By : Lucia, Laura & Ana.
what is anorexia? The word anorexia means lack of aliment There are different tipes of anorexia: -Anorexia (symptom), the symptom of poor appetite whatever the cause -Anorexia nervosa, an eating disorder of excessive weight loss and usually undue concern about body shape. -Bulimia it’s the action of vomiting food after eating it.
Anorexia nervosa It’s a psiquiatric illness, which can cause death. It’s caused by the patient, who wants to lose weight. Agents that cause anorexia: - Negative valoration of the corporal image. -Social pressure. -Return of stressful situations.
Consecuences of anorexia: -Amenorrhea: absence of menstration for at least three consecutive cycles. -Nutrition: Can get to a state of severe malnutrition. - Cardiovasular: disminution of the cardiac frequency. -Bone: absence of calcium in the bones. -Hematologics: alterations of the inmunologic system. -Lose of the hair -GH increased with decrease of IGF1: lower levels of growth factor. -Arrythmias You see, anorexia causes lots of problems!
Psicologic consecuences: -Restricted diet and / or presence of binge eating. -Social & family isolation. -Impulsive behaviors (lying, hidden) and self-harm. -Excessive concern about the possibility of gaining weight. -Impoverishment of the imagination and creativity. -Difficulty concentrating and memory failure. -Overestimation of her/his weight and dimensions. -Mood changes. -Depressive features: emotional lability (crying, insomnia), suicidal ideation. -Anxiety is rarely relaxed or comfortable. -May appear widespread phobia or social phobia.
WHAT SHOULD I DO? Help!! My friend is Anorexic!! 1. Do not get frustrated if she does not acknowledge having a problem and refuses professional help, try talking to someone in their immediate surroundings (older siblings, parents, teachers...) 2. Try to get information on these disorders, what they are, where to go, how to treat it, etc Avoid directing comments about her physical appearance 4. it’s important to remember how important she is to you and how proud you are to be her friend. 5. Although unwilling to relate to, try to integrate her into the groups, call her and not favor their isolation.
LIFE HEALTH DREAMS Life Health Dreams He/she Learning Family Friends Image Sex Fun Hobbies ANOREXIA
Girls pro-anorexia wear a red bracelet in their left hand to recognise them with other girls There are some webs that encourage anorexia. Girls refer to it with te word “ana”. In this webs, they interchange diets, methods for losing weight, or for deceiving their paretns. They consider anorexia a life style.
Althought anorexia affects principally women, actually in the news there are appearing new causes of male anorexia. The number of men affected by this illness is increasing every year.
“ I can hardly remember the first summer of my illness” “ There were times I hated myself, that I wish to die.” ANOREXIC TESTIMONIALS: