Cooperative Research Centre for an Internationally Competitive Pork Industry An investment in Australia’s industrial, commercial and economic growth
Demand - Factors affecting purchase of pork Food safety Price Meal convenience Nutritive value (Lean) Appearance Pork quality
Aims Cost-effectively adding value to, and differentiating Australian pork products in domestic and international markets 10% increase in domestic sales volumes $ 63.4 million A 10% increase in export sales volumes $ 12.8 million
Improved eating qualities aligned to production enhancements. A $1/kg increase in returns from both markets for 10% of the product sold into higher value markets. $ 10.5 million Consumers pay an additional $1/kg for premium, nutritionally fortified pork and producers capture 25c/kg of this premium.
Omega-3 and organic mineral supplements Demonstrated health benefits Improved health through pork consumption… Pork consumption 10% National research priority: Promoting and maintaining good health - Preventative healthcare
National research priorities… Significant contributions to national research priorities: – Promoting and maintaining good health – Preventative healthcare
CRC OUTCOME 3 Increased demand for high quality, niche Australian pork products as a result of an enhanced capacity to deliver nutrients that promote the health and well-being of consumers via consumption of pork and pork products
Functional Foods Products that aid specific bodily functions in addition to being nutritious – Need to be able to produce the product – Need to ratify health claims – Need to be able to distinguish benefits from similar products.
Outputs Omega 3 enriched premium pork products Trace mineral enriched fresh pork products Fat soluble bioactive enriched fresh pork products. Production of bioactive compounds from pork
Projects Omega 3 enrichment of pork Demonstration of the anti- carcinogenic protective effects of pork bound selenium using a colon cancer rat model Measuring the different forms of protein bound selenium.
Future Projects Protein bound zinc and iron and health claims Bioactive additives and health benefits Identifying Bioactive compounds already present in pork.
Fat Soluble Bioactive’s Other compounds that can be manipulated include the fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E) and fat-soluble antioxidants and other organics (eg carotenoids, lutein, lycopene).
Can we get there?… Dunshea and D’Souza, unpublished
Key Outcomes Increased demand for niche, high-quality Australian pork products Leading to… Stabilised and sustained domestic and export markets Improved confidence in the pork industry leading to increased investment and industry growth
Possible Collaborators National Centre for Excellence in Functional Foods. Food Science Australia Massey University
Other Funding The food innovation grants (FIG) program which provided dollar-for- dollar grants to food businesses for projects which focus on delivering commercial results through research and development and innovation in product, process or technology