Anatomy of Articulation


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Presentation transcript:

Anatomy of Articulation Ch. 6 Part 2

Muscles of Face & Mouth Zygomatic Major Arises from the zygomatic bone and takes an oblique course inserting into the corner of the orbicularis oris Elevates and retracts the angle of the mouth Innervated by the VII facial nerve

Muscles of Face & Mouth Levator Anguli Oris Arises from canine fossa of the maxilla Inserts into the upper and lower lips Draws the corner of the mouth up and medially Innervated by the VII facial nerve

Muscles of Face & Mouth Depressor labii Inferioris Originates from mandible at the oblique line Inserts into lower lip Pulls lips down and out Innervated by VII facial nerve

Muscles of Face & Mouth Depressor Anguli Oris Originates from mandible at the oblique line Fanlike fibers on the orbicularis oris and upper lip Depresses corners of mouth, frown, compresses lips Innervated by VII facial nerve

Muscles of Face & Mouth Mentalis Muscle Originates from incisive fossa of mandible Inserts into the skin of the chin Elevates and wrinkles the chin, pulls lower lip out as in pouting Innervated by VII facial nerve

Muscles of Face & Mouth Platysma Originates from the pectoralis major and deltoid Inserts into the corner of the mouth Depression of the mandible Innervated by VII facial nerve

Tongue Intrinsic and Extrinsic muscles Mastication and Deglutition Median fibrous septum- divides it in left/right halves Septum originates at the body of the hyoid bone via the hyoglossal membrane which forms the tongue attachment with the hyoid Dorsum- superior surface Tip

Tongue Base- resides in the oropharynx Oral surface- first 2/3 of the tongue surface Pharyngeal surface- last 1/3 of the tongue in the oropharynx Lingual papillae- small irregular prominences on the surface of the tongue Invested with taste buds to convey the gustatory sense Lingual frenulum- joins the inferior tongue and the mandible Sublingual folds- band of tissue on either side of the tongue which are ducts for the sublingual salivary glands




Intrinsic Tongue Muscles Superior longitudinal Courses along the length of the tongue Elevates tongue tip or pulls tongue to one side or the other Innervated by hypoglossal nerve Inferior longitudinal Originates at the root of the tongue to the tip Pulls the tongue tip down and assists in retraction of the tongue

Intrinsic Tongue Muscles Transverse Muscles Originate at the median fibrous septum and course laterally to insert into the side of the tongue Pulls edges of the tongue toward midline, narrowing the tongue Innervation by hypoglossal nerve Vertical Muscles Run at right angles to the transverse muscles Originate at base of tongue and insert into the membranous cover Flatten the tongue

Extrinsic Tongue Muscles Genioglossus Arises from the inner mandibular surface and inserts into the tip and dorsum of the tongue as well as the hyoid bone Retraction of the tongue, protrusion of tongue tip, cupping the tongue Innervated by hypoglossal nerve Hyoglossus Arises from the greater corner of hyoid and inserts into the sides of the tongue Pulls the sides of the tongue down

Extrinsic Tongue Muscles Styloglossus Originates from the styloid process and inserts into the inferior sides of the tongue Draw the tongue back and up Stylopharyngeus Arises from the styloid process and insert into the posterior thyroid cartilage Elevates and opens the pharynx Innervated by glossopharyngeal nerve

Intrinsic Tongue Muscles

Extrinsic Tongue Muscles Palatoglossus Makes up the anterior faucial pillar Depresses the soft palate Elevates back of tongue Make a /K/ sound

Mandibular Depressors and Elevators Masseter Originates at the zygomatic arch Inserts into the ramus of the mandible Elevates the mandible, teeth clenched Innervated by the trigeminal Temporalis Deep to the masseter Arises from the temporal fossa and inserts into the coronoid process of the mandible Elevates mandible and draws it back Innervated by trigeminal

Mandibular Depressors and Elevators Medial Pterygoid Originates from medial pterygoid plate and inserts into the mandibular ramus Elevates mandible in conjunction with the masseter Lateral Pterygoid Arises from the sphenoid bone and insert into the pterygoid fovea of the mandible Protrudes the mandible Both are innervated by the trigeminal nerve

Mandibular Depressors and Elevators Digastrics Anterior originates at the inner surface of the mandible and posterior originates from the mastoid process Depresses the mandible Innervated by the facial nerve Mylohyoid Originates from underside of mandible Fanlike muscle inserts into the hyoid Innervated by trigeminal nerve

Mandibular Depressor and Elevator Geniohyoid Originates at the mental spines of the mandible Inserts into the corpus hyoid Depresses the mandible if the hyoid is fixed Innervated by hypoglossal nerve

Muscles of the Velum Levator veli palatini Muscularus Uvulae Arises from the petrous portion Inserts into the soft palate lateral to the uvulae Elevates soft palate, elevates and retracts velum Innervated by accessory and vagus nerve Muscularus Uvulae Muscle embodied within the uvulae Runs from the palatine bones to the sides of the velum Shortens the soft palate, bunches it up Innervated by accessory and vagus nerves

Muscles of the Velum Tensor Veli palatini Palatoglossus Arises from the sphenoid bone and lateral eustachian tube wall Inserts into the palatal Dilates the Eustachian tube Innervated by trigeminal Palatoglossus Originates at the palatal and inserts to the sides of the posterior tongue Depresses the soft palate Innervated by accessory and vagus nerves

Muscles of the Velum Palatopharyngeus Originate from anterior hard palate Insert into the posterior thyroid cartilage Narrowing the pharyngeal cavity Lowers soft palate Assists in elevating the larynx Innervated by accessory and vagus nerve

Muscles of the Pharynx Superior pharyngeal constrictor Superior sleeve of the pharyngeal wall attaching to the temporal bone, medial pterygoid plate and eustachian tube Forms the sides and back wall of the nasopharynx and the oropharynx Pulls pharyngeal wall forward and constricts the pharyngeal diameter Effects the velopharyngeal seal Innervated by accessory and vagus nerves

Muscles of the Pharynx Middle pharyngeal constrictor Arises from horns of hyoid and inserts into the medial pharyngeal raphe Narrows diameter of the pharynx Innervated by accessory and vagus Inferior pharyngeal constrictor Arises from sides of cricoid cartilage and inserts into the orifice of the esophagus Reduces diameter of lower pharynx Important muscle for swallowing

Muscles of the Pharynx Salpingopharyngeus Arises from lower portion of eustachian tube Converges with palatopharyngeus Elevation of the lateral pharyngeal wall Innervated by accessory and vagus nerves

Tongue Tie When the lingual frenulum is too short Difficulty elevating the tongue for phonemes Tongue may appear heart-shaped when protruded May require surgical repair

Oral Peripheral Exam Gloves Flashlight Tongue depressor Friend willing to have you look in their mouth P. 326