S.R In Support of Adding an Emergency Text Alert Contact Page to Registration
Overview The University’s emergency text alert system is one of the most useful and effective tools for informing students in classrooms in an emergency situation. The system, which pulls information from students’ Emergency Contact Information page, does not currently utilize a system for updating this contact information for students across the university. This resolution suggests that a page be added to the registration process to increase the accessibility of this system and improve safety communication to every student in the classroom.
Updates RESOLVED, The Senate of College Councils supports the inclusion of a page in the registration process after the course registration page where students can update their text alert preferences; and, be it further RESOLVED, This page include fields for a cell phone number, carrier, a choice to opt out, and all applicable information from the University's Emergency Notification Policy so that students may update their information on that page; and, be it further RESOLVED, After this page is implemented, students prefer that they are no longer barred from registration by the Office of the Dean of Students for not updating emergency contact information because this page would ensure that those updates are made during the registration process; and, be it further Lines Lines Lines 57-60