JOURNAL List 3 occupations that you think burn the most calories. List 3 occupations that you think burn the least amount of calories.
MAINTAINING A HEALTHY WEIGHT Body Image – the way you see your body What can affect your body image? - media images -attitudes of family and friends -perception (models, body builders, even friends)
WEIGHT CALORIE CONNECTION Do not copy!!! Understanding calories: Calories are units used to measure energy in both foods and the energy your body uses for life processes and physical activities.
Energy Balance: To maintain a healthy weight you must take in as many calories as you burn.
Calorie sources – the number of calories depends on the portion as well as the type of food. Carbs & Proteins have 4cal/gram Fats have 9cal/gram Small amounts of fats in foods and the way it is prepared can greatly increase the calorie content.
Energy Equation: LOSE WEIGHT If you take in less calories than you burn, you will LOSE WEIGHT. GAIN WEIGHT. If you take in more calories than you burn, you will GAIN WEIGHT.
One pound of body fat equals about 3,500 calories. For people who are overweight: Eating 500 less calories per day than you need to maintain your weight will result in the loss of one pound of body fat in one week. Burning an additional 500 calories per day thru physical activity will result in similar weight loss.
DETERMINING YOUR APPROPRIATE WEIGHT RANGE What factors can affect your appropriate weight? - gender - height - body frame - metabolic rate - activity level
Who needs more calories/day? kids who are growing need more than adults people who have a larger body frame active people
BODY MASS INDEX (BMI) Body Mass Index (BMI)- a ratio that allows you to assess your body size in relation to your height & weight.
BMI CONT … BMI for children and teens takes age and gender into consideration. Males and females have different charts. Equation: BMI = weight(in pounds) X 703/[height(in inches)] 2
BMI EXAMPLE: BMI = weight(in pounds) X 703/[height(in inches)] 2 USING THE ABOVE EQUATION AND THE INFORMATION BELOW, CALCULATE THE BMI. Gender: Male Age: 14 Height: 5’4” Weight (703)/(64) 2 = 84360/4096 = 21
BODY COMPOSITION - The ratio of body fat to lean body tissue. When assessing weight this needs to be taken into account……. - weight lifting will increase muscle mass. - while a high calorie diet will increase stored fat.
BODY WEIGHT VS. BODY FAT Overweight- a condition in which a person is heavier than the standard weight range for his/her height.
BODY COMPOSITION CONTINUED….. Obesity- having an excess amount of body fat. Being overweight or obese can endanger health.
Weight Related Health Risks: Overweight: Overweight: Excess body fat strains the muscles of the skeletal system. It forces the heart and lungs to work harder & increases the risk of high blood pressure and cholesterol. It can also increase your risk of diabetes, asthma and some cancers.
WEIGHT RELATED HEALTH RISKS CONT… Underweight- refers to a condition in which a person is less than the standard weight range for his/her height.
Being thin may be normal because of genetics or metabolism, but some people diet or exercise excessively to stay thin. If a person is too thin they may not have enough stored body fat to provide the body with energy. They also may not be consuming enough calories and nutrients for healthy growth. It can cause fatigue and lower resistance to disease.