War of 1812
PROBLEMS… American economy was based on exporting agricultural products and importing manufactured goods from Europe. Interference(from France and England) caused economic problems Napoleon excludes British goods from his “fortress Europe.” England responds with blockade*the French and English try to get the Americans to take sides.
War of 1812 4. England responds with blockade*the French and English try to get the Americans to take sides. 5. England started impressment (10,000 men taken) 6. Embargo Act Jefferson decided to keep American ships & foodstuffs off the high seas. It back fired hurt the U.S. more than it hurt England or France
James Madison (1809-1817)-Democratic Republican John C. Calhoun (South Carolina) Henry Clay (Kentucky) }War Hawks (wanted war) Indian Problem Indians’ fire arms were British War Hawks rallying cry was “On to Canada”
The War First year was disastrous for Americans Most of the war fought in Great Lakes and Northeast British navy superior British burned the Capital Building and the White House War turns into a stalemate (a draw no winner)
White house…burned in 1814
Battle of New Orleans Andrew Jackson and some 5,400 Soldiers hide behind walls of cotton Decisively defeat British Jan. 9th 1815 Peace agreement December 24, 1814 between British and U.S. War was already over news does not get to New Orleans
Treaty of Ghent…ends the war! No territory exchanged hands Right of neutral ships not mentioned Was more like an armistice peace agreement Rise of Nationalism ***U.S. survives a major war on their own***
Regional differences start to develop..(Sectionalism) James Monroe(1817-1825) President for 2 terms First part of his presidency is known as “ERA OF GOOD FEELINGS” Regional differences start to develop..(Sectionalism) Most noted for the Monroe Doctrine
MONROE DOCTRINE Declared that no new European colonies are allowed in the Western Hemisphere