M ATH P ROJECT Why Should I Pay? I think that we pay taxes to pay off our enormous debt.
H ISTORY OF T AXATION When the 1916 income tax came before the high Court with a challenge to its progressive rates, Justice Brewer had passed away and the Court dismissed the challenge with not much more than a one liner, even though the leading legal scholars and Law Reviews had zeroed in on this issue as the most important tax issue in the Constitutional history of the United States. The tolerance for discrimination in taxation by the Courts, contrasts with Chief Justice Warren’s lack of tolerance for discrimination in racial matters. He ruled in the famous Brown case that overruled all racial segregation, that such laws, though supposed to be "separate but equal," were inherently unequal despite all appearances. Yet, with discrimination in taxation, we have a much stronger case. The tax laws are not just "inherently" unequal, they are intentionally made that way, like a few centuries ago when Jews paid four times the tax rates as Christians, and in Protestant countries, Catholics paid twice the rate. The Supreme Court retreated immediately from its unconstitutional ruling in the 1894 income tax case, to the position today, that no challenge to a federal tax law will be taken seriously. Like Pontius Pilate, they have taken "water and washed their hands before the multitude."
A GREE OR D ISAGREE WITH TAXATION ? No I do not, because why do we have to pay for the gov’ts mistakes.
T EXAS 6.25% The constitution required taxation to be equal, uniform and based on market value. However, no uniform statewide assessment level was imposed. As a result, each taxing entity set its own taxable value (a percentage of market value). Local tax offices operated with little direction from the state beyond the instructions and limitations resulting from judicial decisions. Each jurisdiction could legally employ an assessor to appraise properties for taxation. Although the constitution mandated market value on January 1 as the basis for taxation, no statutes forced assessors to revalue properties. Local taxing authorities acted independently in creating local tax policies.
L OUISIANA 4% Behind-the-scenes negotiations are under way at the State Capitol to scuttle a proposal that would gradually eliminate the state income tax, lawmakers said Monday. As an alternative, the Jindal administration and the legislative leadership suggested a $302 million tax break, said state Sen. Buddy Shaw, R-Shreveport. The suggestion is identical to the way Shaw originally drafted Senate Bill 87 with one distinction. The alternative proposal is to phase in the tax break over two years beginning in 2009, a delay that Shaw opposes. Shaw said he does not want taxpayers to have to wait until 2010 — when they file their returns for the previous year — to receive tax relief. Shaw said he and Jindal agree that lawmakers should strip from the bill an amendment that would gradually eliminate the state income tax
U TAH 4.7% Individuals, businesses and corporations may get a nonrefundable credit of 20 percent of the cost to rehabilitate certified historic buildings (owner-occupied or rental). The project cost must exceed $10,000. A "certified historic building" is either listed on the National Register of Historic Places or is located in a National Register Historic District. The Division of State History must list the building as being of significance to the district. You must submit the rehabilitation work plan on a Historic Preservation Certification Application and the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) must approve it before construction is completed. The SHPO will give you tax form, TC-40H, Historic Preservation Tax Credit after the work is completed and certified. Do not submit this form with your tax return. Keep it and all related documents with your tax records.TC-40H, Historic Preservation Tax Credit Costs directly related to the rehabilitation and restoration of the building are eligible for the credit (including bringing structural, mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems up to building code). Expenses related to your personal labor, property acquisition, building enlargement, landscaping and other site features (such as outbuildings and garages) do not qualify. This credit is nonrefundable so the credit amount taken cannot exceed your tax liability for the year. However, credits unused in the first year may be carried forward five years and applied against future taxes.
F LORIDA 6.7% Florida taxes are complex, just as they are in any other state. In this article, we take a look at how residents of the Sunshine State are affected by income tax, sales tax, property tax and other government levies. Income Tax Here's the good news: Florida has no income tax! We're one of a few states in the union (including Texas and Alaska) that do not assess an income tax on our residents. Of course, you'll still need to pay federal income taxes to keep Uncle Sam happy, but there's no need to mail an annual check off to Tallahassee. Property Tax Unfortunately, you won't get off as easily when it comes to property taxes. We have some of the highest property tax rates in the nation. After all, the government needs to fund services somehow. Florida residents may take advantage of a number of property tax exemptions designed to provide you with a discount on your property taxes. Most homeowners are eligible for at least one of these exemptions on their primary residence and many Florida residents qualify for other property tax discounts based upon age, disability and/or veteran status. For more information, read Florida Property Tax Exemptions.Florida Property Tax Exemptions
G EORGIA 6.7% If your income range is between $0 and $750, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 1%. If your income range is between $751 and $2,250, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 2%. If your income range is between $2,251 and $3,750, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 3%. If your income range is between $3,751 and $5,250, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 4%. If your income range is between $5,251 and $7,000, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 5%. If your income range is $7,001 and over, your tax rate on every dollar of income earned is 6%. Income tax brackets data last updated March 3rd, Filing for Georgia State Income Tax Return The Georgia state income tax and federal income tax filing deadline falls on April 15th of every year (but may fall later if April 15th falls on a day when there is no mail service). An increasingly popular option to filing your federal and state income taxes is through the use of the web by e-file. E-file allows you to fill-out and submit all your income tax forms through the federal or state government websites. You can access the Georgia e-file page here. For any snail mail correspondence, you can contact the Georgia State Department of Revenue at the address below. Atlanta Department of Revenue Headquarters 1800 Century Center Blvd. N.E.
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