreaming about a holiday * All numbers are in percentages
Online influences a huge majority Users influenced by offline Users influenced by online Users influenced by online & offline 26% 71% 3% 5.1 Average triggers online 2 Average triggers offline Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Pictures trigger holiday dreaming 88% Users are influenced by pictures online Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Researching * All numbers are in percentages
Key online influencers Pictures by friends/family on social platforms 74% 71% Browsed an online ad 62% Browsed pictures of the destination 60% 56% 52% Read information on the destination Read trip information on travel sites/apps Watched online videos about the destination Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Mobile usage is most consistent across research Inspiration for a holiday Exploratory information search Reviews Pricing information Narrow options for booking Sites selling a variety of flights, hotels etc. Travel supplier sites SEARCH *R 2 = RESEARCH INTENSIVE RESEARCH Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Mobile is the go-to device even at home 67%65% 90%89% 24%27% 45%40% At home Out of home On the go Out of town Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
4 trip elements are researched on each device Average trip elements researched International 4.5 Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
54% users searched for exploratory elements on each device 54%55%52% Mobile higher or same as computer Exploratory trip elements researched online 66% International Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Exploratory elements have become mainstream % Average trip elements researched online Users searched for *exploratory elements across all devices Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Convenience & immediacy wins for mobile Only 6% aware of discount on mobile (Browsing/Navigation) (distractions like messages/ calls etc) (keypad/ screen size) Motivators Barriers Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013 *Immediacy is an exposure to triggers like online ads/ s/QR codes/pictures/TV/hoarding
Booking * All numbers are in percentages
Nearly 3 trip elements are booked online across devices Conversion: Booking/Research 2.8 Average trip elements booked online 92% 88% 94% 76% 88% 99% 38% Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
2+ elements booked on computers & 1+ on mobile Average trip elements booked Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Mobile has an effect across devices Mobile 76%Computer80%Tablet11% Base: Mobile owners = 87% (1315) ResearchBooking Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
58% users who researched only on mobile, booked on it as well Researched only on Tablet (7%) Booked only on Tablet (100%) Researched only on Computer (10%) Booked only on Computer (94%) Base: Mobile owners = 1519 Base: Those researched only on mobile = 144 Researched only on Mobile (9%) Booked only on Mobile (58%) Base: Computer owners = 1374 Base: Those researched only on computer = 140 Base: Tablet owners = 258 Base: Those researched only on tablet= 19 Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Security is the largest concern for booking on mobile Reduced significantly from the research stage (77%) (Browsing/Navigation) (distractions like messages/ calls etc) (comfortable with other devices) Motivators Barriers Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013 *Immediacy is an exposure to a deal or offer
Experiencing * All numbers are in percentages
Sharing * All numbers are in percentages
Mobile is the information & communication wallet Social & communication Travel booking related Activities done at the destination Activities done on holiday MobileTablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
More than a tenth start planning their next holiday right after! Activities done post holiday Mobile Computer Tablet Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
The mobile enabledtraveler Up Next A multi-screen world
Apps are the future of mobile travel booking App usage is significantly higher during booking & sharing due to ease of browsing Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
Why apps win 67%70% 66%67% 60%51% I like it when apps save my details, making it easy to buy Apps are quicker & provide immediate access Better user experience Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
The new age traveller has arrived! (S)he is living the multi-screen world, engaging with content across devices Usage on mobile is consistent across all phases of the travel cycle Mobile is the go-to device at home and is the information and communication wallet while traveling Apps are the future of mobile bookings with higher engagement and speedy purchases Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013
The new age traveller has arrived! 3 out of 4 users use computer and mobile during the 5 stages of Travel; average number of devices used at any stage is % users are influenced by an online source as they start dreaming of a holiday 87% users have researched travel on mobile while 66% have booked a trip element on it 67% researched on mobile at home, contrary to popular belief that mobile is used only outside App usage is 12% – 15% higher than mSites for booking and sharing on mobile Source: Google IPSOS research study, July 2013