Prepared for City of Palm Coast, Florida June 24, 2014 Drummond Property Acquisition in Connection With The Land Donation of 70 Laramie Drive From Bank Of America
Goal 1 Expansion To anticipate the need for additional services and infrastructure to provide opportunities for mixed use development with goods, services, and employment Objective 1.1: To enhance infrastructure in order to maintain quality neighborhoods and business districts Strategy 1.1.1:Projects targeted as highest priority shall be evaluated for potential upgrade or enhancement Approach : Stormwater System Modeling to determine effects and needed improvements Palm Coast City Council
Section Numbers Sections Already Modeled Next Sections To Be Modeled City of Palm Coast Modeling Status
City of Palm Coast Modeling Status
Comprehensive Approach for Priority Criteria Visual Inspections of Aging Infrastructure Pipe Ratings Historical Records from Rainfall Events Visual Inspections of Stormwater System Public Works High Water Signage Areas Complaints (Service Orders) from Citizens Customer Service Calls Combined With Follow Up Inspections Other Special Situations High Groundwater Areas City of Palm Coast Modeling Priority
System Performance Evaluation For Ditches & Canals: Service Level A: Flow is contained within the system (i.e., no flooding of major roadways, minor roadways, yards or buildings occurs) Service Level B: Flow is contained within the right of way (i.e., flooding is limited to the outer lane of major roadways and right- of-way area of yards) Service Level C: Flooding of minor streets precludes travel and flooding of yards is at the buildings but no structure flooding occurs. Service Level D: Extensive flooding of yards including buildings. Note: Level of Service Objective = “B” Level “C” is considered deficient Level “D” is considered unacceptable Level of Service Evaluations
Section 35 and 37 High water levels due to Constrictions at London Drive, US 1 (to Hulett Branch) I-95 (to Mulberry Creek) Home flooding predicted in < 1 % of homes (all in Bird of Paradise area) Number of homes below City standard for 100-year event = 9% - 11 % Secondary drainage deficiencies - 10 year event = 2 % - 6% Modeling Results
Section 35 (“B” Section) – Level of Service Deficient secondary roads = 2 Secondary drainage deficiencies
“B” Section (Section 35) Improvements Ditch and Pipe Modifications (Bunker Hill Drive to Burnaby Lane) Construction Cost = $145,000 Engineers Estimate = $220, Program Results
Section 37 (“L” Section) – Level of Service Deficient secondary roads = 6 Secondary drainage deficiencies
Sections 35 & 37 – Recommended Capital Improvements Possible Detention Storage Locations ~100-acft required in total
Storage Capacity Breakdown COPC needs a total of 100acft of storage capacity within Sections 35 and 37. COPC currently owns enough property to create 70.85acft of storage capacity. With the additional area acquired from the Drummond property the City would have a total of 78.53acft. The Drummonds property acquisition also includes existing drainage ditches that serve the community wide drainage system.
Next Steps Accept Donation of 70 Laramie Drive Enter into a land transaction to acquire additional storage capacity and drainage ditches on the Drummonds property. Partial compensation for Drummonds property will be the transfer of 70 Laramie Drive to the Drummonds.