California Natural Resources Agency U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Review purpose and need for Species Conservation Habitat (SCH) Project Present alternatives evaluated in Draft EIS/EIR Accept oral or written comments on Draft EIS/EIR Describe what comes after public comment period
Declining surface water elevation will lead to loss of shallow water habitat and increased salinity Increasing salinity will lead to fishery collapse Fishery collapse will result in loss of food for fish-eating birds (pelicans, cormorants) SCH ponds would provide salinity controlled, replacement habitat
Implementation of conservation measures necessary to protect the fish and wildlife species dependent on the Salton Sea, including adaptive management measurements pursuant to Section These conservation measures shall be limited to the Salton Sea…
Disclose to decision-makers and public Significant environmental impacts Reasonable alternatives to avoid/minimize impacts Identify Environmentally preferable / Least Environmentally Damaging Practicable Alternative (NEPA) Environmentally superior alternative (CEQA) Preferred alternative Solicit comments on project/impacts
Provide habitat ASAP Have sufficient and reliable water supply Manage salinity, sediment, and selenium Be compatible with other projects Geothermal USFWS habitat development Agriculture Use cost-effective structures and operations Be “doable” and “durable”
DFG/DWRDFG/DWR ConsultantsConsultantsStakeholdersStakeholders Special Studies EIS/EIR Alternatives/ Impact Analysis Preferred Alternative Project Design Project Need / Legislation
Stakeholder/special interest involvement Shared information about SCH Project Identified concerns or conflicts with other uses Identified solutions and opportunities (cooperative efforts) Special studies Biological Geotechnical Engineering Cost considerations
Refined project description Modified project design at Alamo River Added mosquito control measures to operations Confirmed SCH project would not preclude geothermal development Confirmed SCH project would complement planned development USFWS habitat Air quality management
Developed specialized construction techniques for weak soils Identified performance and tolerance ranges for tilapia species Identified target pond salinities to achieve desired biological performance Refined a range of operations to maximize potential for success
Combinations of New/ Alamo River sites eliminated Sites configured to maximize benefit at lowest cost Sites mostly on IID property Design based on simple construction techniques Maximized use of existing topography Ponds located close to suitable water sources Operational flexibility to optimize water quality conditions
Alamo River sites New River sites
Alt. 3, New River/Pumped Diversion (3,770 acres)
Draft NEPA/CEQA document – Summer 2011 Draft permit applications – Fall 2011 Final NEPA/CEQA document – Spring 2012 Permits complete – Summer 2012 Final design – Fall 2012 Begin construction – Spring 2013 Complete construction – Summer 2014
At today’s meeting Verbally Written on comment form Electronic comment E-form provided on DWR Salton Sea website Mail written comments
Verbal comments Give name and affiliation, if any Speak clearly so concerns are understood Be succinct so others have time to comment Turn in comment form
Electronic comment form (preferred method) In left margin, click on “DEIS/EIR Comment Form”
Ms. Lanika Cervantes, Corps Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Los Angeles District, Regulatory Division 6010 Hidden Valley Road, Suite 105 Carlsbad, CA OR Mr. David Elms, Deputy Regional Manager California Department of Fish and Game Country Club Drive, Suite 109 Bermuda Dunes, CA 92203
Focus on scope and content of EIS/EIR Goals and objectives Alternatives Affected environment Impact analysis Be specific Refer to sections and line numbers where appropriate
Thank you for your interest. Please give us your comments.