First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop 2005 QE Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Our Session Today Introductions Ground Rules for Discussion 2004 Summary, QE workload Boat Crew Currency Qualification AUXDATA items
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop More session topics POMS for Coxswains POMS for QEs QE Currency OTO items Policy Discussion: QE selection board, QE evaluation, QEC evaluation, other topics
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Breaks 15 minute morning break around minute lunch break around minute afternoon break around 1445 Close at 1600 Tour available of Berlin Fire Department
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Usual Discussion Rules Respect other participants Listen to what others say Only one person speaking at a time Speak slowly and clearly so all can hear and understand Speak only to the current topic Everybody needs to able to speak; facilitators may provide limits if needed
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Background: BCQP is 21 years old The Boat Crew Qualification Program is intended to facilitate the qualification of members in surface operations, not to act as a “rite of passage” or an unnecessary burden The process must be professional and complete Not all Auxiliary members are suited for surface operations roles, even if motivated.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QEs are Extensions of OTO The DIRAUX Operations and Training Officer cannot perform evaluations of candidates, but the OTO is the individual that certifies members. QEs are the objective and subjective evaluators for the OTO. QEs must be the best and most experienced coxswains possible to be most effective.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QEs Evaluate a candidate as a leader in stressful situations. A coxswain holds the ultimate safety of the crew and vessel in their hands. Evaluate seamanship, specific task/procedure skills Evaluate future independent performance safely, under USCG policy, and as a USCG representative
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop 2004 In Review First year of D1NR QEC Boat Crew Currency – handling of 5 year approvals TCT process: finding, taking biannual TCT QE scheduling: direct to QE. Any issues/problems? QE/Mentor sessions at conferences
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QE Workload Handout shows national statistics for 2004 Remember boating season differences between districts! D1SR (014), D9 (all three Aux regions) probably closest to our season National average is 1 QE per 8.7 coxswains, and 1 QE per 10.8 crewmembers. D1NR is 1 QE per 7.7 coxswains, and 1 QE per 13.6 crewmembers
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop D1NR Active Crew and Coxswain Cox Crew Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div Div 9920 Div Div Div
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop D1NR QE Availability statistical areaDivQEs (<50 miles) Members/QE SW Harbor Portland Portsmouth Boston-Salem-Scituate3,4,5, Springfield Hyannis New Bedford677.0 Warwick7,8, Entire District3118.7
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop D1NR QE Availability District wide: 1 QE for every 18.7 active boat crew qualified members Nation wide: 1 QE for every 19.4 boat crew qualified members (inactive or active) Our QE availability is as good or better than the national average Focus on very local issues of availability
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Existing: Year 1-4: self-certify/coxswain certify. Signed form goes to IS chain for local processing. Year 5: QE. Signed form goes to OTO. Problem: DIRAUX office not set up to handle all the task processing, confusion over QE approval item caused trouble in 2004
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Existing: form doesn’t reflect automated POMS 7030 processing. Members always are confused, and processing is spotty (twice, not at all, missing items)
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Proposed: form is used for all years, always goes to IS chain for local processing. Years 1-4 self-certify/coxswain signed. Year 5 QE signed Proposed addition: QE sends letter about 5 th year candidates to OTO, who handles ONLY the 5 year QE approval task (this is in addition to QE signing the candidate’s currency form for the IS chain)
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Let AUXDATA sort out getting all the necessary prerequisites together, that’s what a tool is for DIRAUX letter to member only certifies that QE approval was achieved, needs to be worded that other requirements must be met before certification is extended
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Failure to get tasks entered by IS chain, failure to get other requirements (hours, TCT, NavRules, etc) will still result in certification lapsing Develop increasing member responsibility and leadership awareness of monitoring necessary items
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Update form to include the necessary patrol info needed for IS processing Update form to include how POMS online 7030 remarks should be entered Currency Form may actually be redundant, but provides warm feelings of form in hand vs electronic POMS or other processing…and is the ultimate backup.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Currency Flow Proposal cleans up currency form flow, but adds communication from QE direct to OTO on 5 th year results Discussion?
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Qualification Flow Some items require “proof” to be presented to QE Crew: Task BCM AUX. Candidate must present some form of certificate from the listed boating courses, and QE (not mentor) signs task in Qualification Guide. Crew TCT: Task BCM AUX. TCT is “readily available” in this district, so crew candidates should have this signed as complete by a mentor prior to QE dockside or underway checkride.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Qualification Flow Both Crew and Cox: All tasks must be complete prior to the dockside oral exam and underway checkride. COX:Task COX AUX. The candidate must show proof to a QE that at least 28 hours underway as crew has been done. The choice of documents is up to the candidate, but the QE (not mentor) must sign this task. (If candidate is using deck officer or operator license, a copy will be needed by DIRAUX)
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Qualification Flow COX: Task COX AUX. NavRules. Candidate must show QE results of NavRules exam (completion letter, , or AUXDATA report). QE, not mentor, signs Qualification Guide. (QEs can proctor NavRules exams if paper copies are used; online NavRules is highly encouraged instead)
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Boat Crew Qualification Flow Successful completion of last task (underway checkride) requires QE to make Certification Recommendation to OTO. Letter to make Certification Recommendation is Appendix C of the Auxiliary Boat Crew Training Manual. QE is responsible for sending this letter. Keep a copy for your QE records.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop AUXDATA POMS has purportedly increased AUXDATA patrol hour tracking by making patrol hours easy to submit QEs should be listed as crew on the POMS patrol order; this means with existing POMS that the QE will get crew underway time. That’s ok, it doesn’t count towards your coxswain currency.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop AUXDATA QE checkride time must be reported separately from patrol paperwork by QE: mission 7C QE dockside exam time must be reported by QE: mission 7B The above two mission reports are the only record AUXDATA has of actual QE missions The online 7030 form, ed to your IS chain, is easy to use directly on the web. Paper copies work, too.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Reading Your Status AUXDATA, under Training Status, shows your Boat Crew and QE status For annual items (tasks), green means done, red means lacking from a prior period, black means something is needed this year For 5 year items, the due date means expiration of the item; YOU MUST COMPLETE THE ITEM PRIOR TO EXPIRATION. You can look at your own record directly, or ask your local IS chain to provide you the report.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop POMS for Coxswains All QEs are coxswains All coxswains need to know the current method for handling patrol orders, reimbursement, AUXDATA recording Divisions that are hiding this system from members will eventually find that untenable
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop POMS for QEs Checking on validity of patrol orders for all vessel facilities involved in a checkride/5 year currency evolution Includes validating crewmembers
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QE Currency QEs are appointed for 2 year intervals Some type of evaluation is needed for QEs and OTO to mutually decide on reappointments Since 1995, Chief Diraux has suggested an annual minimum underway time for QEs
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QE Currency QEs are expected to be the “cream of the crop” in coxswain expertise 20 hours underway (either as coxswain for normal boat crew activity, or underway check ride time as QE) has been both Auxiliary and Coast Guard suggestion Some districts require a minimum QE mission count
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QE Currency How would QEs nation wide and district wide stack up to a 20 hour minimum underway time? Nation wide: 33% of all QEs do not meet this minimum District wide: 32% of our QEs do not meet this minimum
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop D1NR QE underway activity
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop All Coxswains Underway Activity
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop QE Currency Proposal: QEs in D1NR should have at least 20 hours underway as coxswain or QE annually to maintain premium skills; failure to maintain this level should be considered in evaluating reappointment. Discussion? QEs that are not facility owners must put extra effort in getting underway time
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Operations and Training Officer
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Myths Myth: some tasks are optional. Answer: there are no optional tasks in D1NR. Myth: there are no changes to the BC Qualification Guides (crew, coxswain, PWC) Answer: CHIEF DIRAUX office has been lax in online material links. Material received from AUXCEN will have printed changes to make in the guides. Coast Guard Directives System has definitive online copies.
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop Policy Items to Decide QE selection board QE evaluation (annually or biannually) QEC evaluation QEs (either active or in process to become a QE) in senior elected positions
First District Northern Region 2005 Qualification Examiner Workshop