Jack D. Osman Towson University ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
Although Sweetpotatoes have been rated* as one of the best vegetables for overall nutrition, per capita consumption continues to decline. In 1949 per capita consumption was 13.9 pounds; the estimate for the year 2000 is 4.6 pounds/year. *Nutrition Action Health Letter and The Center for Science in the Public Interest. ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
US Per Capita Use of SweetPotatoes, (Forecast) 4.6 Source: Economic Research Service/USDA Vegetables and Specialties Situation and Outlook Yearbook July/2000 ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
USDA Nutrient Database for Standard Reference, Release 14 (July 2001) Nutrient Units Value per 100 grams edible portion 1 medium (2" dia, 5" long, raw) g Proximates Waterg Energykcal Proteing Total lipid (fat)g Carbohydrateg Fiber, total dietaryg Sweetpotato, cooked, baked in skin
©Jack D. Osman, 2002 Minerals 100 grams medium 114 grams Calcium, Camg Iron, Femg Magnesium, Mgmg Phosphorus, Pmg Potassium, Kmg Sodium, Namg Zinc, Znmg Copper, Cumg Manganese, Mnmg Selenium, Semcg
©Jack D. Osman, 2002 Vitamins Vitamin C, ascorbic acidmg Thiaminmg Riboflavinmg Niacinmg Pantothenic acidmg Vitamin B-6mg Folate, totalmcg Vitamin B-12mcg Vitamin A, IUIU Vitamin A, REmcg_RE Vitamin Emg_ATE
©Jack D. Osman, 2002 Amino acids Tryptophang Threonineg Isoleucineg Leucineg Lysineg Methionineg Cystineg Phenylalanineg Tyrosineg Valineg Arginineg Histidineg
©Jack D. Osman, 2002 Within the next few years nutrition educators will be moving from the “5 A Day” theme to “7 Fruits and Vegetables Per Day.” It would benefit the collective sweetpotato industry if a planned advocacy program were begun now. Three servings of sweetpotatoes per week would be a reasonable goal. ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
Sweetpotatoes have natural cancer-fighting nutrients. The “A.C.E.” vitamins which act as anti- oxidants during the initiation stage of cancer. Ten percent of the daily fiber to help protect against digestive system cancers. Very low fat – both cancer & heart-smart! ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
The nation’s nutrition would be enhanced -- naturally. Per capita consumption would climb to over 30 pounds per year! Creative and healthy value-added sweetpotato products will be needed. A well-thought out advertising campaign needs to be developed. ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
Sweetpotato Mandarin Orange Liqueur ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
Sweetpotato Cinnamon Apple Raisin Blend ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
Lila Brown: my oldest Sweetpotato fan ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
Fasciation (Hernandez) ©Jack D. Osman, 2002
G. W. Carver
©Jack D. Osman, 2002
The ugly duckling! ©Jack D. Osman, 2002