Can you name the different ways to keep healthy? Key vocabulary 1 of 2
Can you name the different ways to keep healthy? Key vocabulary 1 of 2 check lose weight go to the gym eat healthy food visit the doctor sleep 8 hours a night
Now can you name the things you should not do if you want to be healthy? Key vocabulary 2 of 2
Now can you name the things you should not do if you want to be healthy? Key vocabulary 2 of 2 check drink too much smokeeat junk food lie in the sun too long
Discussion What do you do in order to keep healthy? How could you make your lifestyle healthier? Do you think you can improve your eating habits? In what ways? How do you deal with stress? Does it affect you a lot? Would you like to give up anything so as to be healthy? When was the last time you’ve been to the doctor or dentist? How healthy do you think Brazilians are in general? What do you think the government could do to promote healthier living amongst people? Now discuss these questions: