Harmonising without Harm: towards an object-oriented formulation of FRBR aligned on the CIDOC CRM ontology Maja Žumer (University of Ljubljana) & Patrick.


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Presentation transcript:

Harmonising without Harm: towards an object-oriented formulation of FRBR aligned on the CIDOC CRM ontology Maja Žumer (University of Ljubljana) & Patrick Le Bœuf (National Library of France) International Workshop on Semantic Interoperability for e-Research in the Sciences, Arts and Humanities – Imperial College Internet Institute, Imperial College, London 30 March, 2006

2 What is FRBR? “FRBR” is for “Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records” Developed & published 1998 by IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions) Maintained by the IFLA FRBR Review Group Covers “bibliographic records” and “headings” for library materials: “textual, music, cartographic, audio-visual, graphic, three- dimensional materials”

3 What is CIDOC CRM? “CRM” is for “Conceptual Reference Model” Developed from 1996 on by ICOM CIDOC (International Council of Museums – International Committee for Documentation) Maintained by CRM-SIG (Special Interest Group) About to be validated as ISO Builds upon the CIDOC Information Categories Covers any kind of data (“descriptive” or “authorities”) created by museums in the fields of fine arts, archaeology, natural history…

4 Key concepts of FRBR Expression Manifestation Item Work Event Place Object Concept Corporate Body Person “Bibliographic records” are about: “Headings” refer to:

5 Key concepts of CIDOC CRM Formal structure of metadata = Metadata Appellations (= how we name things) Types (= how we categorise and organise things into controlled lists) Strings (= free-text notes) Numbers Time Primitives (machine processable) consists of

6 Key concepts of CIDOC CRM Event What happened? Involving whom? Involving what? When?Where? Actor Actor Appellation Physical Stuff Appellation Time-Span Time Appellation Place Place Appellation Conceptual Object Of what ? Type Semantic structure of metadata =

7 Some similarities, but no 1:1 overlapping... Event Actor Physical Stuff Place Conceptual Object Expression Manifestation Work Item Object Type Corporate Body Person Event Place Concept Appellation “Headings” String [Notes within] “Bibliographic records”

8 FRBR/CRM Harmonisation Group formed 2003 gathers representatives for & corresponding members of:  the IFLA FRBR Review Group  the CRM Special Interest Group chaired by Martin Doerr, Institute of Computer Science of the FOundation for Research & Technology Hellas – ICS-FORTH (assisted by Patrick Le Bœuf)

9 Methodology (1) 6 meetings so far:  Meeting #1: 2003, Nov  Meeting #2: 2004, March  Meeting #3: 2005, Feb  Meeting #4: 2005, July 4-6  Meeting #5: 2005, Nov  Meeting #6: 2006, March Detailed reports have not been made publicly available so far What we do at those meetings:  ‘translate’ FRBR entities and attributes into an OO model  that OO model borrows as much as possible from the existing structures defined in CIDOC CRM  sometimes it also gives back to CIDOC CRM

10 Methodology (2) Examine each attribute:  What does it mean?  Is there any implicit assumption about its meaning?  How do non-librarians understand its definition?  How to express the same meaning in a CRM-like structure? What’s on a librarian’s mind?  Cataloguing processes sometimes important to model too What’s on an author’s and a publisher’s minds?  Production processes are important to model in order to understand how things happen to be there

11 Methodology (3) Too many Attributes?  Split the entity! A given Attribute actually refers to an Event?  Make the Event explicit! How do cataloguers acquire knowledge about merely “abstract” entities?  Through concrete entities that are deemed to be representative for abstract entities Taking a user (or use)-centered approach

12 To what purpose harmonise FRBR & CIDOC CRM? To reach a common view of cultural heritage information (because we share users and types of materials) To check FRBR’s internal consistency To enable interoperability and integration (mediation tools, Semantic Web applications…) For FRBR’s and CIDOC CRM’s mutual benefit (to extend the scope of both)

13 Library catalogue (bibliographic records) in history Inventory control Resource discovery

14 Current catalogues Paris Principles (1961) ISBD – International Standard Bibliographic Description (National) cataloguing rules Card catalogues

15 IFLA commissioned a study which resulted in FRBR Changes: computer catalogues, union (shared) catalogues, new library materials, new user needs Cost of cataloguing Examination of user needs (required functions) Examination of characteristics of new types of library materials Effective and efficient

16 (Future) FRBR applications Better catalogues, more appropriate for the intended users Use the potential of new technology Extend the focus from physical to intellectual Possibility of interoperability with the broader community (e.g. cultural heritage, intellectual property rights ) Potential of Semantic Web

17 What next? Group 2, Group 3, FRAR and FRSAR attributes FRBR, FRAR & FRSAR relationships Polish the overall picture (some attributes were postponed, some new concepts need clarification) Check the robustness Deliverables: scope notes and examples for each class & property, tutorials, explanatory documents… Prototype applications Extend the modelling to performing arts