{ Piano Keyboard For Band Students Laura Walsh
In this Presentation you are going to learn about the Piano Keyboard. What it is. How it relates to your instrument. Enharmonic Tones Piano Keyboard
The Piano is a Percussion instrument (yes it is!) which makes a sound by a hammer hitting a wire/string. The hitting of a wire/string is what makes it a Percussion Instrument. What we are interested in today is the Keyboard. Those are the white and black keys that you press to make a sound. What is it?
The Keyboard is made up of White & Black Keys. The White Keys are your “natural” notes (A, B, C, D, E, F, G). The Black Keys are your “sharp” and “flat” notes (A#, Bb, etc…). The Keyboard
On your instrument, what do you have to do to play a specific note? Press Valves Press Keys Change Your Embouchure (Face Muscles) Blow lots of air! And more. For a Pianist (Piano Player) all their notes are laid out in front of them to see. This is why you as a band student will benefit from basic knowledge of the Piano Keyboard. How this relates to your instrument.
So, how do you know what the different notes on the keyboard are? Let’s start with the White Keys. Remember these are the… The Notes on the Piano
Let’s start with “C” To find a “C” you… First find the grouping of two black keys… Is it “A” or “B”? The White Keys
First we found the grouping of Two Black Keys Now you go to the white key just below (to the left) of the group of two black keys. The White Key below (to the left) of the Two Black Keys Will always be C. No matter what… The White Keys
No matter what really means no matter what… When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “C” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “C” give a THUMBS DOWN Find a C
Now that you can find a “C”… Let’s find “F”! To find an “F” you… First find the grouping of three black keys… Is it “A” or “B”? Finding an F
First we found the grouping of Three Black Keys Now you go to the white key just below (to the left) of the group of three black keys. The White Key below (to the left) of the Three Black Keys Will always be F. No matter what… Finding an F
No matter what really means no matter what… When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “F” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “F” give a THUMBS DOWN Find an F
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “F” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “F” give a THUMBS DOWN Find an F
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “F” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “F” give a THUMBS DOWN Find an F
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “F” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “F” give a THUMBS DOWN Find an F
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “F” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “F” give a THUMBS DOWN Find an F
When a key is highlighted… If it IS a “F” give a THUMBS UP If it IS NOT a “F” give a THUMBS DOWN Find an F
Now that we have “F” and “C”… Let’s fill in the rest of the Keyboard “C” is to the left of… “F” is to the left of… Now all we do is fill in our musical alphabet. The Other White Keys
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
What is the highlighted note? What is this note?
Enharmonic Tones are when two notes have the same name. Every single Sharp Note has a Flat Name. AND Every Single Flat Note has a Sharp Name. What does # Sharp mean? What Does b Flat mean? SHARP…like a sharp nail sticking up to give you a… FLAT tire (when you’re tire is low). Enharmonic Tones
So if # (Sharp) means HIGHER… And b (Flat) means LOWER… Then what note is this one? Its…HIGHER than C, so it is… AND it’s LOWER than D, so it’s also… Enharmonic Tones
What about this note? Then what note is this one? Its…HIGHER than F, so it is… AND it’s LOWER than G, so it’s also… Enharmonic Tones
Then what is this note? Enharmonic Tones
How about this one? Enharmonic Tones
How about this one? Enharmonic Tones
Now it is time for the Ultimate Test. Do you know what the Piano Keyboard notes are? The White Ones & The Black Ones? We shall see. The Ultimate Test
How about these notes? The Ultimate Test
How about these notes? The Ultimate Test
Thank you for watching this presentation. Piano Keyboard Laura Walsh