Brownfields Odell Zeigler, Katie Dilbeck, Shirley Green, Genarde Garnica
Property Location 14 th street Lincoln Highway, South Side Lowe to Walace E 14 th St. Chicago Heights IL
Latitude and Longitude Lat Long
Size in acres 1.5 acres
Potential Hazardous Substances Illegal Dumping
Neighboring Properties None Known
Who owns the site? Chicago Heights IL, owns s 14 th street
Review of Records Homeless people use this site for shelter in the harsh weather and seek temp housing.
Review of Records
Is this property a brownfield? This property of s 14 th street is a brown field
Development There is no development plan for this brown field at the moment.
Phase I ESA Environmental Site Assessment
Purpose The purpose of this phase I ESA is to provide a professional opinion on the potential for current presence of RECs at the subject property, including potential impacts from known problems in the surrounding area.
Detailed Scope-of-Service Conducted a regularity data base search of known underground storage tanks landfills hazardous waste generation or treatment, storage and disposal facilities; subsurface contamination in the surrounding area up to within one mile of the center of the subjects property.
Significant Assumptions No significant other than those describe below in the following section apply to this Phase I ESA.
Limitations and Exceptions No apparent conditions were encountered that would limit URS’ ability to complete the scope of work observations of the subject property were limited as approximately two inches of snow covered portions of the subject property.
Special Terms and Conditions It is important to recognize that even the most comprehensive scope of service may fail to detect environmental liability on a particular site.
User Reliance This Phase I ESA report has been prepared for use soley by COHO. This report shall not be relied upon by or transferred to any other party, or used for any other purpose, without the expresss written authorized or URS. This Phase I ESA report is applicable for 180 days.
Location and Legal Description The subject property is located along the south side of East 14 th street between Lowe Avenue to the west and Wallace Street to the east and between Portland Avenue to the west and Arnold Street to the east.
Subject Property and Vicinity Characteristics The subject property was vacant at the time of the site reconnaissance. Adjacent properties included residential and commercial properties.
Physical Settings The subject property is approximately 640 ft above mls. Area topographic is relatively level. The site area runoff infiltrates the vegetated areas or travels to surrounding roadways.
Descriptions of Structures, Roads, and Other Improvements The subject property was vacant vegetated land at the time of the site reconnaissance.
Current Adjoining Property Uses Observations were made of the surrounding properties to identify potential sources of environmental concern.
Title Records
Environmental Liens Use Limitations
Specialized Knowledge
Owner, Site Manager, and Occupant Information
Reason for Conducting Phase I ESA
Other Information
Standard Environmental Records
Additional Environmental Records
Historical Use
Aerial Photographs Short Brief
Topographic Maps Summarize Brief
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps Brief summary
City Directories
Methodology and Limiting Conditions
Interior and Exterior Observations
Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products
Underground/ Aboveground Storage Tanks
PCB-Containing and Hydraulic Equipment
Solid and Hazardous Wastes
Drains and Sumps
Waste Water
Pits, Ponds, Lagoons
Other Physical Evidence of Contamination
Environmental Professionals Involved