1.Who was the Native American that joined the Lewis and Clark Expedition as a guide? 2.How did the United States gain the Louisiana Territory? 3.Who agreed to sell the Louisiana Territory? 4.In what year did Lewis and Clark began their expedition into the Louisiana Purchase territory?
1. Embargo Act The Embargo Act of 1807 was a law restricting American ships from engaging in foreign trade between the years of 1807 and The Acts were diplomatic responses by presidents Thomas Jefferson and James Madison designed to protect American interests and avoid war. They failed, and helped cause the War of 1812 between the U.S. and Britain.
2. British began boarding American ships, known as impressments. In 1807, British shipmates boarded the USS Chesapeake because the British believed that the US was aiding France. There were eighteen American seamen injured and three killed during the British Leopard attack on the USS Chesapeake. Shipmates were often captured and forced to serve, against their will, in the British navy.
3. Americans suspected the British of giving military support to the Native Americans so that the Native Americans would fight to keep the Americans from settling lands west of the Appalachian Mountains
4. War Hawks Henry Clay and John Calhoun Wanted to expand US territory into Canada, Texas, and Florida
In 1814 the British burned Washington, D.C. in retaliation for the Americans attacking and burning parts of Canada.
While watching the Battle of Fort McHenry, a Baltimore lawyer, Francis Scott Key, wrote the Star Spangled Banner. This was originally just a poem, but is now the national anthem.
1. What is going on in this picture? 2. Which group are the Americans and which are the British? How do you know? 3. Where might this battle be taking place? Opening: War of 1812 & the Battle of New Orleans
Describe the American Army. How do they look? How are they dressed?
1. What is going on in this picture? 2. Who seems to be winning the battle?
Americans and British were fighting over who would control New Orleans (mouth of the Mississippi River and Ocean access) Future president Andrew Jackson played a key role as a general in the Battle of New Orleans American victory over the British. The treaty to end the war had already been signed, but neither Jackson or the British knew this, so there were lives lost for no reason.
Treaty of Ghent ended the war December 1814 American earned respect as a growing world power The “Era of Good Feelings” James Monroe (1817 ): No political infighting (why?) Created a new national bank to ease economic problems placed tariffs (taxes) on foreign goods to help U.S. manufacturing
End of military hostility between the US and Great Britain. America’s army and navy were firmly established as worthy opponents of any European military force. For the first time, U.S. citizens came together as Americans (not just as citizens of individual states). This is known as Nationalism Francis Scott Key writes the Star Spangled Banner
What were the causes of the War of 1812, and how did the War effect Americans’ national identity?