Submitting Claims in the ESEA Application Title I Parts A, C, D Title II Part A Title III Part A.


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Presentation transcript:

Submitting Claims in the ESEA Application Title I Parts A, C, D Title II Part A Title III Part A

Webinar Purpose  To file Fiscal Year and beyond claims electronically.  Access web-based claims through the ESEA budget software contained on Department of Public Instruction ESEA webpage.Department of Public Instruction ESEA webpage

First Steps  To have access to file claims electronically, an individual user must:  Have a username and password assigned as an ESEA User and not as a “Read-Only” to the district’s ESEA application for each budget the user would like to file claims (role should not read “read-only”).

First Steps  The budget must be approved before access to claims is allowed.

Budget Status  To file a claim, the user needs an approved budget.  The user must also have permissions that are not “read- only.”  View the budget list on the ESEA Main Menu – or – 1. Select a budget 2. On the budget menu bar, select “Submission History”

Budget Status  The budget submission history must say “approved”.

Locked or Unapproved Budgets  Two things can indicate that a user cannot file a claim:  The first is that the budget is locked:

Locked or Unapproved Budgets  The second indication is that the user clicks on “enter claim” but sees the following screen:  (note: Title I had two budget types and both require separate approved budgets and claims)

Step 2  Once a budget is approved, the user can file a claim: Click on the budget that the user would like to file a claim in the ESEA Budget Menu:

Step 3  From the budget menu:  Request funds  Select “Enter Claims”

Step 4 – New Claim  The following page will appear for whichever budget type was selected to edit:  To create the claim, click on the “Edit” hyperlink.

Step 5  The “Type of Report” defaults to the “Partial Claim.”  Enter the “Report Period Ending Date.” This is a required field and you will not be able to continue to the next step if a date is not entered.  The “Total Funds Claimed to Date” is pre-populated with the last amount claimed through the web-based system. This may not be the amount of cash the LEA has received to date.  Enter the “Total Funds Received to Date.” This is the amount the LEA has received in cash from DPI.  When the required fields are entered, click on “Save” to save your data. You may also click on “Next Step.”

Step 6 : A note on Indirect Costs Indirect costs are claimed on the “Final Claim.” If the “Final Claim” radio button is selected from the Type of Report, then the approved budgeted indirect amount appears along with a field to enter in the amount of requested indirect.

Step 7  When “Next Step” is selected from the previous screen, the “expenditure report” information is displayed.

Expenditure Report  The “Approved Budget” column pulls the amounts from the last approved Title budget. If the amounts are not what you expected to see, a budget amendment will need to be submitted and approved before the amounts will change.  The budget line items may be sorted either by “Object” or “Function” by selecting the radio button in the upper left-hand corner.  The “Unliquidated Encumbrances” column is available for LEA use. DPI does not use any of the information entered into these fields, and amounts are not required in this column.

Expenditure Report (continued)  The “Previously Disbursed” column displays the amount that was entered in the last submitted claim. This is only for reference and does not appear on the printed 1086 claim form.  The “Total Disbursements” column is pre-populated with the amounts that were in the last submitted claim. Total disbursements are cumulative. Enter in the disbursement amounts for the time period you wish to claim.  At any time during this process, you can select the “Save Changes” button and leave the software.  Click on the “Next Step” to complete the claim submission process.

Step 8 – Final Step  The final screen includes the amounts entered from the previous screen. Select “Submit Claim” if you are satisfied with the information displayed.  Note: if at any point in the preceding process you wish to go back and make changes to the amounts entered, simply click on the back button and make necessary changes.

View the PI-1086  At the bottom of the claim screen, there is a button to view the PI This will pull up a printable version of the form with your data entered. You do not need to or fax this form; it is for your use only.

Claim Status  Once the claim has been submitted, the status of the claim changes from “New” to “Submitted.” No additional claims for this funding source can be submitted until this claim has been processed by DPI.  As long as the status says “Submitted” rather than “In Process,” the district user has the ability to go in and make changes to this claim (by clicking the “Edit” button) and re-submitting the claim by clicking on the “Submit Claim” button.

Processing and Approval  The claim is processed and approved or denied by DPI. When the claim has gone through this process, the status will change to “Approved” or “Returned.”  If the claim is approved, an additional row will appear with the status of “New.” This means that a new claim may be submitted for this funding source.  If the status is “returned,” DPI has requested changes be made to the submitted claim.

Frequency of Submissions  The budget software is designed with the Education Department’s General Administration Regulations (EDGAR) fiscal rules in mind, including the 10% rule for requiring amendments.  It is recommended that claims are submitted quarterly (at a minimum), although claims can be submitted more frequently.

Final Claims  Final claims require the signature of the LEA Administrator. When the “Final Claim” radio button is selected as the Report Type and the claim is submitted, the following message appears:  When an LEA submits a final claim, print the PI-1086 and send the signed copy to DPI (a signed PDF is preferred, but fax or mail is acceptable).

Error Messages (1)  A new claim cannot be created because the LEA’s last approved budget amount is greater than the current amount of funds available. A budget amendment is required.  There are different times during the year when an LEA may have an approved budget greater than the amount available. This may occur when final indirect rates and carryover amounts are added into the software. A budget amendment must be submitted and approved before the LEA may submit a claim.

Error Messages (2)  A new claim cannot be created until current submitted budget amendment has been reviewed by DPI.  This message appears when the LEA has a budget amendment submitted to DPI for review. Because the claim is based on the last approved amount, a submitted budget amendment may be vastly different than the claim amounts the LEA is viewing. As soon as the budget amendment is reviewed and approved, the claim will be updated with the approved budget amounts.

Contact Information  For additional information or clarification of any information in this webinar, please contact either the DPI ESEA (Title I, II, or III) Consultant for the budget, or the DPI Accountant for the ESEA budget in question.