MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Resource Management Associates (RMAs) will be responsible for Technology Equipment at their schools which includes: Computers, iPads, tablets, kindles, printers, scanners, cameras, projectors Two (2) “types” of equipment 1. Equipment items that cost $750 or more and iPads Property Control will provide tags RMAs will be responsible for making sure that these items get tagged Property Control will provide a listing of these items each year to be checked, signed by principal and returned to Property Control RMAs will be responsible for completing this annual inventory Equipment items may fall into this category whether they are purchased by District, internal accounts, booster clubs, Foundation or other types of donations including DonorsChoose and similar internet sites RMAs will be responsible for notifying Property Control of any technology equipment items that are obtained by the school by other than District purchase so that items will be added to the District property records and assigned a tag
MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Two “types” of equipment (continued) 2. Equipment items that cost less than $750 Property Control will not provide tags RMAs will be responsible for keeping track of these items Property Control will not provide a listing of these items each year to be checked, signed by principal and returned to Property Control RMAs will be responsible for completing an annual inventory of these items Equipment items may fall into this category whether they are purchased by District, internal accounts, booster clubs, Foundation or other types of donations including DonorsChoose and similar internet sites RMAs will be responsible for keeping track of these items
MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Tips for a Stress-Free Property Inventory Make sure that equipment items get tagged Make sure the right items gets tagged – check serial numbers Make sure inventory records (Munis) include accurate information including location, serial numbers and other info Make sure that Equipment Check Out forms are completed and signed at least annually for any items that are taken off campus Make sure that you get the completed MIS #212 back for any items transferred to another cost center. Same for obsolete or damaged items. Make sure items have some type of secondary marking-permanent marker or etching-in case tags come. off Not for leased equipment! If items are stolen-call Law Enforcement! Send report to Property Control As you check off items on the inventory listing: Make sure you are looking at the right item-check serial numbers Do not check off items that you don’t actually see Follow up and report items as missing if necessary
MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY EQUIPMENT Contacts Property Control Casey Finance Analyst - Capital Projects (813) LaDeana Harvey Finance Assistant - Property Control (813) Mark Sroka Finance Assistant – Property Control (813) Internal Audit Tillman, Mary – Director of Internal Audit Phone: Collins, Mary T. – Administrative Assistant Phone: Bradley, Julia - Staff Auditor Phone: Walker, Marissa D. – Staff Auditor Phone: