New York State Middle-Level Education Summit 2 – Focusing on the Implementation of NYSED’s 7 Essential Elements of Standards-Focused Middle Level Schools and Programs August 13-14, 2009 Hearing Room B Legislative Office Building Albany, NY Sponsored by the New York State Middle School Association
Participants A.A. Kingston MS Albany Law School Assn of Math Teachers of NYS Bethlehem CSD Board of Regents Capital Region MS Principals Career Tech Ed Admin - ACTEA Catholic School Admin Assn of NYS Catt-Allegany MS Principals Group Council of School Sup & Admin (CSA) Just for the Kids - NY, University at Albany School of Ed Nassau County Math Teachers/Supervisors Nassau County MS Principals Assoc
Participants National Middle School Assn NY Assn of School Psychologists NY Assn of Colleges for Teacher Education NYC Council - Off of Speaker Quinn NYC DOE Office of Curriculum Standards and Academic Engagement NY Newspaper Pub Assn NYS Assn for Staff & Curriculum Development NYS Assn of Foreign Language Teachers NYS Assn of School Nurses NYS Assn of Teacher Educators NYS Bar Association NYS Center for School Safety
Participants NYS Department of Labor NYS Education Department NYS Office of Mental Health Div of Child/Families NYS Parent Teachers Assn NYS School Boards Assn NYS School Counselors Assn NYS School Library Media Spec. NYS School Music Association NYS Senate NYS Senate Education Committee NYS Student Support Services Center
Participants NYS Middle School Association NYSUT PBS – Teacher Line New School Administrators Association of NYS Schoharie County Reading Council School Library System Association Science Teachers Assn of NYS SED Off of Higher Ed; Learn & Serve America Shaker JHS WAMC Northeast Public Radio Westchester Putnam MS Principals' Assn
Open Space Technology The issues most important to the participants are raised. The issues raised will be address by the participants most qualified and capable of addressing them. In a short time, the most important ideas, discussions, recommendations, questions, and plans are documented and shared.
Open Space Technology Our organizing theme: “Maximizing the implementation of the Essential Elements in NYS schools” What objective(s) align with your personal interest/passion professional responsibilities organizational mission/vision/goals
Middle-Level Summit 2 Planning Template Goal of Middle Level Summit Initiative: To ensure the full implementation of the 7 Middle-Level Essential Elements, as contained in Commissioner Regulation 100.4, in all NYS schools serving middle-level students. Objective: –Develop a parent involvement document Essential Elements/Performance Indicators: –1.8, 2.15, 3.7, 3.11, 4.19, 5.14, 6.5,
Middle-Level Summit 2 Planning Template Action (Specific steps to be taken to achieve objective) Champions (By whom?) Timeline (By when?) Intermediate Checkpoints?
ML Summit Objectives To align SED’s M-L Essential Elements with the USNY Statewide Educational Technology Plan (S. Robertson) To Develop Resources on Parental Involvement at the Middle Level (L. Ruest) To create a resource that shows the integration of ALL subject area curricula and NYS’ 28 Learning Standards (S. Shehadi)
ML Summit Objectives To increase the focus on the whole child at the middle level (J. McIntyre) To increase school completion; increase student-centered focus at the middle level (B. MacBain) To create a school improvement process for NYS Middle Level Schools (0-to-60) (D. Tosetto)
ML Summit Objectives Create and implement a resource/ clearinghouse for Best Practices at the Middle Level around NYS (S. Zielinski) To develop a process to analyze student assessment data (state and local) to be used during teacher collaboration to identify successful instructional practices (S. Zielinski)