Chris Zemlak Heather Sherstobitoff Heather Sherstobitoff Jason Kuchinka Jason Kuchinka Kimberly Russell Kimberly Russell Jennalee Ecklund
Introduction Natural beef slaughtering and processing plant Federally Inspected Located in Saskatchewan Producer owned Slaughtering 31,200 head a year
Location & Distribution of Cattle in Sask.
Operations Plan
Carcass Traceability Producers sign affidavits Random testing Each carcass traced from arrival at plant and put into bar-coded boxes This system uses CCIA tag numbers as references to trace back each box to the producer it came from
Capital Budget
Cost of Goods Sold
Gross Revenue
Producer Payments Receive $500/head upon delivery of cattle Once SNBP receives payments from customers producers get paid the remaining amount owing: Total carcass value- $500 initial payment- SNBP 6% fee – Cost of goods sold
Cattle Hooks SNBP is a custom slaughtering plant One hook = the right to slaughter one animal/year Leased for $100 Minimum of 50 Last for 4 years Can also purchase shares – entitles investor to 200 hooks
Human Resource Plan
Organizational Structure
Salaries President$100,000 Management$80,000 Supervisors$50,000 Clean Up Supervisor$30,000 All Employees are entitled to 3 weeks vacation and benefits in addition to their yearly pay.
Wages Office Staff $10/hr Slaughter Employees$11/hr Processing Employees$14-$17/hr Floor Workers$9-$10/hr Maintenance Employee$17/hr Yearly Cost for all employees including benifits 2.68 million
Classes of Shares A - $50,000 200 hook spaces Voting Rights Preferred Shares B - $100 Common Shares
Marketing Plan
Market Analysis Number of steers marketed in the Maple creek area in 2004
Customer Cattle producers within 250 km Have to be will to change management practices SNBP must demonstrate that greater revenues can be achieved
Producer Profits Comparison of producers options: What does it cost to feed these animals to fat weight??
Producer Profits Difference in gain not using implants Value of animal at various premiums
Producer Profits Producer revenue after all facts are considered:
Yearly Objectives Year 1 10 weeks of production at 65% capacity Year 2 Full year production at 80% capacity Year 3 Maximum capacity reached and sustained
Marketing Mix Product Natural Beef, which contains no hormone implants or antibiotic use Price Sold for a premium of 5-35% Place Vancouver, Quebec, and Ontario Promotion Producer owned, ensuring excellent raising conditions and beef quality
Channels of Distribution Demand on time delivery Producer is responsible for making delivery arrangements to plant Delivery of boxed beef is transported by trucking company Company is responsible for all transactions of boxed beef from loading bay to retailers
Selling & Advertising Product and advertising aimed at domestic retailers Informative web page to inform retailers on health issues Distinguish natural beef by advertising techniques Create positive company image
Marketing Managers Manager 1 Responsible for all selling and advertising beef Face to face sales visits with retailer managers Arranging contracts with grocery stores Manager 2 Meetings with producers Attract producers to SNBP
Reduced fluctuations in producers revenue due to premium status Continually growing market for healthier food products Current direct competition in Maple Creek area for cattle producers is low Location of plant supports good brand development and image Large market potential in urban centers Opportunities
Producers not wanting to change management strategies Larger upfront cash payment at auction marts and traditional sales channels Government increasing regulations on natural beef standards Changes in consumption trends Cattle disease outbreaks – BSE, Foot and Mouth Disease Threats
Marketing Budget
Financial Plan
Financing Budget Total Financing Required = $10,053,767 Financing: Long term bank debt = $5,895,000 Owner Equity (Class A & B Shares) = $3,250,000 Revenue from initial leased hooks (60% of total hooks leased) = $1,440,000 Total Financing = $10,585,000 Year 2 – Meat Processing Investment Rebate
Financial Summary
Risk Analysis No true critical variables Producer accepts most of the risk Processing fee is most critical variable but SNBP has control over this