Welcome North Hastings School Group Accommodation Review Committee Organizational Meeting May 13, :00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. North Hastings High School
Introductions Administration Kathy Soule, Director of Education Jan Montgomery, Superintendent of Education (elementary) Rob McGall, Superintendent of Education (secondary) Dave Rutherford, Superintendent of Facility & Financial Services Don Tregenza, Controller, Facility Services Kerry Donnell, Communications Officer
Introductions ARC support Ernie Payette, ARC Facilitator Sandy Smith, Project Coordinator
Introductions School administration SchoolPrincipalVice-principal Bancroft Public SchoolSuzanne CopelandKendra Mihell Bird’s Creek Public School Olwen TherrienLisa McKenna-Sutherland Coe Hill SchoolSuzanne CopelandMike Love Hermon Public SchoolDebbie SpeckMike Daniels Maynooth Public SchoolOlwen TherrienLisa McKenna-Sutherland North Hastings Senior Elementary SchoolDebbie SpeckMike Daniels North Hastings High School Nancy QuinnLynn Andrews
Introductions Accommodation Review Committee membership
Initial protocols Attendance and sign-in procedure Membership Meeting seating arrangements Contact information Visitors – protocol Seating Participation Rules for presentations
Objectives for this meeting First meeting of the North Hastings Accommodation Review Committee (ARC) Organizational meeting which provides all members an opportunity to: Develop an understanding of ARC purpose and functions Review the roles and responsibilities of ARC members Elect the Chair and Vice-chair Address initial business of the North Hastings ARC
What is an ARC? A committee appointed by the school board with the assigned task to prepare a school valuation report and recommendations The ARC mandate is to study, report and make recommendations on the accommodation options respecting the group of schools or single school, and will express a preference, if possible
ARC role 1.To provide an opportunity for parents, students, educators, school board officials, trustees, business and municipal leaders to assess a school’s ability to provide the best educational opportunities for students while ensuring fiscal responsibility
ARC role 2.To provide a means for collecting and distributing information and community feedback on options for accommodating student needs prior to making its recommendations to the Board 3.To objectively and fairly review each school in the ARC and report on the value of each school using the customized School Valuation Framework
ARC role 4.To consider appropriate alternatives on such matters as realignment of boundaries, program changes, school organization, facility improvement, and the closure of school(s), where appropriate 5.To submit the School Valuation Report to the Board with recommendations regarding the future of the school(s) being considered
Authority for ARC formation Legal reference: Education Act Section 8(1)26 School Closings Section 171(1)7 Power of Boards to Close Schools Sections Disposal or Purchase of a School Site Ontario Regulations 444/98 Disposition of Surplus Real Property Ministry of Education guidelines re: Loading Capacity
Authority for ARC formation School boards are responsible for establishing and following their own accommodation review policies (Ministry of Education) At a minimum, school board accommodation review policies are to reflect the requirements of the Pupil Accommodation Review Guidelines (Ministry of Education)
What initiates ARC creation? The Board may initiate the creation of an Accommodation Review Committee when it receives information that causes it to consider the need to consolidate, close or relocate a school due to changes in curriculum, program demands, student enrolment, community demographics and other factors
Why an ARC for North Hastings? Every school board in Ontario is required to complete a long term accommodation strategy in order to meet the parameters set out in the government’s capital planning tool This strategy may identify schools or school groups which may face challenges in providing a suitable and equitable range of learning opportunities for students in a fiscally responsible manner
Why an ARC for North Hastings? HPEDSB engaged Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. to do the following: Prepare detailed 15-year enrolment projections by school and by grade Identify planning districts for the purpose of assessing capital planning strategies Recommend an accommodation strategy consistent with provincial policy initiatives
Impact of declining enrolment Funding is provided on a per pupil basis with additional funding for some rural schools. As enrolment declines funding levels drop Over time continued cost reductions will reduce service levels and impact on student programs Funding for facility maintenance as well as building renovations will decline Lower enrolment will mean fewer educational assistants and fewer support staff in schools If the same number of facilities is maintained it will be a challenge to keep existing levels of programs and supervision
Watson findings for North Hastings OTG – On the Ground Capacity ADE – Average Daily Enrolment
Watson findings for North Hastings 1.Convert North Hastings HS to Grade 4-12 facility* and redirect Grades 4 to 6 pupils from Hermon PS, Bancroft PS, Bird’s Creek PS and Maynooth PS, as well as Grade 7 and 8 pupils from North Hastings Sr. ES 2.Retaining North Hastings HS as a Grade 9-12 facility would result in the facility utilization falling to 46 percent and would negatively impact the Board’s ability to provide breadth of programs to secondary school students in North Hastings *Note: HPEDSB does not support a Grade 4 to 12 school
Watson findings for North Hastings 3.Once North Hastings Sr. ES Grades 7 and 8 have moved, construct a 4-classroom addition and convert North Hastings Sr ES into a JK to 3 primary learning centre, then redirect JK to 3 pupils from Hermon PS, Bancroft PS, Bird’s Creek PS and Maynooth PS It is important to note that these findings reflect the recommendations of Watson and Associates Economists Ltd. and not the Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board
Board motion to create North Hastings ARC “That the HPEDSB approve the creation of an Accommodation Review Committee for schools in North Hastings identified in the Watson study as planning areas PE08 and PE05 as contained in the Student Enrolment/ Capacity Committee public session report no. B-1, dated January 10, 2008.”
ARC composition/members The appropriate school superintendent (or designate) From each affected school: The school principal or designate One teacher One non-teaching staff member Three parents, one of whom will be the school council chair or designate Municipal and business leaders One intermediate or secondary student from each school (NHSES, NHHS)
ARC composition/members Other school board officials and trustees may attend ARC meetings as ex officio members The committee will be deemed to be properly constituted whether or not all of the listed members are willing and able to participate, but must include at least one member from the school community and one member from the broader community The committee may request that the Board appoint additional members
ARC meetings ARC will meet as often as required ARC will hold at least six public meetings giving due public notice At the first meeting of the ARC a chair will be selected All meetings of the ARC will be open to the public Minutes will be kept and posted on the Board’s Web site ( Attendance of all persons at ARC meetings will be recorded
ARC tasks To work collaboratively and cooperatively through adequate resources and reasonable responses Review and assess the current educational situation and future implications if the status quo is maintained ARC must complete a school valuation review and report for each school considered ARC will consider the questions set out in the School Valuation Framework and Resource Guide and may consider such additional questions as it determines to be relevant
ARC report ARC will prepare a report based on the School Valuation Framework and Resource Guide ARC will deliver its report to board administration no sooner than 90 days* and no later than 110 days after the beginning of the ARC’s first public meeting *Time calculations are based on 7 days per week including statutory holidays, excluding school holidays for Christmas, March Break, and summer vacation.
Public input ARC will provide information on an ongoing basis Public meetings are to encourage an open and informed exchange of views ARC will have processes in place to receive public input and to respond to questions
Public input Three ways for the public to provide input: 1.Through a voting member – public may pose questions and responses through the voting members on the committee 2.Questions and responses may be ed or faxed to Sandy Smith, Project Co-ordinator, and brought forward to the committee for consideration 3.Presentation to the ARC
“And now to work!” Read and be knowledgeable of: HPEDSB Policy A-3 – Student Enrolment/School Capacity Appendix A - Min. of Ed. – Public Accommodation Review Guidelines Appendix B – Min. of Ed. – Administrative Review of Accommodation Review Process Appendix C – School Valuation Framework Appendix D – Resource Guide including North Hastings Information Package
“And now to work!” (cont) Review weightings established by the Ministry for the School Valuation Framework and determine if modifications should be made Review items listed for the resource package and identify any additional information they would like provided Complete School Valuation Framework on the current educational situation for each school Project possible implications of continued enrolment decline on schools and student programs
“And now to work!” (cont) Create possible alternatives that focus on school/student needs and recognize limitations Review and assess alternatives presented and determine preferred recommendation Prepare a report based on the findings of the North Hastings Accommodation Review Committee for submission to Senior Administration A review of the school board’s accommodation review process may be sought (refer to Appendix B)
Business portion of tonight’s meeting
Business of the North Hastings ARC Review timelinestimelines Elect a Chair and Vice-chairElect Membership request Review the School Valuation FrameworkSchool Valuation Framework Requests for information by ARCRequests for information Public input Questions and answers
School Valuation Framework The School Valuation Framework was established by the Ministry of Education to ensure that the same model is used across the province In order to identify needs of all students, the ARC shall objectively and fairly review with respect to each school in the ARC and report on the value of each school in a School Valuation Report The ARC committee may review the weightings established by the Ministry for each category and determine if any modifications should be made
Meeting format: agendasagendas Next meeting Date Location Business of the North Hastings ARC
Thank you for caring about students and families in North Hastings Hastings and Prince Edward District School Board