1M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 Software Report  New G4MICE Users  TOF Simulation and Digitisation  SciFi Reconstruction  Tracker.


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Presentation transcript:

1M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 Software Report  New G4MICE Users  TOF Simulation and Digitisation  SciFi Reconstruction  Tracker 5 Test / Tracker QA  Data Challenge / GRID

2M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 New G4MICE Users  Very pleased to announce a number of new users in the past few months: u Marco Apollonio – looking at the Optics and Analysis tools developed by Chris u Kevin Tilley – installed G4MICE on his laptop and will be using it to make comparisons with G4BL. u Paul Kyberd – will be assisting with development of code for analysis of the data taken in the Tracker QA process. u Yordan Karadzhov – working on the TOF simulation and analysis. u Tamas Sashalmi – has enabled G4MICE to be run on 64 bit machines and with newer versions of some external libraries. Will be performing the station spacing study. u Terry Hart – has used G4MICE to simulate the arrival time of muons in the SciFi trackers in different stages of MICE to determine the range of delays required for the AFEIIt L1A signals.

3M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 TOF Simulation & Digitisation  Yordan has installed G4MICE on a number of systems and has spent the past couple of weeks going over the old TOF code and sorting out a number of problems: u Bug in the determination of the hit position (distance from PMT, required to determine light yield and timing) u Added a new datacard to control the speed of light in the TOF scintillator material. u Fixed bugs in the persistency of the TofDigit class (energy deposited and Photo Electrons were not being saved correctly). u Added code to correctly merge hits on the same channel into a single TofHit.  This has resulted in new code committed in the following packages: u Persist, DetResp, Interface and DetModel

4M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 SciFi Reconstruction  Aron and I have been working on the Kalman fit and it now looks almost ready for a release.  New tests have allowed us to fix a number of small bugs and we are now at the stage of checking the resolutions and pulls in all 10 stations with a matched 2.5  beam (courtesy of Chris Rogers’ Matcher application).  I am traveling tomorrow, but hope to finish this work and release a new tag on Friday.  This tag will be used by Tamas to perform the station spacing study.  He has already started the process of simulating and digitising the necessary configurations.

5M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 Tracker 5 Test & QA  Code reported at CM17 to perform VLPC cassette calibration and characterisation (see next slide for an animation showing the VLPC response varying with bias voltage).  Excel/VB code to control stage in tracker QA rig has been supplied by Maiko.  Henry will be taking over the QA work and will be joining Aron and I at Fermilab next week to test Station 5 in cosmic rays.  Paul Kyberd has been getting into the VLPC cassette code and will be writing an application to perform the zero suppression of data as it comes off the tracker QA system.

6M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 VLPC Response vs Bias Voltage

7M. Ellis - MICE Video Conference - 15th March 2007 Data Challenge / GRID  No progress since CM17 (i.e. several jobs have been run successfully on the GRID, but no major production launched as yet).  Once I’m back in the UK (24 th March) Henry and I will get together at Brunel to sort out a scheme for the storage and transfer of data around the GRID.  New release (see slide 4) will include all reported improvements in Simulation, Digitisation and Reconstruction.  Once test jobs have shown scheme for storing data and code on the GRID Storage Elements will work major productions will begin.