Powepoint Title Page Subhead that supports the title would go here. September 21, 2010 Town of Fort Smith Branding & Marketing Workshop November 23, 2011 Town of Fort Smith Branding & Marketing Workshop November 23, 2011
WORKSHOP AGENDA Branding Overview Market Overview Target Audiences We’re off to a Good Start It’s Your Show
GOALS OF OUR STRATEGY Increase interest and visitation to the Town of Fort Smith through the development and marketing of our Town to: - Leisure Travellers - Organized Sport Participants - Business Travellers - College Students - New Residents - New Businesses and/or Investors
WHO BENEFITS FROM A STRONG BRAND Any person or organization (public, private and non- profit) that relies on the image of the place and its attractiveness!
START WITH A VISION A vision inspires and unites. A vision places the community ahead of individual self-interest. A vision is something to build toward. By contrast, a brand is something to build on. A vision for Fort Smith: Fort Smith is one of the greatest natural playgrounds in the world. The Town offers unique experiences through adventure, sports and the arts; all accompanied by the rush of adrenaline. It is a place where the past comes alive in traditional culture, where northern pioneering stories abound, where the thrill of adventure and competition fill the days and the inspiration from the adjacent natural attractions lifts the heart. An independent spirit and the talent for innovation drive the welcoming and friendly people of Fort Smith. This is a vibrant town rooted in a rich history and standing on the threshold of one of the last untamed places on earth.
BUILD THE BRAND Key to the exercise of Destination Branding is identifying the most unique and compelling benefits that the Town can deliver to its target audiences. A brand fails when it tries to adapt to a large number of audiences and succeeds when it targets a small number of carefully selected audiences. The community delivers on the promise because it’s who they really are. Perhaps the most visible element of the brand is the tagline.
WHO AND HOW MANY Visitor Numbers Purpose of Travel:2008/092009/102010/11 Aurora Viewing 5,500 5,400 6,800 Fishing 7,300 6,400 5,400 General Touring 14,800 14,500 12,000 Hunting Outdoor Adventure 2,100 1,900 Visiting Friends & Relatives 9,300 12,900 13,700 Total Leisure Travellers 39,900 41,900 40,200 Total Business Travellers 33,600 26,200 24,800 TOTAL 73,500 68,100 65,000
Province of Origin General Touring VFRFishing Outdoor Adventure Alberta66%38%69%49% British Columbia 15%17%9%16% Manitoba1%3%2%1% Maritimes1%12%-1% Ontario9%18%12%27% Quebec2% 6% Saskatchewan3%5% - Yukon1%--- WHERE THEY’RE FROM
43% Female 57% Male Gender 17% Seniors 76% Adults 6% Children Age 20% High school or less 66% College/University 14% Masters/PhD Education WHO THEY ARE
38% Professional 23% Retired 10% Self-employed 28% Other Occupation 30% $49,999 or less 34% $50,000 - $89,999 36% $90,000 or higher Household Income 32% As a couple 25% Alone 24% With friends 19% As a family Travelling Companions WHO THEY ARE
1.Word of Mouth 2.Been here before 3.Travel Guide Books 4.Brochures/Posters/Maps 5.Travel Website 6.Tourism Business/Operator 7.NWT Explorers' Guide 8.SpectacularNWT.com 9.The Milepost 10.Auto Club HOW THEY FIND OUT ABOUT US
WHAT WE OFFER Accommodations Transportation Food & Beverage Services Attractions Visitor Services
WE CAN OFFER MORE Arts/Film Festival Kayaking School Art Kiosk Community Themeing Rapids Run River Rentals Run Wild Zipline over Rapids Paddlefest Enhancements
WHO WE SHOULD TARGET The Detour change the plans of people who have already embarked on a NWT vacation Base Camp target car/truck traffic, RV and camping The Players draw hyper-active outdoor enthusiasts
WHO WE SHOULD TARGET The Good Sports traditional and predominantly team sports participants The Work Hard, Play Hard Crowd business travel, tradesperson The Art of Winter Enthusiasts winter film/art festival
WE’RE OFF TO A GOOD START Town Council and TTAB have accomplished the following: 1.Development of a brand (logo and tagline) 2.Identification of target audiences 3.Creation of sample marketing materials 4.Development of potential marketing campaigns Now it’s time to get down to business...
IT’S YOUR SHOW Break into groups to discuss business and resident involvement Discuss how we can work together to build a visitor destination Take a priority/activity already identified (or come up with a new one) and map out a plan for implementation
Powepoint Title Page Subhead that supports the title would go here. September 21, 2010 Town of Fort Smith Branding & Marketing Workshop November 23, 2011 Town of Fort Smith Branding & Marketing Workshop November 23, 2011