Schinnerer’s Builders Risk Program ONLINE BROKER PORTAL
Welcome ■Program Overview ■Coverage Form ■Portal ■Marketing Toolbox ■Summary
Schinnerer Builders’ Risk ■Admitted program for new residential dwellings under construction up to $5,000,000 TIV/Limits. ■Arch Insurance Group, ‘A+’ rated national carrier with over $7 billion in premium ■Available in 48 states and DC. (states pending approval AK and HI) ■Rate, quote, and issue on line in 9 steps.
Coverage Form ADDITIONAL COVERAGES (INCLUDED IN POLICY)LIMIT OF INSURANCE Collapse included Scaffolding, Construction Forms And Temporary Structures $ 20,000 Debris Removal $ 150,000 Discharge From Sewer, Drain or Sump $ 5,000 Fire Department Service Charge $ 10,000 Valuable Papers and Records $ 20,000 Pollutant Clean Up and Removal $ 15,000 Ordinance of Law – Direct Damage (1)Coverage For Loss To The Undamaged Portion Of The Building included (2) Demolition Cost Coverage $ 100,000 (3) Increased Cost Of Construction $ 100,000 (4) Combined Aggregate $ 150,000 Preservation Of Property included Reward Payments $ 10,000 Property At A Temporary Storage Location $ 100,000 Property In Transit $ 100,000 Expediting Expense $ 50,000 Limited Coverage For “Fungi”, Wet Rot and Dry Rot $ 5,000 “Soft Costs” $ 50,000 Competitive coverage form with 15 automatic additional coverages
Optional Coverages ■Green Builder Endorsement ■Contract Change Order Endorsement ■Flood ■Earthquake
Schinnerer Portal
Policy may be written in homeowner or builder name.
Billing options are direct or agent bill. Premium is due in full 10 days after effective date.
Issuing the Policy After the user reviews the quote letter they need to log back into the portal to issue the policy.
Marketing Resources
Summary ■Superior coverage form ■Ease of doing business ■On-line rate, quote and issue ■Builders Risk team is here to help! ■Next Steps: –Log into portal –Submit a quote –Review coverage form –Give Donna a call to discuss a specific account or to receive a phone quote
Builders Risk Support