Classifiers Notes ASL III Mrs. McClure
Element Classifiers ECL Describes things that have specific shapes and sizes and are in constant motion Weather or elements such as water, air, fire, light
(2h)ECL:5 (air/wind/smoke) Standing 50 feet from a helicopter to land Standing on a cliff by the ocean Riding downhill on a bicycle Walking on a fine breezy day The fog drifting over the San Francisco Bay Air circulating around the room Heat shimmering in air (i.e. above a road)
ECL:S 5 “blowing out” (air/wind/smoke) Holding a blow dryer in front of your face Someone blowing cigarette smoke in your face Blowing out cigarette smoke A bull snorting
ECL: spread-C (air/wind/smoke) Vacuum sucking air/dirt in Dentist’s tool sucking water from mouth Smoke drifting from a cigarette Odor from arm pits Smoke from recently extinguished candle Smoke from recently fired pistol
ECL:S 1 (water/rain/snow) Coffee pot percolating Dripping faucet Person spitting as he/she talks Few drops of rain (at beginning or end of storm) Small trickle of water from a garden hose
(2h)ECL: S 5 (water/rain/snow) Small splash when a pebble is thrown in water Big splash from a person diving into water Water gushing out of an overheated radiator (one hand) Splash from a cup of water thrown at you Spills: fallen glass, dropped bucket
ECL:4 (water/rain/snow) Running faucet Water coming out of the drain hole in a cooler An infant drooling Blood pouring out of a cut
(2h)ECL:5wg (water/rain/snow) Niagara falls Torrential river or rapids Meandering stream Ocean waves pounding the shore on a stormy day High ocean waves perfect for surfing Waves created by a passing boat on a lake Steady snow to blizzard Overflowing container, i.e. sink, tub, pitcher (one hand)
(2h)ECL:claw (water/rain/snow) Rain (from ordinary to hard rain)
ECL: spread-C (water/rain/snow) Water being flushed down a toilet Water gushing continually out of a firefighter’s hose
(2h)ECL/DCL:L “spreading” (water/rain/snow) Growing spot of liquid on a surface Ripples in water after a splash
(2h)ECL:5wg (fire) Roaring fire in a fire place Gas flame for low heat Gas flame for medium heat Bonfire Forest fire
ECL:5wg (fire) Candle flame
ECL:S 5wg (fire) Fire quickly consuming a forest Fire moving up your sleeve A dragon breathing fire
ECL:flat-O spread-C (light) Headlights of a car Brake lights Flashing hazard lights Traffic lights Dawn/dusk (getting dimmer or brighter) Lights flashing across a computer screen Twinkling lights (Christmas tree lights or stars) Light from a flash bulb
ECL: spread-C (light) Siren lights Spotlight, desk light, flash light Dimmed lights Bright lights Lights flickering when the power is about to go out
ECL:1 (zig zag) (light) A flash of lightning
ECL:S 1 (light) A laser beam
Grab a partner Create a story using the different element classifiers Don’t forget to use the other classifiers such as DCL, LCL, ICL, etc. We will present to the class You have 20 minutes!
Example of a story There was a tall building on fire; the fire was moving up its walls. Siren lights were flashing, a fire truck pulled in. Someone grabbed a hose, turned it on, and water burst out. The building collapsed, and smoke rose from the rubble. BUILDING LCL:B “tall rectangle”. FIRE ECL:5 “up the walls”. ECL:5 “flashing lights” SCL:3 “car pulls in”. ICL “hold hose” ICL “pull down lever” WATER ECL “gushes out”. BUILDING (2h)LCL:5 “collapses” ECL:5 “smoke swirling around”