SciFinder ® : Exploring polymers in your research process
2 Polymers are the made-to-order raw materials of modern manufacturing Polymers are used in most manufacturing processes as raw materials, process aids, or equipment parts Properties vary by monomers and process Polymer substance records have unique attributes in SciFinder ® Searches for polymer substrate records & polymer document records in SciFinder are enhanced by specific techniques
3 Goals for this seminar include... Examining how polymers are registered in SciFinder Searching for polymer substance records and documents using various SciFinder search avenues Looking at some tips for retrieving useful polymer references Using the Refine and Analyze tools to organize search results
4 Polymers in SciFinder represent an important group of substances CAS REGISTRY SM contains over 64 million small molecules At present, almost 1.4 million substances are polymers or oligomers >2.9 million CAPlus records CAS assigns a specific CAS Registry Number ® for each polymer based on: –Its monomers –The structural repeating unit (SRU) –Manual registration
5 To search for polymer substance records in SciFinder, rely on the basics Basic search techniques for polymer substance records are the same as those for any substance –Explore Chemical structure –Explore Molecular formula –Locate Substance identifier –Related substances from document answer set Additional techniques for polymers can… –Separate polymer substance records from large answer sets –Help find the particular substance records you need –Retain records with manual registration
6 Search Question: What polymers are discussed in US patent 5,494,960 concerning aqueous polyurethane dispersions?
7 Search Strategy To find polymers discussed in US Patent 5,494, Step 1.Use the Locate>Locate Literature Document Identifier function in SciFinder by entering US Step 2. Create an answer set of all substances discussed in the document with Get Related Substances Step 3. Eliminate the small molecule substance records by using Refine by Property Data Step 4.Review the answer set
8 Locate the document using patent number The Document Identifier can recognize input with letters of upper or lower case, and numbers with or without commas. Multiple documents may be retrieved by entering any number of Document Identifiers, one per line, or input from an existing text file.
9 Find all substances in the document set with Get Related Substances Get Related Substances retrieves all substances indexed in the documents.
10 Answer set contains polymers and small molecules Get Related Substances retrieves all of the substances in the records. We can narrow the answer set using analyze and refine tools.
11 Remove small molecules by using Refine by Property Data Small molecules have Predicted Molecular Weight values while polymers do not. The “0 to 1” range will return no substances with predicted MW. Selecting “Include substances with no value for the specified properties” will return all of the polymers.
12 Seven small molecules removed from answer set The refined answer set contains a variety of polymer types. Three are shown here.
13 Substance details for this homopolymer Double click on link to see detail
14 Substance details for this homopolymer The formula displays the monomer in parentheses with “x” indicating the polymer is a homopolymer. Polymer records are unique in their formula format and the presence of the Polymer Class Term.
15 Substance details of this multi-component polymer
16 Substance details of this multi-component polymer The formula displays the monomers dot disconnected in parentheses with “x” indicating the polymer is a copolymer.
17 Substance details of this structural repeating unit polymer The formula displays the structural repeating unit (SRU) in parentheses with “n” indicating the polymer is registered as an SRU.
18 Substance details of this structural repeating unit polymer Alternate Registry Number(s) can reveal the copolymer registration of the polymer.
19 Alternate Registry Number reveals a monomer-based description The Preferred Registry Number represents the SRU record shown previously. With very few exceptions, each SRU polymer has at least one corresponding monomer based substance record.
20 Substance details of this structural repeating unit polymer with end groups The formula displays the structural repeating unit (SRU) in parentheses with “n” indicating the polymer is registered as an SRU, followed by a single molecular formula for the end groups.
21 Substance details of this manually registered polymer Manual registration is performed when the substance composition is either unknown or proprietary.
22 Polymer molecular formulas have a unique format For addition polymers and most condensation polymers put the molecular formula of the monomers, separated by dots, within brackets, and close with an “X” –(C3H6)x for propene homopolymer –(C8H8. C5H8)x for styrene-isoprene copolymers –(C8H8. C4H6. C2H4)x for styrene-butadiene-ethene polymers For structural repeating units of symmetric condensation polymers put the formula of the repeating unit within brackets and close with an “N” –(C14H12O4)n for polybutylene terephthalate –(C2H4O)nCH4O for -methyl- -hydroxy PE
23 Search example using molecular formula Search Question: How many copolymers of styrene and 1,3- butadiene are listed in SciFinder?
24 Search Strategy To find copolymers of styrene and butadiene... Step 1.Use the Explore > Explore Substances > Molecular Formula function in SciFinder Step 2. Enter the Molecular Formula for the polymer: (C 8 H 8. C 4 H 6 )x and run the search Step 3. Change the level of detail shown in the answers using the View menu Step 4.Review the answer set
25 Search for polymers with molecular formula (C 8 H 8. C 4 H 6 )x When entering a molecular formula in SciFinder, the numbers are not subscripted.
26 Answer set for polymers with molecular formula (C 8 H 8. C 4 H 6 )x SciFinder retrieves all answers that have the molecular formula in the query, including deuterated substances.
27 Summary view includes CA SM chemical name The chemical names of these compounds contain terms that describe characteristics of the polymers.
28 Polymers have unique rules for their records in SciFinder The CAS Registry Number for a polymer is specific to the building blocks (monomers) of the polymer Polymers with specified stereochemistry (tacticity) are registered separately Block, diblock, triblock (etc.), graft or alternating polymers are registered separately Post-treated polymers (hydrogenated, chlorinated, sulfonated, sulfurized) are registered separately The molecular weight (distribution), number of repeating units, component ratio, physical characteristics, or initiators or catalysts used do not influence the registration
29 The molecular formula search retrieves all polymers with the formula entered A molecular formula may be common to multiple substances. This query will include all of these in the answer set.
30 Refine by structure
31 Remove isotopic compounds Isotopic substances are removed in this example because we are interested only in the varied geometry of the polymers.
32 Final answer set contains 29 substances Refine by structure adds highlighting to the polymer components.
33 SRU polymer search using molecular formula Search Question: Find any information in SciFinder relating to the polymer below.
34 Search Strategy To find information on an SRU polymers of known structure... Step 1.Use the Explore > Explore Substances > Molecular Formula function in SciFinder Step 2. Enter the Molecular Formula for the polymer: (C 12 H 12 O 4 )n and run the search Step 3. Use Refine by Chemical Structure to find the desired structural isomer Step 4.Display the substance record detail
35 Search for SRU polymers with molecular formula (C 12 H 12 O 4 )n Note the SRU format for the molecular formula.
36 Refine by chemical structure will locate the desired substance within the answer set Substructure search is used for SRU searches because of the bonds at the ends of the SRU.
37 Search for SRU polymers with molecular formula (C 12 H 12 O 4 )n
38 Polymer searching with Explore by Molecular Formula Is a closed end search –No variables may be included –The number of components is fixed May yield results that include several structural isomers May require exclusion of isomers with Refine by Exact Structure –Multiple structures can be included in one refine step –Refine can also be used to eliminate isotope labeled monomers
39 Search for polymers with exact structure search Search Question: How many polymers containing both styrene and 1,3-butadiene are listed in SciFinder?
40 Search Strategy To find all polymers of styrene and butadiene... Step 1.Use the Explore > Explore Substances > Chemical Structure function in SciFinder Step 2. Draw styrene and 1,3-butadiene as fragments Step 3. Start the search by clicking the Get Substances button Step 4.Select Exact Search and the Polymers filter and click the OK button Step 5.Examine the answer set using Refine by Chemical Structure
41 Exact search for polymers containing styrene and 1,3-butadiene Draw as fragments
42 Exact search for polymers containing styrene and 1,3-butadiene Explore by chemical structure allows the selection of only polymers at the start of the search.
43 Answer set includes polymers with additional monomers The query specifies that styrene and 1,3-butadiene be present in each substance in the answer set, but does not limit the presence of other monomers. Reverse order changes the order of the polymers to ascending CAS Registry Number. Some users prefer this order. Unlike the molecular formula search, the exact structure search with monomers can be used to create an answer set with variation in the number of components (monomers).
44 Find polymers that also contain acrylonitrile As a subset search example, we’ll search for polymers from our answer set that also contain acrylonitrile. Acrylonitrile is added as a third fragment.
45 Find polymers that also contain acrylonitrile From the original answer set created by searching for two monomers, any number of subset searches may be performed with additional monomers.
46 Polymers described generically can be searched by Explore by Research Topic Ethylene- -olefin polymers (linear low density polyethylene or LLDPE) can be described without specifying which -olefin is used Alkyds (polymers used in paints and coatings) incorporate vegetable oils that consist of undefined blends Such polymers cannot be searched by Molecular Formula or Structure Searches –Search by Explore by Research Topic for generic polymers –Complete the search by refining and analyzing
47 Using the Single Component option Use the Single Component on a single monomer Use the Single Component on a structure search with two fragment monomers
48 Searching styrene as single component
49 The Single Component option limited to one component substances
50 The Single Component option on two fragment monomers
51 The Single Component option on two fragment monomers
52 Search for polymers with generic structures Search Question: Find references discussing the preparation of LLDPE (linear low density polyethylene). Segregate the references that pertain to packaging, and examine the polymers cited in the documents.
53 Search Strategy To find information on LLDPE... Step 1.Utilize Explore > Literature > Research Topic for the preparation of LLDPE Step 2. Refine the answer set with the term packaging Step 3. Get Related Substances from this smaller answer set Step 4.Narrow the substance answer set to only polymers
54 A research topic search can take us to documents that yield substances The parentheses indicate that synonyms are specified.
55 A research topic search can take us to documents that yield substances
56 Initial search results can be narrowed by additional Research Topic search While the term “packaging” could have been included in the initial research topic search, stepwise searching allows us to adjust the secondary term as needed.
57 Get related substances will show all substances discussed in these documents Get related substances may be used on any answer set containing 1000 or fewer documents.
58 Use the molecular weight search to retain polymers
59 Use the molecular weight search to retain polymers Recall that polymers do not have a predicted molecular weight.
60 Final answer set has records with structures and manually registered substances Manually registered substances often contain useful notes about product names and manufacturers.
61 Special tips for Explore by Research Topic polymer searching Most common “rubber” materials do not have a unique substance records, but may be searched as Research Topics –Natural rubber, EDPM rubber, nitrile rubber, silicone rubber, and many others Descriptive term “fiber” is the common term used to search for documents concerning polymers in threads, strands, and similar forms –For Nylon 6 or 66 fibers, search polyamide fibers –Lycra, spandex, Glospan, polyurethane fibers
62 Special tips for Explore by Research Topic polymer searching All polymers are assigned to one or more of the 40+ Polymer Classes –Assignment(s) based on monomer(s) –Copolymers are often assigned to multiple classes Descriptive terms “blend” & “composite” receive special attention in documents about polymers –Polymer blends & composites don’t receive unique substance records, but searching the specific polymer or class with “blend” or “composite” often increases search success Polymers may often be searched by trade name, CAS Registry Number, common name, or abbreviation
64 Search Question: Find SciFinder references discussing blends of polyester and polyurea polymers.
65 Search Strategy To find information on these polymer blends... Step 1.Utilize Explore > Literature > Research Topic with the terms: polyester, polyurea, and blend Step 2. Review the answer set
66 Including the term “blend” in the topic yields targeted results
67 Including the term “blend” in the topic yields targeted results
68 The document record shows “blend” as a significant search term Indexing is the place to find out what the CAS scientist identified as important in the document.
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