NUTRITION Hannah Computers 8
CARBOHYDRATES major source of energy major source of energy Only energy source for brain Only energy source for brain Types: Simple 1 or 2 units of sugar Complex more than 2 units of sugar (starches) Types: Simple 1 or 2 units of sugar Complex more than 2 units of sugar (starches) Found in veggies, grains, sugar, fruit, dairy Found in veggies, grains, sugar, fruit, dairy
FATS Fats fuel you with tons of energy help your body grow. Fats also keep your skin looking healthy and beautiful Fat forms a protective cushion for your organs 2 types: Unsaturated lowers cholesterol Saturated raises cholesterol daily fat intake should be about 67 grams Found in: nuts, oils, butter, meats
PROTEIN Helps tissues in your body Makes hemoglobin Types: Complete all 9 amino acids (animal) Incomplete missing some acids (fruit, veggie) Kids must eat.5 grams per pound they weigh Found in meat, eggs, dairy, nuts prote in Protein basics
FIBRE Keep digestive system healthy, prevent constipation Lower blood cholesterol Types: Soluble dissolve in water Nonsoluble increase movement thru digestive track We need about 30 grams daily Found in grains, nuts, skin of fruit, veggies
VITAMINS D helps bones (milk) D helps bones (milk) A helps you see (carrots) A helps you see (carrots) C helps you heal (orange) C helps you heal (orange) B help make protein (veggies) B help make protein (veggies) Types: Types: Water solubles travel through your bloodstream. Water solubles travel through your bloodstream. Fat solubles stay stored in your body for awhile Fat solubles stay stored in your body for awhile Too many vitamins is bad Too many vitamins is bad
MINERALS Magnesium= healthy thyroid gland Zinc= healthy immune system, heals wounds Magnesium= needed by every cell of body Magnesium= needed by every cell of body Iron= helps hemoglobin Calcium= makes your bones and teeth sturdy, Types: Macrominerals need large amounts Trace minerals need tiny amounts
WATER Liquid that helps fight off illness Helps digest and remove food Found in all liquids No calories, you can lose weight 70% of body made of water