Summary Report On Urban Flood Risk Management Project (UFRM ) Derek Leong Meteorologist Typhoon Committee Secretariat 1/18
2008 SeptemberIWS in Beijing Proposed by MWR China a WGH project 2009 January 41 st Annual TC Session in Cheng Mai Confirmed as a new WGH project Decision to survey TC WGH Focal Points 2009 SeptemberIWS in Cebu Introduction of results of Survey on UFRM among WGH members 2010 January42 nd Annual TC Session in Singapore Confirmed as cross-cutting project of TC Approved to conduct the survey on good practices on UFRM project (WGH) 2010 JulyExpert Meeting on UFRM in Bangkok Finalize the Roadmap; establishment of the Task Force for UFRM 2/18 Major Footprints of UFRM Project
12 representatives from TC Members, 3 resource persons from ICHARM, JAXA and ESCAP; 15 representatives from UNDP, UN/ISDR, UNOCHA, ADPC, ESCAP, WMO and TCS attended the Expert Meeting. Topics for discussion: 1.Project Overview and Information exchange 2. Mechanism of implementing UFRM 3. Selection of Pilot Cities for the UFRM 4. Activities of next steps 3/18 Summary Report of the Expert Meeting held in Bangkok on July 2010
4/18 To exchange the experiences on urban flood management; To share the technology of urban flood monitoring, forecasting, early warning; To enhance the capacity of urban flood management; Goals of UFRM Project
Background information on UFRM as the cross-cutting project among the 3 TC Working Groups was introduced by Chair of WGH; The analysis of the questionnaire on good practices of UFRM project of 3 cities: Shanghai, Yokohama and Busan was reported by project leader; Representatives from Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand and Macao made the presentation on the impacts of flooding in Manila, Hanoi, Hat Yai and Macao. 1. Project Overview 5/18
Structures of UFRM project was proposed to consist 4 main components : UFRM Task Force National focal points of pilot cities Observers Supporters Support Groups ESCAP, WMO UFRM Task Force Chairs Vice-chairs TCS National Focal Point of Pilot Cities TC AWG Typhoon Committee Structure of UFRM project (draft) -Report to TC Session -Guidebook (Pilot Studies) (Recommendations) (Good Practice Inventory) (Useful materials) -Manual - Advice -Materials - Analysis -Contribute to other TC Members Observer Coach Player - Consultation - Workshop - Information -Results - Outputs - Advice -Fund Rising - Project Formation Supporter - Advice - Materials - Advice - Materials -Advice -Materials - Fund 6/18 2. Mechanism of Implementing UFRM
1.The main objective of the Task Force is to provide technical advisory to the cross cutting project of UFRM, including the following activities: a)Inventory of good practices b)Develop manual for implementation of the project c)Provision of technical advisory for pilot case studies. -The criteria for selecting pilot cities are as follows: Cities which their national focal points are willing to conduct studies and have agreed on using the study result in the handbook. Cities which were frequently affected by floods or storm surges induced by typhoons. Cities which are socio-economically and environmentally important in their countries, as well as in the region or areas. -The pilot case studies will be implemented by national focal points, based on the manual for implementation of the project, with supports from various sources. 2. The Task Force will also create handbook for UFRM based on the good practices and the pilot city studies, which can be used in other countries. Objective of Task Force 7/18
Structure and Organization 1.The Task Force consists of the three chairs and vice-chairs of the three Working Groups of TC, and TC Secretariat. 2.The chair of the WGH is the leader of the Task Force. 3.Support Groups which are approved by the Task Force can participate, fund and give advice to the pilot case studies. 4.Activities of Task Force members will be supported by in-kind contribution of Task Force members, however, contributions from donors are to be sought. In kind contribution from TC members and interested partners is encouraged. 5.The Task Force will be coordinated and supported by the Advisory Working Group (AWG) of TC. Reporting The Task Force is required to provide timely progress report at TC session and seek advice when necessary. 8/18
Four pilots for UFRM were initially nominated: Metro Manila, Philippines; Hanoi, Viet Nam; Hat Yai, Thailand; Macao, China 3. UFRM Project Pilot Cities: 9/18
Impacts of Tropical Storm Ketsana; Provident Village (top right most photo); and the EFCOS Nangka Station (photos below) Impacts of Flooding in Manila 10/18
Impacts of flooding in Hanoi 11/18
Impacts of Flooding in Hat Yai 12/18
Impacts of Flooding in Macao 13/18
4. Activities of Next Steps Timeline of UFRM Project: September 2010 Task force (TF) prepare and discuss draft guidance material for pilot study; Send invitation of pilot study to TC Members; Send invitation letter to potential support group (SG). Confirmation of Pilot Cities (PC); January 2011 Finalize of guidance material for pilot study and sent it to PC; Confirmation of SG. March 2011 PC prepare the plan in consultation with TF; Implementation of pilot study (TC members visit PC). January 2012 TF reports to the Annual TC Session 14/18
15/18 Thank You “Key to Success to the UFRM Project is Collaboration among 3 WGs”