TUTOR CORRELATION LEVEL 2 Marcus Tobin 24 th March 2012
OBJECTIVES Run through days 1,2,3 and 4 per module highlighting key points Familiarize as a group card usage and sign off points via periodic group work Presentations this afternoon will run through selected modules and technical points in greater detail Please refer to Course Outline, Learner Pack and cards (Warm-up, Game, Technical and Movement) - Tutor Notes and ppt copy to follow
COACHING PROCESS Tutor facilitates slideshow outlining Coaching process Module includes full group task exploring what the coach does during a coaching session Tutor gives an explanation of the purpose of MOVEMENT cards and how these can be used to monitor how their skill development is progressing Learners complete Page 17 Learner Pack - task 3 Health & Safety Checklist for Assessment Coaching Venue
TECHNICAL SESSION # : TUTOR LED Tutors deliver WARM UP card # 1 and emphasize safety and introduction within coaching. Tutor tells coaches to bring out TECHNICAL CARDS 1, 2, 3 & 8 outside. Tutor delivers TECHNICAL CARDS 1(Gripping and Carrying) & 2 (Catching and Passing) TUTOR LED-COACH DELIVERED Coaches split into groups of 4 initially and given number between 1 and 4. Safety and introduction principles revisited. TECHNICAL CARD 3 (Protective Falling/PTB/DHP) protective falling component introduced by coach # 1to their respective groups, Tutors to observe and listen and then pull groups together and review. Tutor discusses demonstration component of the coaching process, and then breaks down 4 key coaching points of protective falling, coach # 2 then demonstrates protective falling again observed and listened in by Tutors who then pull in group together for review. Once group pulled in, observation component of the coaching process discussed, coach # 3 observes protective falling within the group, again observed to and listened to by the Tutors. Once whole group back together introduction and safety components of the coaching process re visited.
:TUTOR LED : COACH DELIVERED (cont.) Coach # 4 introduces play the ball component from TECHNICAL CARD 3, with Tutor observing and listening and pulling group back together. Once whole group pulled in demonstration component of the coaching process revisited. Coach # 1 demonstrates play the ball with their group, Tutor observes and listens and pulls in whole group for discussion. Once whole group pulled in observation component of the coaching process revisited. Coach # 2 then sets up and observes play the ball activity, Tutor observes and listens and brings in whole group for discussion. TECHNICAL CARD 3 dummy half pass, Tutor delivers excellent coaching practice to the group TUTOR DELIVERED TECHNICAL CARD 8 (Protective Falling/Front Block and Side Tackling), Tutor delivers card to group.
SKILL ACQUISITION Coaching process covered in a practical context are observation, analysis and feedback, whilst kick olympics taking place. Core skills covered in practical context are Place, Punt and Grubber Kicks. Different elements of coaching structure covered to include Massed, Blocked, Variable and Random practices. GAME CARD-FROM CAYPABLE LEVEL 1 card # 5 (Kick Olympics) used in practical context via grubber kick execution, half the group participating, the other half observing. Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced versions of the game carried out Module concluded with ppt and group discussions, pro’s and cons of various practices summarized in detail in Tutor Notes to aid Tutor during group discussion.
TASK In groups familiarize yourselves with GAME CARD-FROM CAYPABLE LEVEL 1 card # 5.
Training and Energy Systems Ppt and groups activities carried out inside classroom, and RAMP warm up carried out by Tutor to illustrate how it is different from WARM UP CARDS. Raise heart rate Activate muscles. Mobilize joints. Potentiate skill. Tutor demonstrates GAME CARD 5 (Find the Space) outside to demonstrate ways of manipulating work:rest ratio and game intensity level in a practical context.
TASK In groups familiarize yourselves with GAME CARD 5.
Planning Tutor leads ppt outlining planning principles, including flipchart feedback. Tutor allocates two cards, WARM UP and TECHNICAL against learner matrix in Appendix 1 of tutor notes at the end of day one. Learners sign off page 21 of learner pack - session # 1 at top of page. At this stage, tutor facilitates presentation/discussion on the concept of linked sessions (of which there is extensive notes to aid the tutor in appendix 1 of tutor notes at the end of day one). Learner can complete the titles of 6 off course linked sessions on planner pages 21 and 22 (ie session # 3-8 inclusive), in readiness to plan and deliver and self reflect at home venue before sign off for day 4 of course. Self reflection templates for linked sessions # 3-8 start on page 24 of learner pack, and session planners start on page 39. Tutor allocates and collects duly completed Warrington Collegiate forms.
TASK In groups look at Learner Pack page 21-Linked Session Planner- # 1 and 2 on course. In groups look at Learner Pack pages 21 and 22-Linked Session Planner- # 3-8 off course In groups look at Learner Pack pages Self Reflection Template and pages Session Planners.
PRACTICAL OBSERAVTION # 1 TEMPLATE Tutor 1Tutor 2 Core SkillCoaches Name Time AGrip Carry – mins delivery 10 mins review. BCatch Pass – mins delivery 10 mins review. C Protective Falling & play the ball – mins delivery 10 mins review. D High ball, moving ball stationary ball retrieval – mins delivery 10 mins review. EDecision making support – mins delivery 10 mins review. FEvasion – mins delivery 10 mins review. GGrubber kick – mins delivery 10 mins review. H Protective Falling &Front block tackle – mins delivery 10 mins review. I Play the ball progress to dummy half pass, – mins delivery 10 mins review. J Protective Falling & side tackle – mins delivery 10 mins review. Level
Motivation, Goal Setting Tutor explains that there will often be an overlap between good coaching practice and effective mental skills. Module involves in small group work and flipchart feedback. Identifies key areas to develop in relation to Psychology and coaching. Identifies key qualities and behaviors of a professional rugby league player. Identifies how to create an effective learning environment. Identifies an understanding on the effect of the coaches behaviors on the coaching process. Identifies how to recognize and set appropriate goals and implement them into their coaching practice. Learners have opportunity to list their “Take Aways” from the module. DAY 2 BREAKDOWN
Player Pathway Tutor outlines objectives of the session which include: The ability to identify the development stages of your players. The ability to identify all the factors that have an impact on the performance of your players. The ability to be able to plan and deliver sessions appropriate to the players respective age group. Module includes planning an 8 week pre season block. Latter part of module includes coaches “pairing up” with those given the same allocated topic using WARM UP and TECHNICAL cards. Tutor analyses Delivery Matrix and decides if order needs changing around. The Tutor to emphasize coaches to start with a strong introduction and safety overview. Learner to complete details at the top of page 51 learner pack - observation of practical activity checklist 1.
TASK In groups discuss Why is it important to analyze Delivery Matrix running order? In groups look at the revised Observation of Practical Activity P51 Learner Pack, discuss the use of CAP.
: Planning for Practical Assessment Initially paired coaches delivering the same topic discuss the process and outcomes of the session. Above to include How are you going to instruct the group at the start of the session and the health and safety points you may need you may need to cover? What will your demonstration look like? Where do you want your players to get to in terms of development and where they are currently at? What progressions you may include? How do you and where will you observe? How are you going to provide feedback to your players? Re emphasize that coaching is for a FULL 20minutes and goes beyond just setting up practices.
First Practical Delivery/Assessment 1-Learners using WARM UP and TECHNICAL cards Second Practical Delivery/Assessment Third Practical Delivery/Assessment Lunch Fourth Practical Delivery/Assessment Fifth Practical Delivery/Assessment Sixth Practical Delivery/Assessment Seventh Practical Delivery/Assessment Eighth Practical Delivery/Assessment Ninth Practical Delivery/Assessment Tenth Practical Delivery/ Assessment 1.
TASK In groups discuss what you think are the most important factors to be deduced from the first of two practical assessments on course? In groups look at Practical Observation matrix and discuss what topics you would allocate to “Open age” “Youth-U12-U14” and “Youth U16-U18” coaches on course?
Review and set up and action plan Learners sign off page 23 self reflection template (number 1) in learner pack, and ensure that session planner (number 1)on page 35 is completed. Learners look at pages 9-15 coaching quiz in learner pack.(quiz will be revisited later) – it may be an idea to get learners to concentrate on q’ns as these are coaching process related. Learners complete page 19 health & safety template (home coaching venue) in learner pack. Learners familiarize themselves with WARM UP, GAME CARDS, TECHNICAL CARDS and MOVEMENT CARDS. Continue to plan and deliver sessions linked, away from the course- guidance on “link” can be found in tutor notes at the end of day 1.
Technical Session 2 Tutor welcomes learners and facilitates a discussion around learning from days 1 and 2, including coaching quiz recap. WARM UP 4 (Ups and Unders) carried out, and makes link to MOVEMENT CARD 4 (Ball Retrieval) to enable any potential problems and therefore solutions to be carried out. TECHNICAL CARD 4 ( Ball Retrieval-moving ball component) demonstrated by the tutor, one coach will then demonstrate to their group, the group then have an opportunity to devise a small sided game to improve players skill. Tutor then demonstrates catching a high ball from the same card 4, again one coach will then demonstrate to their group, the group then have an opportunity to devise a small sided game to improve players skill. TECHNICAL CARD 5 (Decision Making-2 v 1 hold component) demonstrated by the Tutor. TECHNICAL CARD 6 (Evasion-swerve and side step components delivered). DAY 3 BREAKDOWN
TASK In groups discuss the significance of highlighting the use of MOVEMENT CARD with WARM UP card at start of session. In groups discuss the benefit of having a separate designated Evasion TECHNICAL CARD in the new Level 2 course.
Scrummaging Tutor facilitates a practical building of the scrum. This Highlights the Health and Safety aspects of the Scrum This highlights the Law related aspects of the scrum Initially a passive 3 v 3 emphasizing safety and a strong position. Concluded by adding second rowers and loose forwards.
Tutor Delivery-Game Cards Tutors to be supplied with independent Offside Touch card. This will enable the Tutor acting as coach to focus on the players ability to make decisions and find space, and modify accordingly to meet the players needs and abilities. Module comprises of splitting the groups into 3 groups, one Tutor takes a group to act as “observing coaches”, the other Tutor the remaining 2 groups who acting as players and observing players. There will 3 segments of 20 minutes (2 x 5 minute games-5 minutes review between each) followed by: GAME CARD 4 (Defuse the Situation) is used by the Tutor as an example of adapting a kick in broken play. GAME CARD 7 (Keep the Pressure On) adapted again by Tutor focusing on the punt kick, followed by facilitating a discussion around adaptation and modification of cards.
TASK In groups look at TECHNICAL CARD 4 and come up with ways of adapting the card and how this would be of relevance to testing the skill in a game.
Game Sense Tutors explain the RFL approach to Game Sense (see slide below). Learners observe DVD footage and are split into groups to observe,, individual players designated, team attack and defence, and the game as a whole depending on group. Learners feedback to each other. Tutor draws out the key points THE PLAYER during discussion and feedback and highlights the importance of SOL, speed/strength/suppleness/stamina, decision making, tactical understanding and psychological elements such as mental toughness. Tutor draws out the key points THE TEAM during discussion and feedback and highlights the importance of cohesion eg set play moves/running lines/team spirit, communication, tactics, strategy and formation. Tutor draws out the key points THE GAME during discussion and feedback and highlights the importance of taking into consideration environmental conditions, rules, officials decisions/interpretations, crowd pressure, physical demands, fluctuation in possession and territory, momentum generated by teams. Tutor concludes by outlining the fact that Game Sense is only effective if objective/outcome clear, coupled with good questioning and positive reinforcement.
So why Game Sense? Emphasis on player thinking and decision making Coach as a facilitator, and creator of scenarios and problem situations Skills learned through this form of coaching delivery are more likely to be applied in a game/competition Players who do not respond positively to an authoritarian style respond very positively Players solve game problems by playing enjoyable games, practising skill in an enjoyable environment Change the context of the game i.e. manipulate defence to challenge decision making of attackers Emphasis on player thinking and decision making Coach as a facilitator, and creator of scenarios and problem situations
TASK In groups discuss the difference between skill and technique
Game Sense GAME CARDS 9 (Territory Gainer) and 10 (Stop the Charge) used in a practical context led by the Tutor. Groups split into 2, ten “play the game” with a Tutor, the other ten observe with the Tutor, some acting as coaches and some as players. Change groups around after initial game. Tutor concludes by drawing out the need to be clear of the outcome of the game to enable players to learn by “doing” and “observing” supplemented by strong lines of questioning. Tutor re enforces the link between Game Sense and Skill Acquisition visited on day 2, enabling the player to develop the full skill and not just technique under pressure.
TASK In groups discuss the different questions you would ask those observing as coaches and those observing as players?
Planning Game Card Delivery Tutors refer to GAME SENSE timetable (in Tutor Notes), ensuring that learners deliver a different game to that they will incorporate in day 4 practical assessment # 2. Learners “pair” up with coach allocated same topic and prepare to deliver for 10 minutes, followed by a group review. Tutor to consider change in running order if required. Tutor to emphasize the importance of starting with a strong introduction and cover all safety information.
Game Sense :Tutor Led : Coach Delivered - refer to Game Sense delivery planner Tutor 1 takes candidates 1-10, and Tutor 2 takes candidates as against Game Sense delivery timetable. On reviewing each session, Tutor to include everyone from the group. Key areas of focus: What was the outcome of the session? What went well? How did the coach enable the players to improve? How else could the coach have helped the players improve? What would you modify? When would you use the technical or movement cards?
TASK In groups why is it important to include everyone in the review process? How as a Tutor can you facilitate this?
Portfolio sign off and planning for day 4 Learners complete task 3- page 17 & 19 both health & safety checklists in learner pack, including potential additional hazards overleaf. Learners complete task 4- pages 21 & 22 linked session planner in learner pack. Learners complete task 6-pages 23 to 26 self reflection log in learner pack. Learners complete task 4 & 5-pages 35 to 49 rugby league coaching session plans for every session delivered on and off course n learner pack. Learners complete balance of quiz questions pages 9 to 21 coaching quiz questions in learner pack. Insert given topic onto top of task 9 observation checklist # 2-page 55 and plan accordingly on task 4 & 5-page 49 rugby league coaching session plan # 8 both in learner pack-consult day 4 game sense delivery matrix. Tutors to sign off and insert feedback for any fully completed tasks page 4-assessment feedback and record of achievement. Any completed or non completed tasks these must be reflected by tutor on task 8-page 53 where to next. Day 4 finishes at 5.30!!!
Movement Presentation & Assessment Overview Tutors run through Movement Presentation that re affirms principles underpinning importance of players movement skills as per CAYPABLE Level 1 course. Learners ensure that Task 3 - page 17 health & safety checklist, Tasks 4 & 5 - Page 37 session planner (session plan # 2) and Task 9 - Page 55 observation of practical activity checklist (2) are complete and ready to take out to practical assessment # 2. DAY 4 BREAKDOWN
TASK What do you need to do as a Tutor to ensure Learner is prepared for practical assessment # 2? In groups what advances are we looking at within the practical assessment 2, beyond the technical focus in practical # 1on day two (please refer to Practical Observation # 2 handout matrix)?
DELIVERY SCHEDULE: First Practical Delivery/Assessment 1-Learners using WARM UP,TECHNICAL, MOVEMENT and GAME cards Second Practical Delivery/Assessment Third Practical Delivery/Assessment Fourth Practical Delivery/Assessment Fifth Practical Delivery/Assessment Sixth Practical Delivery/Assessment Seventh Practical Delivery/Assessment Eighth Practical Delivery/Assessment Ninth Practical Delivery/Assessment Tenth Practical Delivery/ Assessment 1. KEY POINTS: 20 minutes coaching to be undertaken tutor to decide which components ie cards to be coached. 10 minute “group” observation carried out-candidate advised of outcome. Quality specific feedback and action points to be given on observation sheet. Quality game and coach related questions to be carried out.
Portfolio sign off, reflection & action planning Tutors instruct coaches to reflect on session # 2, task 6- page 23 self reflection log (session # 2). Tutors signpost coaches to complete part two of their action plan, task 8-page 53 encouraging them to think about which areas would be of benefit to obtain further knowledge. Tutor to ensure all relevant sections signed, and signatures and dates inserted by the tutor coaches.