USDA International Agricultural Development Building Capacity to Promote Global Trade, Food and National Security Gary Groves Assistant Deputy Administrator.


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Presentation transcript:

USDA International Agricultural Development Building Capacity to Promote Global Trade, Food and National Security Gary Groves Assistant Deputy Administrator Office of Capacity Building and Development Presentation to the Association for International Agriculture & Rural Development June 7, 2011 Foreign Agricultural Service

“We provide leadership on food, agriculture, natural resources, and related issues based on sound public policy, the best available science, and efficient management.” Harness the capabilities of USDA to achieve overseas objectives Provide a global network of attaches and local staff to monitor agricultural developments Administer technical assistance and market development programs that aim to expand trade and support global food security Link producers, processors, NGOs, and Congress About the Foreign Agricultural Service

Capacity Building Overview OCBD implements assistance and capacity-building initiatives by accessing over 100,000 USDA employees residing in over 20 agencies, and faculty from 108 land-grant colleges and universities. OCBD utilizes these capabilities to strengthen the institutions and economies of developing countries in the following areas: Agricultural development Emerging market programs Rural credit, microfinance TA programs Regulatory oversight Scientific research Economic analysis Post Harvest/Marketing Trade missions

OCBD works at all levels of the development spectrum Country is recovering from a disaster, may have no formal economy, little production, food shortages Country looks to build a basic functioning economy, and produce staple crops at subsistence levels, establish local markets Country looks to export a few products competitively, but only produces low value-added products that are highly susceptible to price fluctuations Country is able to diversify its economy through greater trade links and standards Country is able to add significant value to its production through technological application. Civilian Response Corps, Food Aid programs, Disaster Assistance Development Resources Trade Capacity Trade and Scientific Exchanges WTO, CODEX, IPPO, OIE Improve Productivity and Competitiveness Strengthen Local Research and Development Emerging Market Programs GSM Programs Market Promotion Economic Growth

Strategic Goals OCBD utilizes the capabilities of USDA to directly support two of FAS’ strategic goals: Goal : Trade capacity building Working with developing countries to build and adopt internationally recognized regulatory standards based on sound science Educating countries on international standards through science-based workshops Promoting U.S., regional, and international trade for economic growth and food security

Strategic Goals Goal: Promote Food Security and National Security Policies Food aid is not enough to make up for the deficiencies in the world’s food supply. Capacity Building strengthens states so they are able to offer basic services and market conditions that are conducive to investment. Providing technical assistance to a state’s agricultural sector Promoting research and technological solutions to farmers to decrease hunger by increasing production Facilitating agricultural trade to supplement local production and ensure adequate supplies

Partnering to Achieve Sustainable Development Donor Countries NGOs PVOs Land Grant Universities, Minority Serving Institutions Corporate, banking and investment sectors Trade associations Foundations USG Agencies Food security and trade goals use a value-chain approach that taps the Departments’ comparative advantage Partnerships form alliances that separately would accomplish far less Pulls in private sector actors with available expertise and investment resources to promote sustainability Together they represent a strategic model that creates partners to combine and leverage the assets of the public and private sectors to expand trade and increase growth in developing markets.

Food Aid Programs & Other Technical Assistance USAID handles emergencies, while USDA assistance focuses on nutrition, agricultural development and education Food for Progress Supports democracy and expansion of private enterprise in the agricultural sector Supports agricultural development Food for Education Promotes education Reaches poor children, especially girls, in low-income countries Targets low literacy and primary school completion rates Encourages health and nutrition Strives for sustainability Promotes school gardens Technical Assistance Govt-to-Govt

Sustainable Agricultural Development Honduras – Food for Progess Partners: Honduran Govt, USAID, TechnoServe, Finca and others Strengthening and expanding farmer associations Developing microfinance programs Improving market access Technical assistance to comply with CAFTA-DR, including sanitary and phytosanitary training for regional and international trade

International School Feeding & Child Nutrition Mali – McGovern-Dole Program Partner: Catholic Relief Services Directly impacted the lives of 45,000 people Enhanced welfare of targeted communities by improving access to food and education for children To 120 schools, served more than 5 million meals in Outreach to the community to stress the importance of education School enrollment has increased since the program began: Girls: 39% to 55% Boys: 26% to 32%

Knowledge Exchanges 2 week to 6 month training and research grants  Targeted activities to meet specific needs  Supports strategic objectives and Presidential initiatives  U.S. institutions can host / train visiting fellows Borlaug Fellows from Afghanistan visit Iowa Dairy Cochran Fellowship Program Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science and Technology Fellowship Program Faculty Exchange Program Scientific Cooperation Exchange Scientific Cooperation and Research Embassy Science Fellows Visiting Scientist Program Facilitates cooperation between American, foreign researchers, and international policy-makers. Cooperation is accomplished through development programs and work to adopt new technologies, enhancement of agricultural business.

Policy and Trade Capacity Building Facilitates integration into the global economy Enhances conformance with international standards Promotes science-based regulatory systems, including new technologies (e.g., biotechnology)

Development Resources and Disaster Assistance Basic institutional capacity building Market systems Rural development infrastructure Sustainable natural resource base Coordinate global avian influenza preparedness Provide technical assistance in fragile states (Afghanistan/Iraq) Civilian Response Corps Development Resources People need to eat and they need basic infrastructure set- up before they can become a member of the global trading community In areas of conflict, so many countries have missed years of economic growth – our role is to help fill that year gap with current information and technology Disaster Assistance Help a country stabilize and provide fundamental assistance – sustainable agriculture and institutional capacity ensuring economic growth and easing the entry into the global trading economy Provides the basic building blocks to help countries either rebuild or transition from assisted agriculture to becoming viable members of the global economic community

Technical Assistance with USAID & U.S. Universities Post-Harvest Loss Training in Ghana and Nigeria Partners: University of Kentucky, Oklahoma State University, Purdue University Training government and farmers Reduce aflatoxins, improve grain quality, increase profits Goal of establishing warehouse receipts system