A State Department Perspective
Headed by an elected State Superintendent ◦ No state board of education 425 School Districts 12 Cooperative Educational Service Agencies (CESAs) 17 Non-Instrumentality Charter Schools
Special Education Team ◦ Currently includes 22 team members ◦ Grants Specialist ◦ Fiscal Monitoring Consultant Federal Aids and Audits ◦ IDEA Grants Accountant ◦ IDEA ARRA Grants Accountant School Financial Services ◦ State Special Education categorical aids consultant ◦ School Auditor consultants
LEAs want to abide by federal rules LEA staff have to master many different state and federal regulations All stakeholders should understand federal grant and IDEA fiscal requirements: ◦ SEA & LEA staff ◦ Parents and Community Members Simplify the Complex
OSEP’s Critical Elements Analysis Guide (CrEAG) ◦ Used as a self-assessment tool ◦ Cross-Agency effort Special Education Team Federal Grants Accountants State Finance Team
Based on the CrEAG, began developing modules of technical assistance: ◦ Easy-to-read technical assistance papers ◦ Step-by-step instructions ◦ FAQs based on questions from LEAs ◦ Data tools ◦ Live and recorded scripted webinars ◦ IDEA Fiscal Updates Listserv
MOE Technical Assistance Document ◦ ◦ Explains IDEA MOE in plain language IDEA web-based claim submission instructions ◦ process.pdf process.pdf ◦ Stand-alone, not buried in a manual ◦ Easy-to-follow, step-by-step directions
Flow-through and Preschool Allowables Doc ◦ donts.pdf donts.pdf ◦ Lists costs associated with special education, identifying which costs are allowed, not allowed, or allowed under certain circumstances Time & Effort Reporting Presentation ◦ ppt.pdf ppt.pdf ◦ Addresses a federal fiscal requirement ◦ Also available as a recorded webinar
Individuals who need to know the information were not receiving the information Began sending a weekly to IDEA fiscal contacts Listserv messages are archived on DPI’s website VERY positive feedback from the field
Due dates Buy American provision Federal grant record retention requirements Property management requirements IDEA budget software updates IDEA funds to support Title I schoolwide schools Equitable service requirements Allowable IDEA costs
IDEA Flow-through and Preschool Budgets ◦ Web-based, user-friendly ◦ Pre-determined budget drop-down menus ensure only allowed costs are budgeted ◦ Designed to meet federal and state fiscal requirements
Application in substantially approvable form Allocation amounts Obligation Period Allowable Costs Excess Cost Capital Object Prior Approval CEIS 15% and allowable expenditures IDEA set-aside for Title I schoolwide schools Web-based claims based on approved budgets
Many fiscal requirements could not be addressed through the IDEA budget software. These gaps became apparent when completing the CrEAG. Staff met to discuss what is meant to ‘ensure’ that a fiscal requirement is being met, what processes we had in place, and what processes needed to be developed.
Increase Understanding Decrease Non-Compliance
Lower risk if LEAs are using pre-populated data tools to determine certain calculations ◦ Equitable Services Calculator ◦ Maintenance of Effort Calculator ◦ Title I Schoolwide Set-Aside Excel Calculators are pre-loaded with: ◦ Allocations ◦ Calculations ◦ Timelines Easily replicable
SEA’s Concerns: ◦ LEAs not setting aside federal funds ◦ LEAs not including ARRA funds in FFY 2009 ◦ LEAs not realizing the deadlines for expenditures Calculator available for each active fiscal year ◦ Available at budgets.html#setasidewww.dpi.wi.gov/sped/lpp- budgets.html#setaside
SEA’s Concerns: ◦ LEAs did not understand the interplay of CEIS expenditures and the 50% rule ◦ Misundertanding could lead to LEA non-compliance and a payback of funds Calculator available for fiscal year ◦ Available at budgets.html#setasidewww.dpi.wi.gov/sped/lpp- budgets.html#setaside
MOE Eligibility Report ◦ LEAs take ownership if they see their fiscal data and understand how it is being used Pulls in fiscal data collected by different teams at DPI MOE eligibility and compliance is verified at the SEA level using budgets LEAs submit for state special education aid Utilizes a scenario calculator to assist in planning for compliance
Test #1 Difference in state/local costs to previous year Test #2 Difference in local only costs to previous year Test #3 Difference in state/local per pupil amount to previous year Test #4 Difference in local only per pupil amount to previous year
When LEAs began seeing their own data and understanding its impact, ownership grew. Instead of a compliance check that happens behind closed doors, LEAs are with DPI every step of the way. LEAs begin to understand that all of the random pieces of data actually impact each other.
The CrEAG revealed some fiscal elements which could not be addressed within our existing systems ◦ Equitable services expenditures ◦ IDEA funds – Title I schoowide expenditures ◦ CEIS expenditures (actually used at the LEA level for the purposes of CEIS) ◦ Charter school funding ◦ Property managment ◦ Time & Effort reporting
Each of these components will be a stand- alone module that requires the LEA to provide information to determine if compliance has been met. The sytem will be web-based. For property management, LEA site visits will be conducted. Although the system is used as a compliance tool, it is designed as a means for LEAs to assess their fiscal compliance.
Present at school auditor trainings Draw connections between the A-133 single audit and DPI’s fiscal monitoring system Provide auditors a list of LEAs using ARRA- IDEA funds for: ◦ Construction / remodeling ◦ Title I schoolwide activities ◦ Capital equipment
Clearer communication internally and to the LEAs Elimination of duplicative processes Seamless collaboration of Federal funds with State funds Knowledge and information is owned by many individuals rather than a few
Our mission is to improve the lives of children. The fiscal regulations are meant to ensure that students receive the services they are entitled to under the law. It is our responsibility to help LEAs understand that the fiscal requirements are not hindrances, but a means to ensure the best outcomes for our children.