By- Grace Sherbin and Caroline Claar
Christopher was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451 He was a great sailor at age 14 He lived in the years (55 years old)
He sailed for Spain because Italy would not give him the money and ships to sail. He took four voyages He started to sail on August 3 rd 1492 He sailed in the years 1492 to 1493 this was his first voyage trying to find Asia but he ran into the Americas.
Christopher and his men found new land, became famous and found riches. He was searching for gold and a route to Asia. But instead he found the Bahamas. He thought he was in the Indies
The 3 ships that Spain gave Christopher where called the Nina, Pinta and the Santa Maria. The real reason for sailing was a lot of things he wanted to spread the word about Christ, claim land and find a way to trade with Asia by boat and not by foot. He was the first person to think about sailing west to find Asia.
Before he died he explored the Bahamas, Cuba, Central, and South America. He discovered the Bahamas for Spain but The Natives where already there. Fun Fact- He called the Natives that where on the Bahamas Indians because he thought he was in the Indies.
Christopher Columbus sold slaves. He sold the Arawaks to Spain. He thought these Natives where bad because they had no religion. 50 years after Christopher came to the Caribbean almost all the Natives where dead because of diseases because of Columbus and his men.
Thanks we hoped you learned a lot about Christopher Columbus
Social Studies Alive Book